

首页叙事更新时间:2022-03-05 17:02:43




The earliest reports of people enjoying flavored ice desserts come from the Romans and the Chinese. Marco Polo returned from his famous expedition with fruit-flavored ices, reporting that Asians had been making them for thousands of years. These delicacies became popular in France in the 1500s, but only among royalty. Over the next few centuries, the process of making them evolved from hauling mountain ice to salt/ice freezing methods. Cream was introduced as an ingredient, and by the 1700s, people were enjoying a dessert that was very similar to today's ice cream.

The hand-cranked ice cream freezer was first developed by Nancy Johnson in 1846. Ice was readily available from large warehouses in that era, so ice cream became a treat that could be enjoyed by almost anyone, not just the rich. Ice cream making was revolutionized again in 1851, when Jacob Fussel started the first wholesale ice cream manufacturing operation in Baltimore, Maryland. Fussel's dairy business had excess cream and he couldn't figure out what to do with it. He tried using it to make ice cream, and before long his ice cream business outsold the rest of the dairy.

The business slowly evolved for the next few decades. Manufacturing methods and ingredients improved, while refrigeration technology became cheaper and more efficient. By the 1920s, home refrigerators and freezers became more common, which gave the ice cream industry another boost. Sugar was rationed in the US during World War I, but the ice cream industry convinced the government that ice cream was an "essential food”. Ice cream factories were allotted sugar rations and production continued.

Ice cream increased in popularity until the Depression years caused a drop in sales for virtually all non-essential goods. Sales increased in the years leading up to World War II before leveling off in the post-war years. The rise of the giant supermarket created demand for cheaper, mass-produced ice cream, but quality suffered. The 1960s saw a resurgence in "premium"ice cream, while the following decades saw the market fragment into low-fat varieties for the health-conscious, including frozen yogurt, fruit bars, ice milk, fat-free ice cream, and dozens of other varieties. However, ice cream still makes up about 60 percent of the market share among frozen desserts. While ice cream is enjoyed worldwide, it has become an American tradition



作者/ 祁琦


当我醒来时,发现自己来到了一个陌生的地方。 “这是哪里?”我爬起来,一边说,一边下了地,向四周看了看,四周一片漆黑。突然,我听见了一声狼叫,我随着声音,摸黑走了过去。拐过一座山,眼前豁然开朗,出现了一座金黄色的城堡。听见里面十分热闹,我很想进去看一看,可是大门已经关闭了,但是这可难不倒我这个爬墙高手。我拿出一根绳子,上面系了一个结,然后握住一头儿,甩了甩,向上一扔,另一头儿挂在城墙上。然后我双手抓住绳子,双脚向上一跳,向上爬去。不一会儿,我就爬到了城上。在那里围了好多动物,有鸟,有兽,有禽,有虫。所有的动物都围在舞台边,观看舞台上的三名选手。站在舞台中间的主持人大喊着: “动物烹饪大赛还差一名选手,谁敢上台?”我看到,三名选手中有鸡大嫂,猫大妈和狗大叔。我想了想说:“我也去参加比赛吧。”于是,我穿上一件羊皮袄,就上台去比赛了。

比赛开始了,我要做的.是我平时常吃的可乐鸡翅。我先拿起一个盘子,里面放上半盘白面,然后把鸡翅放在里面滚了两下。接着,在锅里放上油, “啪”的一声,把火打着。过了一会儿,见锅里响起“噼里啪啦”的声音,我信心十足地把鸡翅放进油锅。过了一分钟左右,我用筷子把鸡翅翻过来,炸另一面,这样两面都有金黄色的脆皮,看起来就色香味俱全,让人很有食欲了。鸡翅炸好了,我把它们有顺序地摆成一个圆形,放在盘子中间,拿起一根黄瓜,切成一个个小圆片,放在盘子四周。一盘美味的鸡翅就做好了。


(辽宁省大连市开发区红梅小学六(3)班 指导老师:葛欣)








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