

首页大全更新时间:2023-11-17 23:58:48






1. …要求通过虚构的故事来表达一种哲理

2. 本文很好体现了…的特点深刻的主题与新颖的构思相得益彰

3. 巧用伏笔是文章的一大特点文章第一段就为全篇故事的发展做了极好的铺垫这种构思非常巧妙可以借鉴

4. 这是一篇很有新意的…文章构思巧妙语言朴实自然

5. 作品的构思是巧妙的文笔也是简洁流畅想象大胆富有创造力文章读起来新颖奇特极具吸引力

6. 想象力较丰富极具新意开头自我介绍引入下文另外文章语言简明扼要风格幽默误诙谐

7. 文章不长但过程叙述得很清楚人物的活动描述得也具体真实可信生动有趣全文结构紧凑完整文笔也较流畅

8. 情节生动有趣叙述清楚完整也表现出作者的聪明机智充满了家庭生活情趣文笔流利活泼

9. 你很善于抓住事物的特点进行具体描绘展示了…文笔间渗透了情感

10. 文章很有说服力也发人深思从写作上来说情节生动文章有波澜读起来深受教益

11. 主题凝炼集中议论深刻有力震撼人心

12. 本文用词准确严密语言平实自然而比喻拟人等修辞的运用更使文章锦上添花

13. 这篇作文的主要特色是叙述具体细节真实描写生动有真情实感并运用了比喻拟人等修辞手法把…写得非常传神同时表达了…对…的喜爱

14. 文章语言通俗易懂贴近生活实际读来令人倍感亲切

15. 文章开头新颖具有先声夺人之效使读者一见面就能对人物产生…的印象文章前后连贯形成完整的形象

16. 文章能过清新有趣的语言描写了…的事字里行间充满童年真童趣欢声笑语不绝于耳不失为一篇佳作详略得当虚实相生是本文的两大特色……内容更丰富更生动

17. 充分运用动静结合的写法并辅以比喻拟人等手法通过生动形象的语言的描绘使读者仿佛置身于梦境一般结尾处对人物的赞美情真意切感人至深

18. 注意观察具体事物并展开合适的想象这是本文的成功之处文章融情于景边绘景边抒情善于运用打比方的手法使文章生动具体让人爱莫能助释手卷

19. 文章含蓄的结尾既点题又耐人寻味文章开头引人入胜吸引读者…点面结合使文章生动具体详略得当

20. 对于景色的描写语言简练而准确联想则为触景生情情景自然融合全文清新秀逸亲切委婉朴素而不落俗淘值得借鉴


So people call it Mountain City。 In Chong Qing,I went to the Red Stone Center, to see the places which the prisoners lived in the past。 It is a terrible and awful trip。 There are a lot of dogs, and soldiers with guns near the prisons。 And most of the prisons are good, they didn't want to tell the bad people where the other people were。 They lived in very small houses。 No good food to eat, no good water to drink。They had only twenty minutes to stay out side per day but they still said nothing。

I think they are the heros in that century。 I will follow their spirit。














我的同桌是一个有时很活波有时很沉默的女孩, 她有着一双灵动的眼睛,乌黑亮丽的秀发,每天梳着马尾辫,整个看起来是很潇洒很帅的。

My deskmate is a sometimes very lively, sometimes very quiet girl, she has a pair of smart eyes, dark beautiful hair, every day with a ponytail, the whole looks very smart, very handsome.

她的成绩不错,但是比起我来嘛,嘿嘿,还是差了一点点,我希望我可以帮助她把成绩提升上来, 尤其是英语,现在我和她的英语成绩都很差,我现在是堪堪及格,她是不及格。我常常教她读英语课文,因为她有很多单词不会读,所以我们俩个一起读英语课文,每次读的时候我都刻意的放慢了速度,怕她觉的自己不会读而自卑。

Her grades are good, but to me, hey, just a little bit, I hope I can help her grades up, especially English, now I and her English is very poor, I am now Campbell failed, she is failing. I used to teach her to read the English text, because she has not read a lot of words, so the two of us together to read the English text, each time I have deliberately slowed down, afraid she cant read and feel inferior.


I like reading books, drawing pictures, singing songs, writing novels, and she is like me. We have the same interest. Just started doing table with her, watching her painting, I feel ashamed, because of her paintings than I painted too much too much, but when I focus on painting, my painting technique can comparable to her.


In short, in a word, my deskmate and I have a lot of similarities and the same interests and hobbies, I very love my deskmate, we will become a friend of.


Guo hui is my classmate, he humorous, funny, talk nonsense, always can bring infinite joy to us...

He is the \"pistachio\" of our class! Want to understand why my classmates have such a title? Then sit down and have a cup of tea and slowly hear about my classmates.

He, a row of neat teeth, is always on the tip of his mouth, always smiling, always smiling; A smaller belly than me, a kind of \"prime minister\" style, memorable... But his mischievous looks are flattering.

At noon, the teachers were not in the classroom. The students were sitting in their respective seats. \"Sweet honey ~ I think you are sweet, all in... \"This is, love\" sing \"the song when he was not in the teacher, cant help begin to shout loudly,\" there is a mountain road, there is a mountain road. \"Listen to him singing and listening to the radio: singing jay Chous\" blue and white porcelain, \"and then singing his own adaptation of\" welcome to Beijing, \"for a moment... He seemed to be intoxicated with the appearance of the ocean in music, which made many sitting students laugh with pain. Some of the students were laughing straight at the table...

At this point, the math teacher come and look at the situation in class, then see is deep abyss of his music, and he said humorously: \"ha ha, our class have a good\" hua mu LAN \"ah!\" When the students saw the teacher coming, they immediately became silent and heard the sound of a silk needle falling to the ground. Before he could react, he found that the teacher was standing nearby, and his face was red...

Another time, our classmates and he played ping-pong together, but he was very rubbish, he lost but he looked at others. He said, \"god, god... .\" Make the game laugh.

Students only see you this \"pistachio\", I can not worry...


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