There are many students smoking in senior high school, the reason may be that they think they look cool or appear to be more mature while having a cigarette at hand.But there are a lot of reasons not to smoke. Smoking does harm to our health.It is dangerous to our heart and lung. A lot of diseases are caused by cigarettes.Cigarettes also have terrible smell.The seconghand smoke can also be dangerous to the others who stand around you. Therefore, no smoking in public is a strict regulation in many countries. And the most important thing is that once you come into addicitive,it's hard to get rid of it. So,we must keep far from the cigarette——for everybody's health.
Smoking is a bad habit that does harm to smoker and others. Many kinds of diseases and cancers are caused by smoking, such as tracheitis, lung cancer and many other diseases. Recent years, there are tens of thousands of people dying of smoking. But there still are many people enjoying smoking, because they think smoking is a kind of fashion and smoking is so cool, especially among teenagers. In addition, smoking does harm to others as well. Second hand smoking has been recognized harmful to other people. Even worse, it may cause more damages. Therefore, people should remember that smoking is harmful to others and those people who smokes should give up smoking as soon as possible.
要写好“感”就该联系实际,深入发挥,把自己的“感”写深、写透。 这里的实际,不是单指自我实际,还包括他人实际,社会实际。 如观了《四个小伙伴》,我让学生说说丁小东等四个小伙伴他们开始错在哪里?你们也有过他们的想法吗?学生讨论很热烈,认为四个小伙伴错在认为只做一件好事就会成功。有个同学说,他自己原来就有类似的想法,每年三月五日,他都做一件好事,他认为自己就是雷锋似的好少年了。还有个同学说,他为班级主动打扫过两次清洁,有的`一次也没主动打扫,却还被评为“红花少年”。认为老师、同学们偏心。看了《四个小伙伴》后,他和四个小伙伴一样,都认识到只有踏踏实实,一步一个脚印去做,才能实现自己的理想。我在给你看篇人家写的三国志之见龙卸甲》观后感
人生就象一个圈,一个老天爷画好的圈,从起点绕一个圈后又会回到起点,这是赵子龙最后一战也是第二次被困凤鸣山时悟出的人生哲理。第一次被困凤鸣山子龙披上了甲,一战成名,从此成了常胜将军,第二次被困时身心俱疲的子龙卸去了甲,人生就在这一披一卸之中画了个圈。 时势造英雄,英雄只是老天爷手中的棋子。从赵子龙与罗平安最后一次对话中可以看到了他内心的疲惫,这疲惫是因为有甲在身,主公的信任是甲、常胜将军之名是甲、建功立业之念是甲,子龙虽早有卸甲之念,连年征战的时局却容不得他卸甲,也不知道该如何去卸。
最后在凤鸣山与后一辈的曹婴一战中,子龙终于悟到了自己只是诸葛亮手中的一枚棋子,一枚已经老得可以弃去的棋子,而这一切都是人生定数。明白了这一点后,他终于可以不仅卸下身上的甲,更重要的是可以卸去心中的甲了,这甲虽卸得晚了一点、悲壮了一点,但可以让子龙在人生最后时刻很从容,无所负担。上马提枪,单人单骑,冲向的不仅仅是敌阵,也是奔向长久失去真我的精神家园。 不知道罗平安在给子龙卸甲后有没有领悟到这一些,我想他在敲响最后一次战鼓时应该是明白了。而年轻的曹婴此战之后一定也会与初时的子龙一样给自己披上了一件难以卸去的甲,不知以后能否象子龙一样领悟到,不光是她,就算是她的爷爷曹操以及诸葛亮等人都只是滚滚历史车轮上镶嵌的一枚棋子。 甲可以带来尊严,可以吸引人的眼球,世人只知披甲之后的威风凛凛,却又有多少人知道披甲容易卸甲难呢。
I attended Jack's birthday party tonight. After dinner, Jack gave cigarets to our boy students present.
At the important moment, I stop them and told them the bad effects of smoking: firstly Smoking is a waste of money and it's greatly harmful to our health. And it can lead to fires easily. So we should not smoke at all.
But it seemed helpless and they wouldn't listen to me. Somebody even said that body and health belonged to themselves and it's up to them to decide whether to smoke or not. I told him calmly, "Even if you have the right to harm your own body, but it doesn't mean that you have the same right to harm others'."
At last, they agreed with me, and some students said that they would never smoke any longer.
For the next one hour, we danced and sang happily, and nobody did smoke again.I felt very happy that my classmate all understood the harmness of smoking.
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