

首页大全更新时间:2023-03-28 17:00:16


the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, which is caused by the rotation of the earth as you all know. but have you ever thought of the effect of the earths rotation on man and can you imagine what would happen if the earth stopped rotating?

the radius of the earth is about 6,370 kilometres. it takes the earth 24 hours to rotate once. objects on the earths equator move with the earth at a speed of 460 metres per second, and the air close to the earths surface turns at the same speed. if the earth stopped rotating suddenly, the air would keep flowing eastward at a speed of 460 metres per second. the wind would be fourteen times as powerful as a hurricane. at the same time sea water would rush eastward at a speed of several hundred metres per second, which might do damages much greater than a seaquake would do. obviously, men could hardly stand such a catastrophe.

even if such a catastrophe would not happen, there would be a great temperature difference on the two hemispheres of the earth, and the four seasons of the year would no longer occur because a day and a night would be as long as a whole year instead of 24 hours. all this would greatly affect the life of human beings, imals and plants and that would cause worse results than anything imaginable.


写文章时,边写边问自己有关人和事“怎么样了”,抓住引起人物和事件变化的前因后果,把故事的来龙去脉一步步追问清楚。俄国作家陀思妥夫斯基曾举出这样一个例子:“有个小银元落在地上”,他认为这话不够具体,应改为:“有个小银元,从桌上滚了下来,在地上叮叮当当地跳着。 ”为何要这样改呢?因为它具体形象地回答了:从哪里落的?怎样落的`?落地后的响声、动态怎样?同理,如果我们写“夕阳西下”,这样来追问:夕阳依着什么落下去的?怎样落的?给大地带来了什么变化?就可以写成:“红彤彤的太阳,紧贴着崇山峻岭,一步三回头,慢慢下坠,万道余晖撒满大地。爷爷的白胡子变成金胡子了,房子的百墙变成红的了,柳树的枝条变成黄的了。”“夕阳西下”这一情景就更具体,更形象,更有色彩和气势了。写一次活动,也可以边写边问:活动地点在哪里?天气、环境怎样?活动的内容是什么?同学们干得怎样?谁表现得最好?为什么最好,到底是怎样***?***结果如何?这样一步步追问,就能具体地追出人物肖像、动作、语言、心理,事件的起因、发展、经过、结果和重点景物的形状、颜色、动态、声音、气味。


1。 叙述的人称


The other day, I was driving along the street。 Suddenly, a car lost its control and ran directly towards me fast。 I was so frightened that I quickly turned to the left side。 But it was too late。 The car hit my bike and I fell off it。


Little Tom was going to school with an umbrella, for it was raining hard。 On the way, he saw an old woman walking in the rain with nothing to cover。 Tom went up to the old woman and wanted to share the umbrella with her, but he was too short。 What could he do? Then he had a good idea。

2。 动词的时态


3。 叙述的顺序


4。 叙述的过渡


In my summer holidays, I did a lot of things。 Apart form doing my homework, reading an English novel, watching TV and doing some housework, I went on a trip to Qingdao。 It is really a beautiful city。 There are many places of interest to see。 But what impressed me most was the sunrise。

The next morning I got up early。 I was very happy because it was a fine day。 By the time I got to the beach, the clouds on the horizon were turning red。 In a little while, a small part of the sun was gradually appearing。 The sun was very red, not shining。 It rose slowly。 At last it broke through the red clouds and jumped above the sea, just like a deep-red ball。 At the same time the clouds and the sea water became red and bright。

What a moving and unforgettable scene!

5。 叙述与对话


I was in the kitchen, and I was cooking something。 Suddenly I heard a loud noise from the front。 I thought maybe someone was knocking the door。 I asked who it was but I heard no reply。 After a while I saw my cat running across the parlor。 I realized it was the cat。 I felt released。


I was in the kitchen cooking something。 "Crash!" a loud noise came from the front。 Thinking someone was knocking at the door, I asked, "Who?" No reply。 After a while, I saw my cat running across the parlor。 "It's you。" I said, quite released。


Last Sunday, Jim went out to fly a kite. The kite flew highly in the sky. Jim ran with it happily.

Suddenly the line was broken and the kite flew away. Soon it disappeared. Where was it?

Jim had no idea. So he had to run here and there to look for the kite. At last he saw it on the top of the tree. He tried to get it down. But he couldn’t. He felt sad.


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