升旗仪式开始了, 同学们列队操场上, 随着雄伟的国歌声, 五星红旗冉冉升起. 我们瞻仰着五星红旗, 心潮起伏,因为五星红旗是无数革命前辈用鲜血染成的, 我们要珍惜革命前辈为我们创造的学习生活和条件, 加倍努力学习, 做建设祖国的接班人.
上课了, 我们专心致志地听老师讲课, 跟着老师在知识的海洋里尽情地遨游. 大家吸吮着知识的乳汁. "放学了, 放学了.” 成千盈百的同学大声嚷着. 我们就像关不住的小天使, 从校园里挤出来. 同学们一边走, 一边说着, 互相汇报今天的收获. 同学们个个大汗淋漓, 小小的身躯上喷发着太阳的气息. 也有些同学, 大概是跑累了, 坐在树下看书. 春天的时候, 校园里生机勃勃, 大家三五成群, 观赏着春天的景色, 唱着春天的歌。
夏天的时候, 我们的课间十分钟热闹非凡, 我们尽情地玩耍着。“六一”儿童节到了, 校园里洋溢着喜庆的气氛 ,喜气洋洋地涌向操场。
秋风习习, 天气凉爽。一年一度的体育运动会在校园里举行,同学们笑着,欢呼着,校园里充满着沸腾的`气氛。
寒冷的冬天, 北风呼啸, 晶莹的雪花从天而降。同学们来到被大雪覆盖的操场, 尽情地玩耍。有的滚雪球.堆雪人, 有的打雪仗.拍雪景。大家都兴奋极了。
欢乐的校园, 给我的童年生活带来了无穷的乐趣。六个春夏秋冬, 将永远珍藏在我的记忆里。
It is shocking to notice that extreme violence has occurred with frequency on campus in recent years, home and abroad.
In November this year, a college student from a prestigious university stabbed to death a professor who was preparing for his teaching. In the US a deadly shooting by a Korean American college student resulted in 33 classmates’ death. These tragedies seem to be unimaginable when college students are regarded as the elite of the society. Some people claim that the higher education do not improve moralities of those college students. Others believe that college students are fragile in their internal minds. These opinions do make sense when we take the overloaded pressure imposed on college students into consideration. While there is no way to rid totally the world of such violence, it is more important to take measures to avoid those occurrences.
Among those solutions, psychological aid is one. If psychological consulting had been resorted to, those tragedies should have happened with less possibility.
School is not only a place we can learn something,but also is a small society.
"School videncen"is a popular word in the school during this years.And school videncen have many influence for us too.Many of us suffer form bully of school-bullies nowadays.
So,boycott school videncen is what everyone in school should do.Teachers should have a sense of responsibility and carefully found the things which happened in your students and then timely educate and protect them.As we should have a sense of justive and also have a heart of fighting against with evil.Don't be feared,it just like a spring,you weak it will strong,you strong it will weak.
I think if we unite together to fight against with evil.The school will peace and harmonious again!
哈哈!元旦快到啦!元旦快到了!在我们学校,元旦时,每一个班都要排一个节目,在元旦时演出, -校园里的欢乐音符。
“唱歌?” “唱什么好呢?” “可我们并不擅长唱歌呀!” “那变个魔术吧!刘谦的魔术不是挺火爆的?”“可我们班没有人会呀!”大家七嘴八舌地说。
老师让我们去买绿色的油纸伞,谁去买呢?到哪里买呢?这可是一个难题,大家都没有见过哪里有卖。几天过后,芳芳像变法戏一样拿出了十几把漂亮的油纸伞,我们都惊呆了。原来星期天的时候,芳芳的奶奶带着她到义乌买的。她们跑了好多地方,去了西湖风景区,可是那儿没有绿色的了,老师说跳《茉莉花》只有绿色的才最好看。她又跑到了丽日商场,那儿有,可是不够。她奶奶带着她又到了义乌小商品批发城,走了两层楼,终于找到了那些漂亮的绿色油纸伞,小学六年级作文《作文 -校园里的欢乐音符》。芳芳的奶奶都80多岁了,还去那么远的地方买伞,为我们的节目操心,真让人感动呀!我们要向她们学习。
Many of us suffer form bully of school-bullies nowadays,you weak it will strong.School is not only a place we can learn something.And school videncen have many influence for us too.Teachers should have a sense of responsibility and carefully found the things which happened in your students and then timely educate and protect them;School videncen",it just like a spring.
I think if we unite together to fight against with evil;is a popular word in the school during this years,you strong it will weak.As we should have a sense of justive and also have a heart of fighting against with evil.
So;t be feared,boycott school videncen is what everyone in school should do.The school will peace and harmonious again,but also is a small society.
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