

首页笔记更新时间:2024-09-11 21:29:07




















The Buddha's wife was so touched that she seized her hands and said, "oh! My poor mathilde, but my one is false, at most five hundred francs! You, you give me a real diamond necklace, I can't imagine my stupid fake necklace to get you into this situation!

"What, a fake necklace? But how glorious is it?" Mathilde couldn't believe my ears, back a few steps, and hit the big pagoda tree behind, she didn't know what to do, she felt as if all of a sudden lost focus.

"My dear mathilde, I really don't know what I can do to pay back my necklace that killed you for ten years, I really don't know what to do, I... "Section to think lady face dull appearing a panic, said:" dear mathilde, I decided to return the necklace to you, I lost that hang the necklace only as a compensation for you, I know it is not enough, but, later, if you need help, you can give me as much as possible, I will try my best to help you."

For section lady took two steps forward, holding the mathilde those already not pink red and appear coarse red hands, said: "I'm sorry, I really don't know what to say, but I really feel very sorry, dear mathilde can come to my house this evening I will return the necklace to you."

"Well, by the way, I'm not going to sell the necklace. I'll treasure it." Mathilde answered her husband with a smile, and the warm light in the little room shone on the couple's face.

In this way, they are still hard labor, mathilde was like before doing those ten years ago she barely touched of live, road tile plant also still like before copying manuscripts, busy late into the night. The days passed, and in a year the couple earned enough to buy back the old house, and they bought it back.

They live into their already has 11 years in into no gorgeous but warm houses, mathilde's back is dressed up, she is not as luxurious house, fine clothes, and everything that she used to enjoy, she like her of what you have now: love her husband and the house of her former life, and it records the eternal life can't forget her 10 years memory diamond necklace.


When the necklace was returned, mathilde did not go straight home, but to the park by the river.

It was dusk, and a great many white waterbirds flew about on the river, and seemed to have the dance of a waltz on their feet. Twilight sky seem so beautiful, the red corner is scattered on the river, and according to water birds, sprinkled on sitting in the stool quietly watched the river along the river mathilde's face, she looks so beautiful charming, face can not see a trace of bitterness, seemed so easy

Mathilde, watching the waterbirds fly, thought of the dance, how beautiful she was that night, how it was so stunning! Now but she did not feel pain, although in the economy, he faces cruelty of poverty, the bitterness of my flesh, the spirit of torture but today, in the present, she is so easy, even a bit of pleasant sensation, because in spirit, in character, she is still innocent, she is honest, she didn't disappoint friend, no moral bottom line

When she got up to go, her eyes saw her husband's shadow, she rubbed her eyes, thought it was an illusion, opened her eyes and her husband was still there. , at this moment, mathilde eyes moist, for her, she knew that he was sorry too deep, there are too many words want to speak to him, how to also can not open the mouth, but only just big tears fall down the cheek and her husband said nothing, only his wife mathilde in the bosom.




回到家,看见丈夫,就大哭起来,边哭边叫:“亲爱的,你知道吗?那串项链是假的!你知道吗?那串项链是假的。”路瓦栽不知怎么回事,迷惑不解地问:“怎么了,亲爱的?什么是假的?”路瓦栽夫人解释道:“就是我从佛来思节夫人那借的那条项链,是假的,是假的!”并把路上的情形告诉了他。“啊?!”路瓦栽先生不相信,于是他找到佛来思节夫人证实这件事。 结果这件事是真的。




听到佛莱思节夫人的这些话,她怔了很久,不敢相信自己的耳朵。她的心开始翻腾,眼泪滚滚而下。 她跌跌撞撞地跑回那间破旧的阁楼,站在镜子前看着镜中的自己是那样苍老,一双通红的手和粗糙黝黑的皮肤,她虚弱的笑了一下,命运的差错让美丽的她失去了骄傲,虚荣的权利。但虚荣又像个卑鄙的盗贼一样,偷走了她十年的幸福;虚荣是条可怕的毒蛇,无声无息地就吞噬了她十年内应得的东西:美貌,财富,青春。现在她还有什麽?一无所有!

如果她没有去参加那个舞会,他、如果她没去借那条该死的项链,如果她曾经不是那么的爱慕虚荣,她后悔,可是如果只是如果。 可怜的玛蒂尔德突然觉得昏天旋地起来,一切时光好像倒流似的。冥冥中她又觉得自己回到了那个宴会,戴着真正的钻石项链,疯狂地旋转着。这时,一为女宾走来,"她一定是忌妒我的美貌,"她想。这个女宾走上前,说:"夫人觉得好些了么?"这时玛蒂尔德才知道自己身在医院的病床上。

十年的青春,千年的美貌,竟然葬送在一条项链上!玛蒂尔德真希望这是一场梦。 佛来思节夫人来看她了。她们达成了协议,马蒂尔德可以选择接受四万法郎,或者那条项链。另外,佛来思节夫人还会付给马蒂尔德六千法郎精神损失费。 她接受了后者。 她戴着项链回家去。路上她心想:"我总算拥有一条自己的项链了。"但是,当她丈夫知道她选择的不是钱,便破口大骂:"你这笨蛋!难道钻石项链能使你填饱肚子?你戴着它活一辈子吧!"说罢,带着六千法郎,摔门而去。 马蒂尔德彻底绝望了。但是,她宁可沿街乞讨也不愿卖掉项链,更不愿不择手段地生活下去,这是她一生的信念,她自信这一生并不欠别人什么。 圣诞节来临了,圣洁的雪花从天上飘落下来,大的有梅花那么大,满天飞舞,夹着烟霭和忙碌的气色,用厚厚的雪褥覆盖了整个巴黎城。人们有的唱歌跳舞,有的互赠礼物,在着欢乐的气氛中,全然没有人注意墙角坐着一位破衣烂衫的乞丐,颈上挂一条钻石项链。


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