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Tonight I watched the movie for the third time. I really enjoy this film so much.

So what's your choice between being a common person or a hero with people's reects? Most people will choose the latter. But what will be your choice if the cost is laying your lover among the risks? What will it be if the cost is you can never tell the girl, who you love so much, that you love her? The ider man had this contradiction. But finally he still chose the latter, not in order to be a hero, but to make this word peaceful.

I was so moved by the words the Aunt Mary said:

You will never guess what he wants to be, the ider man. He knows the hero when he sees one, too a few characters out there, flying all around out there, saving old girls like me. Lord knows kids like Henry need hero courageous, sacrificing for people, setting examples for all of us. Everybody loves a hero. People enthrone them, cheer them, scream their names and years later they will tell how they stood in the rain for hours just to get a glimpse the one who taught them to hold on to stand longer. I believe there is a hero in all of us. They keep us be honest, give us strength, make us noble, and finally allow us to die with proud. Ever though sometimes we have to initiatively give up the thing we want most, even our dreams. Spider man did that for Henry, so he wants to know where he is gone. He needs him.

The ider man got much from these words, so did I. And what about you? what's the hero lying in you?


There are two opposite gangs named socs and greasers. kids whose backgrounds are very rich are called socials, we name it as socs. the poor kids are called greasers, because their hair are covered with grease and they often wear greasy clothes. there are full of contradiction between them. the main character is ponyboy, he is the youngest greaser, and he hates the socs because he always gets jumped by them. darry and sodapop are his elder brothers, and they both dropped out of school to work in order to raise money for ponyboy ‘s study. through seeing a movie together with a rich but kind girl, cherry, ponyboy realizes that not all socs are bad. johnny is his best friend, he used to be very weak, but after being jumped by 4 socs, he becomes mad and usually brings a switchblade with him, and if there is anyone who wants to play tricks on him, he will kill that one. suddenly, in a week, johnny dies in a fire, bob(his friend is kill by someone unwillingly, dally(the most violent greaser kill himself because johnny’s death. ponyboy grows a lot, realize the love of his families and friends, and promises to be a good man, and not fight anymore..

This is really a heroic story, and i learnt a lot from it..

First of all, i realized that we shouldn’t assess anyone just by knowing about his background. in the book, ponyboy thought that life was unfair-socs always win, greasers always lose. socs could easily go to college, but greasers sometimes must drop out of school to work for their livings. so he hated socs as if from his birth. but he gradually realized that some socs are kind, but some greasers are alike a hood. so we should also know people deeply before judging them, and believe the truth more than our subjective things.

Secondly, no matter how our backgrounds and families are, we should have kind and brave hearts. in the story, ponyboy saw many greasers crime and fight just because of their identify, he thought that was totally wrong. even his dying friend, johnny told him to stay gold which means to be kind, simple and pure in a serious health condition. on the other hand, ponyboy thought gresers have the same rights as socs, and he never lowered his head in front of socs.

There are also something good about love. at the beginning, ponyboy thought that dally, his eldest brother fully concentrated on working and making money, but never cared about him and sodapop, and he was dislike a young man anymore, more like an adult. but once ponyboy was sick very seriously, he saw dally crying for the first time when he was asleep-going-to-waken-up. and when they were having a rumble with a gang of socs, he was always covered with his two elder brothers. from that, he knew his small family would never be short of love, and his brothers loved him much more than he could imagine. in my real life, when my teachers and parents are strict with me, i shouldn’t think that they don’t love me, it is just another, more deep way to love.

The writer wrote this book when he was only a teenager as fourteen-going-to-fifteen, in the same age as me. so it is more easy for me to get close to him and understand him. but he truly experienced all i experienced and something i have never imagined. so i should learn something good from him, and keep away from thing bad he had done.

This book really taught me a lot, and i will spare no efforts to do the good things it bring to me!


The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingways most enduring works.Told in language of great simplicity and power,it is the story of an old Cuban fisherman,down on his luck,and his supreme ordeal——a relentless,agonizing battle with a giant marlin far out in the Gulf Stream.

Here Hemingway recasts,in strikingly contemporary style,the classic thene of courage in the face of defeat,of personal triumph won from los.

Written in 1952,this hugely successfully novella confirmed his power and presence in the literary world and played a huge part in his winning the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature.

The novel is very famous in the world, so lot of people like this novel. We also studied it in our Chinese class, Hemingways novel are always interesting I like his novel much, also in his novel we can learn a lot by his meanings.

It’s really a good novel for people to read.


To Wang Lun is written by Li Bai who among other poets stands out in the halls of glory.

One day, Li Bai goes on abroad. He is about to sail when there’s stamping and singing on shore.

Oh! Here comes Wang Lun to see him off, who is Li Bai’s best friend. Li Bai is very excited to see his best friend at this leaving moment. But he is sad, either. So he can’t say a simple sentence. He knows that words can’t express their friendship. Although the Peach Blossom Pool is one thousand feet deep, it can’t match Wang Lun’s love for him.


Dear Dad,

Long time no see, I do miss you. Well, let me tell you something about my life here.To tell the truth, i live a normal life just as anywhere i can live.(我过着一个在任何地方都普通的生活 My life is revolved on work and work.(我的生活除了学习还是学习Frankly,i feel tired sometimes(老实说,我有时候觉得很累.But i see, studying is the whole life to students like me.(但是我知道,学习是像我这样的学生的全部 So no matter how difficult, i will do my utmost .所以不管多艰难,我都会尽自己最大的努力。

Best wishes for you .


1. …要求通过虚构的故事来表达一种哲理

2. 本文很好体现了…的特点深刻的主题与新颖的构思相得益彰

3. 巧用伏笔是文章的一大特点文章第一段就为全篇故事的发展做了极好的铺垫这种构思非常巧妙可以借鉴

4. 这是一篇很有新意的…文章构思巧妙语言朴实自然

5. 作品的构思是巧妙的文笔也是简洁流畅想象大胆富有创造力文章读起来新颖奇特极具吸引力

6. 想象力较丰富极具新意开头自我介绍引入下文另外文章语言简明扼要风格幽默误诙谐

7. 文章不长但过程叙述得很清楚人物的活动描述得也具体真实可信生动有趣全文结构紧凑完整文笔也较流畅

8. 情节生动有趣叙述清楚完整也表现出作者的聪明机智充满了家庭生活情趣文笔流利活泼

9. 你很善于抓住事物的特点进行具体描绘展示了…文笔间渗透了情感

10. 文章很有说服力也发人深思从写作上来说情节生动文章有波澜读起来深受教益

11. 主题凝炼集中议论深刻有力震撼人心

12. 本文用词准确严密语言平实自然而比喻拟人等修辞的运用更使文章锦上添花

13. 这篇作文的主要特色是叙述具体细节真实描写生动有真情实感并运用了比喻拟人等修辞手法把…写得非常传神同时表达了…对…的喜爱

14. 文章语言通俗易懂贴近生活实际读来令人倍感亲切

15. 文章开头新颖具有先声夺人之效使读者一见面就能对人物产生…的印象文章前后连贯形成完整的形象

16. 文章能过清新有趣的语言描写了…的事字里行间充满童年真童趣欢声笑语不绝于耳不失为一篇佳作详略得当虚实相生是本文的两大特色……内容更丰富更生动

17. 充分运用动静结合的写法并辅以比喻拟人等手法通过生动形象的语言的描绘使读者仿佛置身于梦境一般结尾处对人物的赞美情真意切感人至深

18. 注意观察具体事物并展开合适的想象这是本文的成功之处文章融情于景边绘景边抒情善于运用打比方的手法使文章生动具体让人爱莫能助释手卷

19. 文章含蓄的结尾既点题又耐人寻味文章开头引人入胜吸引读者…点面结合使文章生动具体详略得当

20. 对于景色的描写语言简练而准确联想则为触景生情情景自然融合全文清新秀逸亲切委婉朴素而不落俗淘值得借鉴









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