

首页叙事更新时间:2024-01-07 02:08:45







The free day ,I want to go to Los Angeles.Because this is the second largest city in America! And the sun always seems to shine in LA!I need some suggestions. Firstly I want to join the 2 hours walking tour.because it is a so great chance .Secondly I will go shopping in Glendale Galleria. Finlly I want to citadel outlets and South coast plaza.


早晨,外婆带我去田里给田鱼喂食。 来到田间,那三五成群的田鱼,有的相互追逐,有的扇尾嬉水,有的拱土觅食,还有的跃出水面,把田水搅浊……玩得多欢啊!外婆把鱼食洒向田间,鱼儿纷纷赶来竞食,你争我夺,上下翻腾,搅得满田浊水,只见几道画过的`水痕和翻滚的水花,再也瞧不见鱼儿了。 看到这些,我不禁问外婆,为什么不把田里的泥挖掉,多蓄些水,多养些鱼呢? 外婆听了,哈哈一笑,说:“你问这话,不就见外行了不是。田鱼村之所以能成为全国的典范,其根本一条就是在水土综合利用上做文章。现在我们给田鱼喂些谷子米糠之类,再过些时日,待田里种上水稻后,就不再给田鱼送吃的了。” “那田鱼没有吃的,不是要饿坏了吗?”我连忙接嘴说,生怕田鱼挨饿。“它才不会挨饿呢!”外婆接着说:“你想想,水稻身上的昆虫和稻花都是田鱼喜欢吃的食物,吃也吃不完。所以,田鱼到了秋收时,已长得很肥,便好上市了。” 外婆的话,使我几乎明白了田鱼靠水稻养肥的道理。既然是综合利用,那么田鱼对水稻又有什么益处呢?鱼稻之间是否还有其他关系?我疑惑了,陷入深思之中。外婆似乎看穿了我的困惑,继续说:“俗语云‘麦吃细泥,稻吃混水’。田鱼的习性喜欢拱土,用嘴巴在泥土中寻找小虫和水藻,代替了人工耘田。田里的水常混,水稻的根系就发达,同时,鱼屎又给水稻提供了肥料……”外婆朴实的语言,使我恍然大悟:“是呀!田鱼靠水稻养肥,水稻靠田鱼长壮。水稻和田鱼互相生存,相互依赖,各取所需。这就叫做综合利用。”我急匆匆地说,生怕话要被人抢去似的。 外婆那娓娓动听的讲述深深地吸引了我,我从心底里佩服外婆。外婆所说的,都是我素不知道的。想不到田鱼和水稻也有这么密切的关系。



This summer my sister and I follow my mother to travel to the United States, we went to the three cities and one island, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Hawaii.

Hawaii is my favorite, although only two days, but I went to the beach for several times, is the famous waikiki beach, listening to the tour guide said where the sand came from Australia, where the water is clear, the sand is very clean, when I was in the sea waves to see the small fish, I also into base sand castle on the sand beach, made apple mould sand, crabs, bottle gourd, the shape of a fish, I also want to go to the seaside.


Last summer holiday, I went to Beijing for a week. The first day when I took off at the capital airport , it gave me the first feeling was cleanand tidy. The people in Beijing were very friendly. T he second day, I visited Beijing city. I went to the WangFujing Ave , I tasted many famous snacksand Beijing Roast Duck, they are very delicious. I also went to the XinDongfang square, it was a very big shopping mall, it took me about half an hour to walk between two doors. I can saw many famous brands: Cucci, Chanel, Rolex, Seiko, even the new Audi cars. It made me really want to stay in Beijing .The third day I visited the Tian’anmen Square, and it’s very beautiful. And the Chang’an Ave is wide ,straight and clean. The forth day, I went to the Forbidden City. It made me felt the emperor ’ s royal mausoleum was very luxury. The fifth day I went to the Summer Palace, I went boating there. The sixth day, I visited the Great Wall, it’s very terrific, this great architectural complex told us how clever the Chinese people are ! T he last day, I visited the Beijing University ----one of the topest universities of China . There are many famous people were graduated t here.

That’s a happy travel. In the future, I want to visit many countries. This is my dream.


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