

首页叙事更新时间:2023-10-14 01:33:26


(1)什么叫借物喻人?运用借物喻人的方法,作文可以收到怎样的 效果?需要注意什么?

(2)写一种自身最喜欢、最热爱的事物,要求自身拟定题目,正确 运用借物喻人的写作方法。




1. Nancy is too young to dress herself.

Nancy is not _____ _____ to dress herself.

2. My watch doesn't work well.

There is ____ _____ _______ my watch.

3. Jane doesn't go to work by bus any longer.

Jane ____ _____ _____ to work by bus.

4. It took Mary two weeks to prepare for the exam.

Mary _____two weeks____ ______ for the exam.

5. It seems that they have known each other.

They seem to _____ _____ each other.

6. "My grandpa doesn't like coffee or coke" said Bob

Bob said that _____grandpa liked _____coffee _____coke.

7. Cao Fei joined the League three years ago.

Cao Fei _____ ____ _____ the League for three years.

8. I prefer walking there to going by bus.

I prefer to walk there ____ _____ going by bus.

9. -Thank you very much. -You're welcome.

- ____ a lot. -Not at____ .

10. Kitty does well in English.

Kitty ____ ____ ____ English.

11. They realized Hainan was a beautiful place after they reached there.

They____ realize Hainan was a beautiful place_____ they reached there.

12. We will have to finish the work hardly if you don't help us. We can't finish the work _____ _____ ______

13. My dictionary isn't so thick as yours.

My dictionary is _____ than yours.

14. Could you tell me where the East Street Hospital is? Excuse me, ____ is the _____ to the East Street Hospital?

15. The book is exciting to read.

It is ____ _____ read the book.

16. Jack's mother asked him, "Have you packed your things?" Jack's mother asked him ____ he ____ packed his things.

17. She likes singing better than dancing. She ____ singing ____ dancing.

18. Remember to ring me up as soon as you get to Nanjing Make ____ to give me a ring as soon as you _____ Nanjing.

19. They couldn't catch the train because of the heavy traffic. The heital?

15. The book is exciting to read.

It is ____ _____ read the book.

16. Jack's mother asked him, "Have you packed your things?" Jack's mother asked him ____ he ____ packed his things.

17. She likes singing better than dancing. She ____ singing ____ dancing.

18. Remember to ring me up as soon as you get to Nanjing Make ____ to give me a ring as soon as you _____ Nanjing.

19. They couldn't catch the train because of the heavy traffic. The heavy traffic _____ them from _____ the train.

20. My brother has been away from home for two days.

My brother _____ home two days _____ .

21. Li Lei decided to move to Canada when he was thirty.

Li Lei made a _____ to move to Canada at the _____ of thirty.

22. Jim was too careless to pass the exam last term.

Jim was not_____ _____ to pass the exam last term.

23. If you don't hurry up, you can't catch the train.

Hurry up, _____ you may _____ the train.

24. Yang Li wei said to us, "I'm going to visit your school tomorrow. " We were all pleased.

We were all pleased when we heard Yang Li wei_____ visit_____ school the next day.

25. This is the most interesting film I have ever seen. I have ____seen _____ an interesting film before.

26. I was late for school because of the traffic accident. The traffic accident _____ me _____ getting to school on time.


1. Nancy is too young to dress herself.

Nancy is not _____ _____ to dress herself.

2. My watch doesn't work well.

There is ____ _____ _______ my watch.

3. Jane doesn't go to work by bus any longer.

Jane ____ _____ _____ to work by bus.

4. It took Mary two weeks to prepare for the exam.

Mary _____two weeks____ ______ for the exam.

5. It seems that they have known each other.

They seem to _____ _____ each other.

6. "My grandpa doesn't like coffee or coke" said Bob

Bob said that _____grandpa liked _____coffee _____coke.

7. Cao Fei joined the League three years ago.

Cao Fei _____ ____ _____ the League for three years.

8. I prefer walking there to going by bus.

I prefer to walk there ____ _____ going by bus.

9. -Thank you very much. -You're welcome.

- ____ a lot. -Not at____ .

10. Kitty does well in English.

Kitty ____ ____ ____ English.

11. They realized Hainan was a beautiful place after they reached there.

They____ realize Hainan was a beautiful place_____ they reached there.

12. We will have to finish the work hardly if you don't help us. We can't finish the work _____ _____ ______

13. My dictionary isn't so thick as yours.

My dictionary is _____ than yours.

14. Could you tell me where the East Street Hospital is? Excuse me, ____ is the _____ to the East Street Hospital?

15. The book is exciting to read.

It is ____ _____ read the book.

16. Jack's mother asked him, "Have you packed your things?" Jack's mother asked him ____ he ____ packed his things.

17. She likes singing better than dancing. She ____ singing ____ dancing.

18. Remember to ring me up as soon as you get to Nanjing Make ____ to give me a ring as soon as you _____ Nanjing.

19. They couldn't catch the train because of the heavy traffic. The heital?

15. The book is exciting to read.

It is ____ _____ read the book.

16. Jack's mother asked him, "Have you packed your things?" Jack's mother asked him ____ he ____ packed his things.

17. She likes singing better than dancing. She ____ singing ____ dancing.

18. Remember to ring me up as soon as you get to Nanjing Make ____ to give me a ring as soon as you _____ Nanjing.

19. They couldn't catch the train because of the heavy traffic. The heavy traffic _____ them from _____ the train.

20. My brother has been away from home for two days.

My brother _____ home two days _____ .

21. Li Lei decided to move to Canada when he was thirty.

Li Lei made a _____ to move to Canada at the _____ of thirty.

22. Jim was too careless to pass the exam last term.

Jim was not_____ _____ to pass the exam last term.

23. If you don't hurry up, you can't catch the train.

Hurry up, _____ you may _____ the train.

24. Yang Li wei said to us, "I'm going to visit your school tomorrow. " We were all pleased.

We were all pleased when we heard Yang Li wei_____ visit_____ school the next day.

25. This is the most interesting film I have ever seen. I have ____seen _____ an interesting film before.

26. I was late for school because of the traffic accident. The traffic accident _____ me _____ getting to school on time.










句子改写练习 11、我是医生,( )与你们死在一块儿,( )不离开你们

被字句、把字句的练习 一步。

1、我把三百棵菊秧救活了。 12、( )明天下雨,秋游( )改期举行。

2、姐姐送给我一件最有意义的礼物 13、凡卡( )在城里受苦,( )回到乡下爷爷那里去。

3、陈医生看好了孩子的病。 (二)用恰当的关联词,把下面各题中的两句话并成一句

4、蒙蒙细雨淋湿了人们的衣服。 话。

5、同学们交给我一项任务。 1、周总理逝世了。 周总理永远活在人们的心中。 反问句、陈述句的练习 2、他爱读书。 他注意做。

改陈述句: 3、他从来不说谎话。 大家很信任他。

1、这个故事怎能不使我感动呢? 4、小明上课听讲很认真。 小明的学习成绩优良。5、我

2、这个故事怎能使我感动呢? 们愿意自己多辛苦。 我们不能给别人增加麻烦。

3、不劳动,连棵花也养不活,这难道不真理吗? 6、我们下一番苦功。 我们能练出一笔好字。

4、人的聪明与愚笨,难道是天生的吗? (三)用三种不同的关联词把下列的句子连起来。

5、毒刑拷打算得了什么?死亡也无法叫我开口。 全心全意为人民服务。 得到群众的'信任。 改反问句: 修改下面一段话

1、桑娜那样高尚的品德值得赞扬。 1、(2个别字,1个用错标点,2个病句,2个用错的

2、为了把祖国建设得更强盛,我们应该努力学习。 标点)

3、这件好事不是我做的。 为什么瓜秧开了花不结瓜,以为雷达兵在生产队当过

4、我们不会把你老人家忘怀。 付队长,他找到了答案:瓜秧开了花呀授粉。小岛原离大直接叙述、间接叙述的练习 陆,没有蜜蜂。也没有别的蝴蝶、昆虫。西瓜花没授粉,

(一)把下列直接叙述改写为间接叙述。 突然结不了瓜。经他一说,才明白了。

1、美丽的姑娘说:“我是智慧的女儿。” 2、包括标点、错别字、语病等8处

2、山姆握着珊迪的手说:“我会永远照顾你的。” 一天,张林对我说:“去年暑假。他到福州参加少先队

3、张林告诉我:“要是星期日下雨,我们就不去看电影。” 员优秀夏令营活动,内容丰富多姿,有趣极了。它虽然丰

4、爸爸对小明说:“后天我要去你叔叔家。” 富了大家的假期生活,而且学到了不少知识,这样的生活

(二)把下列间接叙述改写为直接叙述。 多么意义啊!”

1、凡卡说,他在给爷爷写信。 标点符号的练习

2、一位台湾同胞说,他是中国人,他爱中国。 (一)给下列句子加标点符号。

3、小明高兴地告诉妈妈,他替妈妈在新华书店买了一本1、我有一本 新华字典 它是我学习语文的好工具

《雷锋》。 2、总攻开始了 军号声 枪声 炮声 喊声 立刻震动


认真复习,不要辜负老师和她对我的一片期望。 3、在学校里 要尊敬老师 关心同学 在社会上要尊老双重否定练习 爱幼 助人为乐 在家里要尊敬父母 爱护弟妹

(一)把双重否定句改为肯定句。 4、我们班这学期订了 中国少年报 少年文艺 和 少年

1.作为一名少先队员,不能不讲一点文明。 科学 等报刊

2.这次活动的经过你不是不清楚。 5、狼牙山五壮士面前有两条路 一条通往主力部队的方

3.我们不应当不参加集体活动。 向 另一条通向狼牙山的顶峰棋盘陀 那儿三面都是悬崖

4.这本书太有价值了,你不能不看。 绝壁

(二)把下面的肯定句,改成双重否定句。 6、他的朋友看见了 叫住他问 你上哪儿去 他回答说

1.星期天,我们必须去看排球赛。 我到楚国去

2.学校里只给每人发一张票,这真叫人为难。 7、李医生说 我是来工作的 不是来休息的 我要立刻

3.红四团的战士必须抢在敌人前面赶到泸定桥。 做手术

4.这件事是事实。 8、 我是来工作的 不是来休息的 我要立刻做手术 李

5.这场电影我一定去看。 医生说

关联词的练习 9、 我是来工作的 不是来休息的 李医生说 我要立刻

(一)给下列句子填入适当的关联词。 做手术

1、( )詹天佑设计了“人”字形线路,( )火车上(二)改正下面的句子中用错的标点符号。

山就容易得多了。 1、老师同他谈过话后,他说:他有决心把学习搞好。

2、许多动物( )能到很远的地方去,( )还能认路回家。 2、晚上爸爸问我今天一天做了什么事?我吞吞吐吐说不

3、、( )不畏劳苦的人,( )攀登科学高峰。 出来。

4、张海迪在困难面前,( )畏难而退,( )知难而进。 3、为什么要遵守纪律?怎样才算遵守纪律?都是我们今

5、晚上,我( )看书,( )听广播,( )帮妈妈干活。 天班会上要讨论的问题。

6、我家( )养了许多花,( )没有奇花异草。 4、我最爱读李白、杜甫,和白居易的诗。

7、马背上的小红军( )牺牲自己,( )拖累别人。 5、那里开着许多鲜花,火红的桃花、雪白的梨花、娇艳

8、我们( )已经有了进步,( )不应当因此自满。 的海棠花。

9、( )风吹雨打,我们( )准时到校学习。

10、每天早晨上学,( )我去约王军,( )他来约我。


杏子幼稚时,正赶上农村收麦。麦收过后的一天,我才抽空儿扛着 木棍儿,棍儿上挑着篮儿,上了南山。

半路碰上邻居二婶儿。二婶儿见我也去采杏,忙告诉我:“我都找 遍了,只有山梁南面第二个山沟里那棵树上还有杏儿,只是杏子又青又 小,还不好吃!”说完,二婶便走下山去。

我登上山梁,老远就看到了那棵树。它是那条山沟里仅有的一棵杏 树。走近了才望见树上绿绿的叶子中颗颗半红不绿的杏子,成串成串地 挤满枝头。随着一阵微风,杏树抖动起枝叶,像是在和我打招呼。

这是一棵老杏树,它长在沟底缺土少水的岩石旁,树干又高又曲又 粗,疤痕累累,显然它已历尽沧桑。我把木棍儿插在腰间攀到树上。坐在粗大的树杈上,我看得更清楚了:枝条上,每个叶窝儿都挂着一个圆 溜溜的杏子。大多杏子又都长着“阴阳脸”——一面绿中透黄,一面黄里带红;个头儿也不小,个个儿都像个小苹果儿。望着这绿叶间压串枝的杏子,我比喻不出它们像珍珠、像宝石,还是像翡翠、像玛瑙。捏开一个一看,哎呀,金色的果肉浸满果汁,放到嘴里,酸溜溜,甜滋滋, 沁人心脾。

一抬头,无意中发现两个树杈之间卡着一块石头。哦!我全明白了: 二婶儿说这杏子又青又小不好吃,是因为树太高,她看不见结在上面的 杏子,只摘些下面小的'。她不会上树,够不着,用石头又砸不下来。显 然,她着实冤枉了这棵老杏树。

望着满树伸手可和的果实,再俯视一下这棵一帆风顺的老杏树,一 种敬慕之情油然而生。老杏树啊老杏树,你不怕寂寞,不畏艰难困苦,独自扎根于这深山岩石之中,老而不衰。一年又一年,你为人们结下多 少杏子?可你对人却无半点所求。当你受了委屈或遇到冷眼、非礼时,脚跟仍是那样坚定,胸怀仍是那样坦荡、无私。多么可敬的老杏树啊! 我轻轻地取下石块,抽出腰间的木棍儿,可怎么也不肯打下去,唯恐因打杏儿而折损老树的枝叶,伤害它的身心。于是,我下了树,挎上 篮儿,再爬上树,坐在老杏树的怀抱中,尽情地摘着杏子,尽情地享受着它例文的果实。

这是一篇优美、生动、感人至深的文章。相信每一个同学读了此文之后,都一定会认识到:本文决不单纯是状“物”;作者运用了借物喻 人的方法,借山中老杏树的特点,热情讴歌了具有老杏树品格(不怕寂寞,不畏艰难困苦,扎根深山,一帆风顺,老而不衰,只讲例文,胸怀 坦荡、无私)的人,同时从心底抒发了对具有老杏树品格的人的无比敬 爱之情。

运用借物喻人的方法需要注意的是:作文时,描述的事物的特点, 要与人的品格有相似之处;让人读了文章,就能清楚地认识到,本文借 物要说明什么,要借物赞誉怎样的人。假如不是这样的话,“借物喻人” 的方法,也就失去了使用的意义。



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