Dear teacher:
Let me introduce one of my friends to you.
His name is Liming . He graduated from Beijing University and major in English. He started learning English since 12 years old. His parents have a lot of American friends. That’s why he has no problem communicating with Americans or others by speaking English.In his spare time, He like to do anything relating to English such as listening to English songs, watching English movies or TV programs, or even attending the activities held by some English clubs or institutes. He used to go abroad for a short- term English study. During that time, He learned a lot of daily life English and saw a lot of different things.Now he is my best friends .We often communicate in English .I can learn some fresh things from him.
Dear Sir,
I am writing to seek your advice regarding which subject I should choose as my major, history or computer science. I am studying in the last year in high school now.
Next year, I hope that I will be able to enroll in your college. I began to take a special interest in history when I was a primary school student. I can still remember the historical stories my teachers told in class, so I was wondering if I should continue to study in your college. However, several days age, one of my friends told me that computer science is more popular nowadays.
As a matter of fact, many jobs need IT skills. I was advised that it’s more important to find a job than merely to satisfy personal interest. Therefore, it is now very hard for me to decide which subject I should choose. Must I give up my favorite subject and take employment need as a priority? I would be more than grateful to you if could tell me your advice about this. Your early reply would be highly appreciated.
Yours faithfully
Wang Rutao
Dear Gack
How are you? I am Mike,I am 14 yaars old and my birthday in November ,I can speak Chinese and a little Franch .I am from China. I want to be a doctor , I think it will help many people and it is very cool in a white unifrom ,I live in lin tong.
how about you?can you wrte to me soon?
Li Hua
瑞典电影大师英格玛·伯格曼说过:“没有哪一种艺术形式能够像电影那样,超越一般感觉,直接触及我们的情感,深入我们的灵魂。”以前也看过很多很感人的电影,动容之处也会不禁流下眼泪,但是在看了伊朗 电影《黑板》之后,作为学生的我,心里就深深地感觉它是这样的一部电影,尽管它深刻的寓意对我这点阅历的人来说还不能真真懂得。
该电影通过两位教师背着黑板找学生的经历——一个遇上了为边境走私者充当搬运工的被戏称为“骡子”的一群少年,另一个遇上了一群在库尔德地区迷路的伊拉克难民,之后就从这两方面展开了后面的故事。大片的黄土、荒凉的环境、简陋的衣食,还有听不懂的'语言刚开始的时候让人看着很压抑,但是继续看下去,你就会觉得心灵被深深的震撼到,尤其是那个男孩写出自己的名字而兴奋的告诉老师时,他被一枪打死了;还有最后那个女人背着写着我爱你三个字的黑板走的场景… “The apparition of these faces in the crowd;Petals on a wet, black bough. ”正如我理解的Ezra Pound 的这首诗所描写的“这几张脸在人群中幻景般闪现;湿漉漉的黑树枝上花瓣数点”一样,这些场景会让人眼前一亮,深深触动心灵。
记得暑假去湖南支教,当时觉得那边的学校条件真的是太差太差了,只有一个老师却要教3 个年级,而且有一个班是复合班,桌子椅子都是破破烂烂的,有的学生要三个人挤一张桌子。加上地处农村经济水平落后,人的思想观念也落后,所以大多数孩子上课都是松松散散、想来的时候就来,不想来的时候就不来,上课的时候也经常跑出教室。当时我只是感觉是农村落后的环境和薄弱的师资力量造成这样的,不该怪这些学生。但是看了这部影片,我才发现他们是多么的幸运,至少他们处在和平的环境中,至少他们还有教室、至少还有好多的好心人关注着他们的学习,从物质上、精神上帮助他们。而现在大多数的我们是拥有有利的环境的,但是我们根本没有珍惜过。记得有一次逃课了,然后有个同学调侃道:“哎,交了钱却不去享受自己应该享有的权力,人家想享受还不能享受”当时,我也没太大感触,但看了这部电影后,真的有点后悔。晚上12 点多以后还能听到保安巡逻的声音,在自修的时候保安会来查人,出校门的时候自行车也得刷卡,其实他们也是在为我们营造更好的学习环境吧。有人说“清明节应该回你读过的高中学校扫扫墓,因为那里埋葬了你的青春 ,清明节应该回你读过的大学扫扫墓,因为那里埋葬了你的 理想”. 现在都快大四了,然后发现自己似乎什么都没学到,碌碌无为,青春埋葬了,理想也埋葬了。如果 3 年来每天都是充实的也就罢了,可是回首 3 年的日子,我发现它好空白……
《黑板》能充实我们的思想, 引起我们对生活, 生命的思考,它真的是一部值得我们看的好电影。杨善洲电影观后感牛玉儒电影观后感辛亥革命电影观后感
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