养老问题 英语作文(六年级去养老院的英语作文)

养老问题 英语作文(六年级去养老院的英语作文)

首页写人更新时间:2024-05-10 22:38:55
养老问题 英语作文(六年级去养老院的英语作文)

养老问题 英语作文【一】

China is a great country with the largest population in the world. In order to solve the population problem, our government decides to implemented one-child policy. When it is carried out for some time, many people not only see its advantages but also disadvantages. Thus, people argue that two-child policy should be put into effect. In my opinion, two-child policy should be carried out.


First of all, two-child policy is the gift for some only child. For some families, maybe the parents are only child and they also can have only child. Put aside the loneliness of their child, when their child grows up and they grow older, their child marry with an only child girl accidentally, the burden on their child and his wife is unimaginable heavy. Their child and his wife have to take care of two old couples. Usually, a young couple looking after an old couple is a little difficult; if the pressure increasing twice, how can they stand it. But if their parents have two children, they can share the burden of taking care of their parents. It would be much better.


Secondly, two-child policy can guarantee the number of Chinese population. As the widely spread of one-child policy, some people have changed their conception about giving birth. If they firmly believe one-child policy, there will be more and more the dink. After several decades, our country will famous for lack of population.


In conclusion, one-child policy has out of date. And tow-child policy is needed and necessary. It can solve the problem of nowadays and the future.


养老问题 英语作文【二】






养老问题 英语作文【三】

st On January 2016, our country started to carry out two-child policy. It is good

and right for the development of our country now, because our country need more young workers. Many parents also want to have one more child. Althouth they may have some difficulties in affording another child’s life, education and so on, they will have another child to be with them. As for me, the only child in my family, I want to have a sister or a brother. Not only can we share happiness, but also we can help each other in our daily life.






养老问题 英语作文【四】



人的寿命是不确定的,天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福,所以我们要好好把握生命的每一天。人身难得,不可虚度,在有限的时间里尽力累积善根,修持福慧资粮,才能不浪费宝贵的人身。我曾游访过尼泊尔、印度、东南亚等多个国家以及中国各省市许多地方,见过各地敬老院里各种不同种族肤色的老人,在这些敬老院中有条件十分优越的,也有比较窘迫的。但像我们马尔康这样有绕佛的佛塔、做八关斋戒的佛堂、有指导佛法的上师的这样殊胜条件的敬老院,却是非常罕见的。可见各位也是在过去世中也是 累积了不少的`福报,才能在有如此殊胜条件的地方安度晚年!所以,希望我们能珍惜现有的条件,好好修行,不让宝贵的时间在不知觉中流过,才能不浪费宝贵的人身。



养老问题 英语作文【五】


养老问题 英语作文【六】


你们好!近来身体好吗? 在这美丽的季节,我代表中山区中心小学少先队以及全体师生向老人们带来真诚的慰问。





养老问题 英语作文【七】

Emerging from the cartoon is an eye-catching scene that the parents are willing to have a second child, while their only child do not agree because of his worry that he doesn't want to have another child, even his own sibling, share toys with him. Simple as it is, the symbolic meaning revealed is profound and thought-provoking.

We are supposed to place our attention on, instead of its funny appearance, the implied meaning of the cartoon: as the overall second-child policy expands throughout China, some only children are so selfish that they cannot accept the second child in their family. What can account for this undesirable situation? For one thing, they, as the only child at home all the time, have no awareness of sharing what they like with others due to the fact that all the family members give their love to the only child. As a result, when faced with the problem of whether they are willing to have a sibling, their first response is to refuse it. For another reason, some couples are eager to have a second child as soon as possible, which makes them neglect to communicate with their only child to let them realize the advantage of having a sibling companion in their childhood.

From what has been discussed above, it's safe for me to conclude that it is urgent to take some immediate and effective measures. What I recommend is that parents should let child know the importance of sharing with others, which is beneficial for them in future life. In addition, it's better for parents to have more communication with their only child once they want to have a second child.


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