

首页写人更新时间:2024-04-08 02:43:58


In life, there are many people who are contributing to society. An angel who works like a policeman and works for the flower of life. But the person I most want to praise is a cleaner.

Every morning, when I had just had breakfast, I heard a "whizz" sound on the road behind the wall. The voices were unfurled by the dustmen of the dustmen. The dustmen sweep the dirt on the road to clean up the waste water and ensure the cleanliness of the roads. They are not afraid of hardship, not afraid of fatigue, just to make the vehicles safe passage.

When I was out of school in the afternoon, the cleaners were shuttling back and forth between asphalt and asphalt, collecting the rubbish left by the passengers. Then pour buckets of water on the road, and then sweep the dirt and waste together with dirty water.

Many cleaners start early, early and late, do the same work every day, and cause back pain. The eyes had been spent, but they had no complaints. I really want to praise them. They are the best. Work silently, like the poem of the poet in the southern song dynasty, "make a hundred flowers to make a secret, for who will be the best for the sweet." It's the bees that make the honey, and the cleaners are the bees that work silently.


When the rain pours down to the ground, and when the bitter wind blows to the ground, and when the strong sunlight shines on the earth, we sit at home and enjoy the happiness comfortably. The cleaner braved the cold and worked out the heat.

That day, in the distance came the deafening thunder, followed by a little bit of "beads" to the ground. I woke up from my dream and looked out. The sky was asleep. An old woman was walking in the darkness, with no trace of black hair in her hair, and her trembling lips were extraordinarily clear. The wind roared, raindrops falling, but the old woman was holding a broom, diligently, in the rain without complaint work.

A big truck was racing along in the rain, past the granny, and the water splashed up on the granny. But the old woman was not worried at all. She was not angry at all. She patted the rain on her raincoat and went on sweeping. Suddenly, in my heart, cleaners become tall and clinking.

The rain bigger, like off the Xinjiang Mustang scurrying around the old grandmother's clothes were wet, she dragged his heavy steps towards the roof, to avoid the rain. This scene show in my eyes, in my head out of the spider web scenario: spider web again and was blown off, every blow off the net, it will patiently to mend their nets. I don't know what kind of perseverance the spider has in mind, so that he can not be frightened by the spider net that breaks again and again. But it is precisely because of this belief that the spider can make his net so strong.

The old grandmother is precisely because of this determination, not afraid of hardship, not tired. The rain stopped and the old grandmother stepped on the road to work. She used her pair of hands full of cocoons to serve everyone and created a beautiful environment with her own hands.

Looking at the figure of grandma leaving, I thought to myself: "Zhou Yang, such a talented person, deserves our cheering for her."!


Like worker ants for ant nests, out for food, protect the nest from other animals, work day and night. They is such that anyone who is regarded as rubbish things, they will be removed, so the protection of the street, so clean alleyway, so hard work, never a word, this silent is a group of a brave man, in my mind as a dustman.

Cleaners of maintaining a clean and tidy streets every day, early in the morning the sun has not yet been probe, to all the night, when people are still in the sweet sleep, cleaner has been greatly small streets, and even troubled cleaning to do their own on the highway. They do not complain because of their filth, and do not retreat from the stench, and do not retreat from danger. They suffer from dust, suffer from drunks, and suffer from diseases. Such sacrifice is said to be the brave man of the brave.

Once, when I was in an elevator, there are a pair of mother and child in the same elevators and a dressed in shabby clothes, hand cart full of clean appliance cleaner, mother gushing tell children in the elevator, want to have a read, don't like the "cleaner" after growing up, down and out. In the face of this vitriolic speech, the cleaner's head is silent, but silently absorb... . , on general social widespread discrimination cleaners, it seems that the mention of "cleaner", and "unclean", "dirty" and "disgusting" of the adjectives in the equal sign, often with a strange look cleaner, eyes filled with contempt and disgust, but their efforts for the street; The giving of people; The dedication to society, the thought and the spirit, is definitely more qualified to be called "the brave" than many industries in society.

Cleaners seem small, but these small screws, less gear will be messed up the whole society rhythm, they're a little giant may be poor in money matter, poor but never mind, for me, they are always respected "brave".





远观月亮,能使人们产生了美好的遐想;近观月球,人们知道的却只有荒凉的星球。这便是距离的奇妙作用! 那么,在我们的生活中,又如何去退出来去被忽略的美呢? 美,此刻的距离便是人与人之间的距离!在这个物欲横流的社会里,人们的心灵总被功名利禄紧紧裹住,以至于无法体会到身边的美,所以,我们要与功名利禄有着适宜的距离:当我们不再是为家长、老师的夸奖和奖励而学习时,我们会发现,书本中的知识是如此有趣;当我们放慢上学的脚步时,我们会发现,街边的苍翠的大树多么富有活力;当我们不再那么冷漠地对待生活时,我们会发现,世界是多么的温暖……生活中处处皆有美,人们缺乏的只是保持与美有着适宜的距离而已。

当我们的心灵得到解放时,当我们与万物保持着适宜的距离时,我们会发现天空,是能给了我们翱翔的天空;我们会发现大地,是能养育万物的大地;我们会发现海洋,是孕育了最初的生命的海洋…… 让我们一起退一步,保持与美有着适宜的距离,那么,身边的美就会纷纷呈现出来的!


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