我喜欢吃水果,那金黄的香蕉,红红的苹果,紫色的葡萄都让我爱不释手,但这些水果中我对西瓜情有独终了。 夏天,西瓜成熟了。路边的车上,地上堆满了碧绿碧绿的大西瓜着实让心喜欢。它浑圆的身子光滑的好像抹了油。一身碧绿色的外衣上镶嵌着深绿色的条纹,真惹人喜爱。西瓜个个都有篮球大小,大的`有十几斤,小的也有三五斤吧 切开西瓜就可以看到红红的瓜瓤,你会不由自主地咽起口水来。那黑色的瓜子,就像一个个可爱的小娃娃一样很有秩序地呆在里面,又好像是在玩捉迷藏。我想它们永远也找不到对方,要不怎么都各自为阵而不住在一起呢?
西瓜的品种很多。有的皮薄,只要轻轻一碰,“砰”的一声就会崩开。这种瓜不大,最大的也不过五斤左右。我最喜欢吃这一种,常和姐姐一人一半用勺子挖着吃,那感觉真过瘾;还有一种无籽瓜,皮很厚,我叫它厚脸皮。这种瓜个儿大,一个就有十几斤重,沙瓤,吃起来很爽口。但如果挑选不好,遇上熟得不好的,那可就白化钱了。 一到瓜熟蒂落的时候,爸爸几乎天天给我和姐姐买瓜吃。我总是迫不及待地接过瓜大口大口地吃起来,甘甜的汁水顺着胳膊往下流,直到肚子滚圆。记得有一次,妈妈怕汁水流到衣服上就让我蹲在地上吃。没想到西瓜吃完了,我的肚子胀得像个西瓜,自然也就站不起来。姐姐笑得前仰后合,一边拍着我鼓鼓的肚子一边还不住地说:“哈哈,我们家也有猪八戒了,真是个贪吃的家伙”。只有妈妈心疼地抱起我,数落姐姐“什么猪八戒?瞧,我儿子多像个威武的将军。”可我感觉不到威武,只觉得肚子胀得难受。 现在,科学技术发达了,一年四季人们都可以吃到香甜可口的西瓜,但我还是最喜欢夏天成熟的西瓜,那种滋味是其它水果不能相比的。
My dear English teacher:
From my English, I will contact a deeply like English. English let me open view, let me understand the culture of different region amorous feelings to.
I want to use English freely and talk to people, but my spoken English is very bad.Language is a kind of habit, I find it hard to correct his poor pronunciation, this makes me very distressed, but I have worked very hard in the improved.
I feel that learning English is the key to read more look more, I like reading comprehension, it not only let me get some knowledge, but also let me realize the happiness of learning English, I feel very proud can read English article.
Thank you for teaching me. I believe in your teachings, I can certainly through their efforts to learn English well.
Best wishes for you!
Dear Future Husband,
I'm not yet sure whether you exist, though I'd like to believe that you do. While it may not make much logical sense, you've been on my mind lately. I haven't thought much about what you'll look like, how tall you'll be, or what type of car you'll drive — I'm not too concerned with the minor details. However, I have been thinking about a few things I want you to know.
I want you to know that I am happy — right now — as a single, 26-year-old "millennial" who lives in a small apartment with a roommate and eats Chipotle for dinner more times than I care to admit. I love my job, I love my crazy friends and family, and I love spending quality time alone. I want you to know that my life has purpose apart from and before you. When we do meet one day, I want you to understand that I do not expect you to complete me, or to be my God. That's way too much pressure for anyone to bear. I am already complete.
I want you to know that I am not a trophy. Apparently, a lot of guys think this is a compliment. However, I want you to know that I have no desire to be seen as a trophy — a symbol of your own perceived success. I was not raised just to sit and look pretty on anybody's shelf. I want to have intellectual conversations. I want to help you chase your dreams. I want to be your partner, not your prize.
Yours truly,
Perfectly Imperfect Me.
Dear Gack
How are you? I am Mike,I am 14 yaars old and my birthday in November ,I can speak Chinese and a little Franch .I am from China. I want to be a doctor , I think it will help many people and it is very cool in a white unifrom ,I live in lin tong.
how about you?can you wrte to me soon?
Li Hua
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