

首页写人更新时间:2023-12-15 13:09:16











Yesterday I saw the school first class, feeling very deep. This year's theme is beauty is near. Beauty, a very common words, we are literally think beauty is beautiful. So, what is the true meaning of beauty?

With the question I look up, the first lesson is to find beauty. How to find? It makes people lost in thought. When everybody zhang two monks confused, host "shenzhou" 9 astronaut liu Yang, please tell for you. Liu said, the universe is endless, much bigger than she had expected: long, on the other side of the galaxy, the star vega, mercury, Saturn... . All panoramic view. Time is the most interesting of weightlessness, everyone one by one all floating in the air, pens, book ah of what are messy, can be fun. Finally, she concludes the essence to find beauty, love sports, and more to find the beauty around, so beauty will show in front of you.

LiuLiLi mountain elementary school teachers as the second class of the bell took to the podium, she is only 20 years old this year, in this flower age, many girls are enjoying, who will suffer poor mountainous areas! Can't liu, she is out of the mountain, liu with great love for the children's happiness, she hold the children art, gymnastics and other mountainous area children can't learn knowledge. Liu planted beauty, transfer the beauty. Let the beauty of the mountains germination, results. So she right because when people called the most beautiful teacher, this is to create beautiful?

Gymnastics team player Chen yibing showed also in the field. His contribution for our country in the London Olympic Games, the host asked him why he is going to win? His answer: before the race, they are seen as a failure. But because of his companions support each other, encourage each other. Make them very first champions league. The companion's encouragement is beauty.

Yu Dan is the most let me have a feeling of the teacher's words. She hit a harmonious beauty, for example, put eggs, tea, carrot in boiling water, eggs, hardened into the fragrant tea, tea radish was soft. That means what? Hardened eggs tend to be the kind of person who are "really low on agreeableness, and most men are single minded and turnip are too weak, they couldn't get hold of degree dating, so don't be understood, so being bullied. And the tea? It combines with water, this kind of person is good at unity collective, so they are best represents the harmonious beauty.

The school first class with only an hour and a half, but let me benefit a lot.






那一夜,很难忘 金秋时节,我们来到了浏河,令我最难忘的不是过铁索桥,也不是钓鱼,而是那浪漫的一夜。 浏河的夜晚静悄悄,皎洁的月光照耀大地。“放孔明灯喽!”不知谁在宿舍前的空地上喊了一声,随即从楼上传来一阵急促的脚步声,这可能是有史以来最快的一次集合。

同学们每人都提着一盏灯,有的红,有的黄,有的绿,好看极了。 准备的时候,两人一组,拆开包装纸,取出一片四四方方的折纸,一拉开就是一盏孔明灯。我在底座插上蜡烛,捏住孔明灯的四只角,耐心地等待老师为它点火。点燃了,火苗窜动着,红红的,亮亮的“啊!飞起来了!”身边一阵欢呼雀跃。我瞥了一眼王逸菲她们的灯,晃晃悠悠地飞上了天啦!再看自己手中的灯,也鼓起来了,双手渐渐感觉到了热度,火苗窜上来啦!橙色的火苗温暖着我的心。

孔明灯越来越大,像个圆滚滚的红球,我一放手,啊,飞上天啦! 我双手合十,默默许愿:天天快乐,天天向上!看哪!夜空中一盏盏五彩的灯飘忽上升,随风远去,我跟着孔明灯,追啊,喊啊,直到看不见为止。 孔明灯载着我的祝福,载着我的心愿,载着我的理想,载着我的快乐,飞向远方。今晚,我第一次离开亲爱的爸爸妈妈,第一次离开了温馨的家,就像这孔明灯一样,向着更高的目标,越飞越高,越飞越远那一夜,真的很浪漫,很难忘。


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