在不知不觉中,我来到烈士陵园门前,只见门楣上镌刻着“自贡革命烈士陵园”七个镏金大字,掩映在苍松翠柏之间,这是由战功赫赫的粟欲大将军亲笔题写的呢!门两旁一边做石狮,威风凛凛,像两个卫士在坚守岗位。 走进烈士陵园大门,我顺着石阶拾级而上,来到了革命烈士陈列馆。走进陈列馆,只见橱窗中保存着烈士曾经使用过的步枪、枪、大刀、炮等武器;茶杯、毛巾、油灯、草鞋等生活用品。
洁白的墙壁上挂着烈士的遗像,在遗像的下方,记载着烈士的简历及英雄事迹。看着烈士的遗物,瞻仰着烈士的遗容,读着烈士们的事迹,我心朝起伏,眼前浮现当年烈士攻城的情景:两个战士拿梯子,几位战士掩护,就成了一支攻城小分队,第一次在敌人的枪林弹雨中失败了,但他们抓紧时间,趁敌人补充弹是冲了上去,爬上城墙,与敌人厮***,顿时,战场上响起了惊天动地的呐喊声,所有战士冲上前…… 走出革命烈士陈列馆,穿过广场,我来到革命烈士纪念碑前。
纪念碑大约有五六层楼那么高,在纪念碑下有一座环形的花坛,栽满了五颜六色的鲜花。只见纪念碑上写着八个苍劲有力的大字——革命烈士永垂不朽。 在纪念碑四周,有一座座烈士墓:季步高之墓、李逸明之墓、张麒麟之墓……
Up a slightly-left-of-center masterpiece. The emotional impact of the beautiful, wordless summation of Carls life that opens the movie the bass note that resonates through the whole film and at least as affecting as the scene in Wall-E when he holds h own hands while watching Hello Dolly. The rest of the movie, of course, breathtaking on just about every level, especially the tactile quality of all the characters and textures and the completely realized weather effects and action scenes. With no \"new\" technical milestones (fur in Monsters, Inc., water in Finding Nemo, realtic camera effects in Wall- E, the design the main focus, from the hilariously stylized characters to the amazing setting of the tepui.
I know----thats a interesting trip!
A simple dcussion about Up
Pixar Animation Studios a superior about talking story at all times: Toy Story a story about deeply fraternal affection. Finding Nemo a story about a father’s introspection about h education road. The Incredibles a story about middle-aged man and wife’s life cr. Cars a story about moralities in physical education’s world by telling a star’s experiences. Ratatouille a story about a spirit that never gives up and you can realize your dream. Because of those wonderful cartoons, Pixar makes itself become an excellent symbol in cartoon sphere.
Therefore, Up worth being expected. And the truth that it’s a fantastic cartoon. To my mind, dream, commitment and responsibility the key of Up’s successful.
Children’s dreams are the easiest and the most romantic, on account of they always have deeply interest and passion for new things and strange world. But sometimes it’s difficult to realize their dreams by themselves; they usually need adults’ help. And those behaviors are not only their promes, but their commitments and responsibilities.
Russell and Carl’s relationship a key of Up. They have many differences: age, characters and background. And Up explains the relationship between adults and children by them.
Though Carl and Ellie’s love story just a few minutes, it impressive
and affecting. And it’s my favorite part in Up. Every man and wife wants to live a happy life, but true life usually makes it difficult to realize. But it doesn’t mean dream unpractical, prome untrue. Through Carl becomes unsociable and eccentric, he still remember h prome to Ellie. In my opinion, the thing which flies not the house, but a heart which brave and insts on its dream and prome.
And the adventurer, Charles a special role in Up. I think he stands for the people, who just care about their own benefit, totally forget social benefit and their roles in the society. There are so many kinds of dreams, so there are some persons make fame and wealth to be their goals. In fact, it reasonable, but it’s wrong to damage the social benefit. Th way of doing things terrible, shameful and lamentable. In the film, Charles forges sample at first, then kills many innocent men, and tries h best to get the animal, a kind of big bird. Everything he does for h own fame and wealth. The film has hit the right and wrong on the nose. In the final battle, empty-handed Charles fell down into a so deep cliff. It’s not only a punhment to him, but a satire to th kind of people.
Dream likes a check, prome likes an acceptance. Once you prome, you must try your best to make it come true for it your responsibility and duty.
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