

首页写人更新时间:2023-09-02 12:22:54


By the time you read this you will be 30. At the age of 18 I had so many hopes and dreams about where you'd be, what you'd be doing and with whom you'd spend your life with.

Right now I hope that you have traveled and seen everything you've always wanted to, both in Canada and overseas, and maybe even settled down somewhere in Australia doing some research in the field of biology (genetics.

I hope you're married to the man of your dreams. The man of mine is Gwynn. He is originally from South Africa (another place I wish to visit.

You'll probably have two children of your own – a girl(Michaela Anne and a boy (name yet to be decided.

If everything goes according to plan you'll be living in Australia in a big house in a small town outside of a big city with a lot of land, a dog, Gwynn and your two beautiful children. Hopefully you have a career in the medical field, maybe doing research in genetics. Gwynn will be a computer programmer and you will be doing alright for yourselves.

However, if things don't go according to plan for you, I wish you all the love, happiness and joy in the world and don't settle for anything less than the best since that is absolutely what you deserve.

Live long, be happy and live life to it's fullest.

Love Sherri "18″


星期天,爸爸出外打工去了,妈妈又要去看望外婆,家里只剩下我了。爸妈刚离开家,我便迫不及待的打电话给朋友帅印,邀他在公园等我,我俩要在公园按世锦赛的规则进行一次乒乓球 大赛。那天的天气格外晴朗,在蓝天白云下,我身着运动衣,哼着小曲来到公园。在学校乒乓球社团中,我和帅印技术最好,到底谁是真正乒乓霸主,由于社团中人数太多,平时我们没有机会真正较量过。带着同样想成为霸主的心情,我俩没有客套,便开始了比赛。经过七局比试,我以微弱优势胜了帅印,帅印不服,我们又大战三百回合,直累得精疲力尽,才回到家中。   回到家中,躺在床上,我又赶紧拿起我喜欢的故事书读起来,书中的'故事紧紧吸引着我,我一页接一本页地读,不知不觉已是下午,起床伸了个懒腰,突然觉得有些饿了。看看妈妈还没有回来,觉得这是千载难逢上网的机会,就又忍着饥饿在电脑上玩起了游戏,游戏过了一关又一关,甚是过瘾,可不争气的肚子咕咕叫个不停,实在是太饿了!围着家中找了一圈,什么吃的也没找到。心想,要是妈妈在该多好啊!无奈,还得一边玩电脑,一边焦急等着妈妈归来,时间一分一分过去,妈妈还没回来……



这里可真吵,有婴儿的哭声,有小孩的叫声,声音混杂在一起,像刺耳的蝉鸣,震得我耳朵都快要聋了。这里虽然吵,可这里没有一个大人。也许这是一个没有大人的世界。一想到这,我高兴的一蹦三尺高。我转悠了半天来到一栋房子里,看见门是开着的,我推门进去,这里的设备十分齐全,就如同自己的家一样。我打开电视机,津津有味地看着 ,无意间瞥见墙上的钟表,钟表的时针已经指在十二上面了。十二点了!现在是吃饭时间,可我不会做饭,这可怎么办呢?看来今天中午要挨饿了,不过,平时在家里看过妈妈做饭,今天我要大显身手喽!首先,我把油倒上,取出两个鸡蛋和一个西红柿,把鸡蛋搅拌了一下......我忙得不可开交,终于,大功告成!我早已是大汗淋淋,我迫不及待的品尝了一下“美食”,说是美食,也不过是鸡蛋西红柿和稀饭。嗯,我眉头一皱想:我倒的盐也太多了吧,这菜这么咸,饭还是糊的,我怎么喝得下去,可是不吃怎么耐住饥饿?没办法只能捂住鼻子喝喽!这时我想起了妈妈,想起了妈妈做的可口的.饭菜。




When you look back on yourself in the past – 10, 20, 30 or more years ago – it’s surprising to see how much you have changed over time. Your experiences, your friends, your family and your work have all shaped who you are right now. But where will you be in another few years? How will you have changed? Reflective writing in your journal is an excellent way to think about what you want out of the future.


You may have already written a letter to your younger self before, conveying all the wisdom and perspective you wish you had had at the time. Now consider the opposite end of the spectrum; what would you say if you wrote your future self a letter?


Just imagine writing a letter to your future self 5 years from now, then opening it at that exact moment 5 years down the road to see how much of it resonated with you. It is a useful supplementary tool to be used in goal achievement, because when you write the letter to your future self, it helps crystallize exactly how you anticipate yourself to become at that specific moment down the road.


As you read the letter in the future, you can assess how many things match up (or not vs. your expectations in the past and think about why that’s the case. Often times, the goals we set and our goal achievement process are subjected to a lot of changes along the way, due to varying obstacles, unanticipated circumstances and changing priorities. The letter gives you a macro-view of your initial vision and lets you recognize how your current vision differs from the past.


When you open the letter in the future, you as your future self gets to compare how you used to be in the past and compare with how you are currently. This lets you see in totality how much things have changed since then – and this can be a really intriguingexperience. It’s interesting to just see how much you have grown/changed since you wrote the letter.



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