

首页写人更新时间:2023-11-21 13:33:15


Elephants are the biggest wild animals in land, in the world. But now, they are also in danger. Let me tell something to you about them.

Elephants are big and strong and they are grey. They have long trunks and tusks, so they look a little dangerous. But in fact, they’re friendly towards each other and hardly hunt people.

Elephants have ears like fans, they make them look bigger and bigger.

They live in a group together for many years, they’re a big family. They also have good hearing and good sense of smell. Elephants can do lots of things if people train them. For example, they can carry heavy things, can do as a vehicle, ext.

Badly, it’s difficult for elephants to survive in the world usually because of people. If people sell tusks, they will make lots of money.

So, many people kill elephants for their tusks. Living areas are also an important reason of the die out of elephants.

Animals are our friends, we should protect them, or the number of wild animals will getting smaller and smaller.


What our life will be like in the future?When I was a little boy,I always asked myself this question.At that time,I had no idea what Internet was.But now,we use it every day.We can't live without it.Internet is become so popular and so convenient.

Just forget it.What our  life will be like in the future?For example,in ten years.I think that in ten years our life will be much more colorful,our computer will be much powerful,and we can do almost everything on the internet including seeing a doctor.What about your future life ?Will you share with me?











下面听我一一道来。 是否记得曾经听说过一道十分经典的问题“是先有鸡还是先有蛋呢?”这道令人百思不得其解的问题困扰可人类几百年,很明显这个问题没有答案。鸡和蛋的产生绝不可能有先后,又不可能同时发生,因为他们是相互之间存在某种关系的。也许,利用考古学知识可以解决这一类问题,但我觉得还是留着别解决的好。一旦有了答案,人们就又失去了想象力,又成为了一种思维定势,又缺少了对这类问题的探求。其实答案就在你心里。在追求的过程中,其实也就等于在追求自己内心深处的一种美。

是否记得还有很多像这种进退两难的问题,比如我曾经听到一个故事:从前,有一位老学者,他上知天文,下知地理,学富五车,博古通今。但有一位年轻人不信,他非得要去考验考验他。于是,有一天他捉了一只鸟过去,把手背在身后,问那个学者鸟是死的还是活的?这是一个没有答案的问题,因为学者说鸟是活的,年轻人就会把鸟捏死;相反,学者说鸟是死的,年轻人就会把鸟放了。学者并没有投降,他对年轻人说了句“答案就在你心里!”一针见血,识破了他的阴谋。却是,问题的答案就在每个人心里。 一个问题之所以吸引人,原因就在于它可以引起人们共同的思考,激发人们的想象力。寻找答案,是人们解决问题必须经历的一部分。

答案,不是一个约定俗成的定式,不是一个标准。它是多变的,是没有单一性的,是吸引人们探索的工具,是激发人们研究的动力。很多人都认为探索研究的目的就是为了获取最终的答案,可我觉得并不是这样,过程更重要。答案就在自己心里。当你得到一道题目的正确答案时,你也同时得到了心灵上的享受。 答案在本质上的意义是:探索追求问题的结果。

班上很多人都为了省事去抄作业或者抄答案,这不仅在道德品质上犯了大错,同时也侮辱了答案本身的含义,失去了寻找答案的过程。虽然你的考卷上有了正确的答案,可你心里却永远也得不到真正的答案,领悟不到答案的本质。 答案需要人们去思考,需要人们从内心里挖掘。我们应该化被动为主动,不能被答案所限制,而是要自己去主宰答案。 你的心里有答案吗?









This years winter vacation is an extraordinary one. Due to the novel coronavirus, the school hours are delayed. In order to ensure the normal progress of teaching, the school launched the network course. Today is the fourth day of online teaching. The students have gradually adapted to this new teaching method, and have not slackened their study due to the supervision of the teacher. They actively answer the teachers questions in class, listen carefully, and finish their homework on time after class. The teachers who become the \"anchor\" take turns to complete the teaching of various subjects. They are very active in class, attentive in courseware preparation and in place in knowledge summary. I feel that this online teaching method can not only protect the safety of students and teachers, but also further stimulate students interest in learning, so as to improve the efficiency of learning.


A novel coronavirus epidemic caused by pneumonia in 2020 was enveloped in China. People began to stay indoors and life became oppressive. In this context, the Ministry of Education issued a notice of \"no suspension of classes\", officially opening up a new way of learning, online teaching.


Every day in nail live group classes, I think this teaching method has become lively, my interest in learning has also increased a lot. Teachers teach each lesson to us in the form of courseware in the live room. The knowledge framework of the whole lesson becomes clear and clear, which is very conducive to our acceptance and digestion.


Secondly, this way has broken through the original teaching mode. In school, there is only one teacher for each subject, but in online teaching, many different teachers are our teachers, so that we can fully understand the teaching styles and characteristics of different teachers, and then we can know the teaching methods we are interested in.


Moreover, in online teaching, each teacher only needs to have one or two classes a day, which makes the teachers have enough time to grade and write comments for the students, so that the students can understand the shortcomings and highlights of their own work, and then know which direction we can work in.


All in all, we are interested in learning in this winter. \"If winter comes, will spring be far behind?\" I believe that as long as we carefully carry out online learning and always maintain our confidence in learning, there will always be a ray of sunshine, which will break through the haze of the epidemic and bring warm spring. When spring comes, we will get together on campus.


Children's finally here, it is our holiday, but imagine the children also accompanied by together, everybody is more excited.

Children on this day, white clouds float over the blue sky, the children also have made a hot air balloon, they sit together on yourself a hot-air balloon, extremely happy! Balloon flying high, and finally flew to the sky, the children are in the sky holiday, the children sit on clouds, umpa jump, like a frisky little monkey.

Playing children, suddenly to rain cats and dogs, the children of the balloon has stalled, baiyun sister swept away by the wind, the children fell into despair. Is a time of crisis, a group of dragonflies sister and sister flew caught the children, and the safety of the children to the ground.

On the ground, only butterflies woven into a rainbow "lei", the children wear a wreath, some like a fairy, some like a warrior.

Play tired, the children fell asleep between full of fragrance of flowers.

Children's good play my imagination, to one day be able to live in such a children's day.


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