

首页写人更新时间:2022-03-08 01:22:10



今天是星期天,又是我们家打扫卫生的日子了。我正在做作业,看见妈妈正在挥汗如雨地打扫卫生,我十分不忍心,就连忙放下手中的笔,跑过去帮妈妈做家务。 我们家打扫卫生一般是擦窗户、扫地和拖地。首先是擦窗户,我先把抹布放进装有水的桶里浸湿,然后找来一张椅子,小心地站在上面擦起玻璃来。只见玻璃上积了一层厚厚的灰尘,我使劲地擦了一遍又一遍,经过我的努力,终于把窗户擦干净了。啊,真累! 窗户擦干净后,就要扫地了。我找来了一把扫帚,然后弓着背、低着头、弯着腰,手中拿着扫帚认认真真地扫起来。我仔细地把每个角落扫了一遍又一遍,连一点儿纸屑也不放过。最后我把一大堆垃圾倒进垃圾桶里。这样,整个家都干净多了。 扫完地后,我开始检查地板,发现地板上还有一些污垢。于是,我找来拖把,放进装有水的桶里浸湿,然后认真地拖起地来。我对准污垢拖了又拖,终于把污垢拖干净了。污垢是没有了,可是地板却变成了一个“大花脸”,怎么也拖不干净。这时,我已经非常累了,满头是汗。妈妈见到我这个样子,十分心疼,就连忙给我递过来一条毛巾,说:“孩子,你那么辛苦,还是别干了。”我听了妈妈的话,真想不干了。但是,我脑海里马上出现妈妈满头大汗做家务的样子。心想:妈妈为了我每天都那么辛苦,我这点儿辛苦又算得了








We all have our homes, some homes may be larger, probably smaller, and some at home, some of the possible ugly, probably prettier. My family is no exception Oh! Here, let me introduce yourself! My home, although small, very small, but my family is very nice, at first glance, neat, people look very comfortable.

Come into my house, first appeared in front of you is the living room, the living room is the center of a can pull shrink, brown table, at the table, three chairs, are Mom and Dad and my chair, and that in the southwest corner of a table, that is my position. In the living room wall, there is a very old painting, the painting is a bird on a branch of the scene. Left to go from the living room, is one of our room, where we usually watch TV, play computer ...... room northwest, is one of our computer, I find information tool. N the south, there is a TV, free when you can take a look at the news. Next to the TV is my homework place, where there is a multi—functional desk, you can put down a lot of books and stationery.

Go inside this room is our bedroom, with a bed, it was my mother just a place to sleep near the bed, there are a bed, it was my dad a place to sleep, the walls in the bedroom , he has painted a picture of my childhood, very beautiful. This is my home, you must feel it nice!


There is a big table in it. The table is pink and brown. There is a yellow story book on the table. Look! There is a green trash bin under the table. Where is the teddy bear? Oh! It’s on the bed. The teddy bear is cute. My bed is so big. It’s pink and blue. There is a picture on the wall. There is a mat on the floor. In front of the mat, there is a closet. The closet is beautiful. Over the closet, there is an air- conditioner.

I like my room. It’s the most beautiful room.


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