

首页写人更新时间:2023-12-01 18:01:02


Bicycle is a convinient means of transporation. It has been very popular in China. During the rush hours, particularly in big cities, you can often see a sea of bicycle riders in the streets. People can ride bicycles to their working places, to schools, to shopping centers and so on. In a word, bicycles play an important role in daily life.

Compared with cars, bicycles have many advantages. Firstly, they are not so expensive as cars and almost every family can afford to buy and repair them. Secondly, riding bicycle is a healthy form of exercise. They do good to our health. Thirdly, bicycles can save energy and does not cause any pollution, while cars will cause serious air pollution, which makes the air in our living place very dirty and makes a lot of people suffer from lung cancer. As we all know, China is a country with a large population. Ifeach family has a car, a large amount of energy would be wasted and air pollution would become more and more serious. Finally, most Chinese people don’ t live far away from where they work or study, it is convenient to ride bicycles. I think that is why bicycles are used so much.

Bicycles are so popular in China that China is often referred to as the kingdom of bicycles. I hope more and more people can ride bicycles in order to make our planet better and cleaner.











gathering nearly all the well-known chinese original cartoon characters, ne zha, monkey sun and zhu bajie, the top three cartoon characters voted by kids, will lead acting in this dream fairyland and experience an outer space journey by spacecraft named °chang e±. including big-face cat, piggy bear and other nearly 20 characters will be joining this journey. a cartoon olympic game is on schedule as well, and the main difficulty they confront is how to ignite the torch on the pate of giraffe.

this smash show from cctv gathered a top line-up in chinese drama and cartoon field. top producers for screenwriting, choreography, casting, lighting and music devoted their talents here. lead acted by liu xiao ling tong and ma de hua, who are well-known for their excellent performance in tv series °journey to the west±, while notable children programs presiders as ju ping, dong hao, jin guizi and etc also join this sweet play with their specific role. cute characters, fantastic plot will endow kids a memorable hilarious night!


obviously cctv is determined to change their traditional song and dance gala form for kid, they created a theater cartoon drama for this kids joy。

gathering nearly all the well—known chinese original cartoon characters, ne zha, monkey sun and zhu bajie, the top three cartoon characters voted by kids, will lead acting in this dream fairyland and experience an outer space journey by spacecraft named °chang e±。 including big—face cat, piggy bear and other nearly 20 characters will be joining this journey。 a cartoon olympic game is on schedule as well, and the main difficulty they confront is how to ignite the torch on the pate of giraffe。

this smash show from cctv gathered a top line—up in chinese drama and cartoon field。 top producers for screenwriting, choreography, casting, lighting and music devoted their talents here。 lead acted by liu xiao ling tong and ma de hua, who are well—known for their excellent performance in tv series °journey to the west±, while notable children programs presiders as ju ping, dong hao, jin guizi and etc also join this sweet play with their specific role。 cute characters, fantastic plot will endow kids a memorable hilarious night!


但是另一方面,中国人对政治又非常惧怕,常认为政治是以诈术为手段,目的在争权夺利。而所谓的公共利益,只不过是一种幌子,实际上在掩饰个人的权力动机。 久而久之,大家对于政治,便采取了两极化的看法、抱持不一样的心态。这种矛盾的知,倘若不能加以化解,做出合理澄清,试问,社会人群的共同事务应当如何推行处理?又该如何建立起共识,使大家能够求同存异,在和谐的社会秩序中分工合作,谋求整体生活的安宁与幸福呢? “政”指众人的事务,治理众人的事务即为“政治”。可见广义的政治,其涵盖面很广。在家称为“家政”;在国便是“国政”;邮有“邮政”;户有“户政”;学校也有“教育行政”;而各行各业存在的目的,实际上也是为众人谋福利,因此可称为“业政”。 换言之,把众人的事务推广到极致,便可成为创造一切人生文化价值的事业。、

我们从《论语》中可以发现,中国儒者倡导“礼让”,然而,一旦是为了替天下兴公利、除公害的时候,就极力主张“当仁不让”。清初大儒顾炎武更明确提出 “天下兴亡,匹夫有责”的理念,呼吁知识分子应当把政治清明,视为君子本来就应当尽到的责任。不像西方人那样,只强调权利与义务的均等。 自古以来,中国人就知道良好的政治秩序,是经济、社会、教育的根本基础。尽管近百年来,西方学说一直强调“经济”应该和“政治”分开、道德感化的力量不如法律那么有效等学说。但我们心知肚明,中国人有自己行之已久的做法,可以在现代化的浪潮中,走出一条自己独特的`大道。

《大学》这一部经典,便是我国所独有的政治哲学之精髓。以自我修养和道德感化为基础,把“德行”与“德政”合而为一。采取除暴安良的做法,发挥仁者 “替天行道”(非“替天行道”的精神,从而建立起百姓安和乐利的生活,并引导整体社会走向止于至善的正道。以五千年的历史为镜,更印证了《大学》之道是 “经”,意即根本不变的常则。历朝历代不论实行哪一种体制,只要能够真正据以实践者,皆能缔造出良好政绩,获得百姓的拥戴。 “经”是根本,本立而道生。每个时代有其不同特性,我们不可能回到从前,然而,路是人走出来的,只要方向正确、方法有效、方式合理,并发挥中国固有的“持经达变”的精神,必能“继旧开新”,走出一个现代化的中国。

现代化的中国,既不是全盘西化,也不是恢复古代体制,更不是什么“中学为体,西学为用”,因为这些想法,都已经被证明了根本行不通。 “本立”实际上是我们研读国学的最大好处──把原来的“立国之本”搞清楚、弄明白,然后自然而然地,就能做到“道生”──生出在现代可行的道来! “国际化”不应该是“西方化”,而“现代化”则必须是“中华文化的现代化”。这是一点小小的心意,敬恳各界先进朋友,不吝赐教为幸。


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