

首页写人更新时间:2023-03-23 13:51:57


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to the university president. You should write at least 120 words based on the outline given below in Chinese:

1. 学校教学应该注重学生学习方法的'培养。

2. 学校应该丰富学生的校园生活

A Letter to the University President

Dear Sir,

I am writing to put up some suggestions concerning our teaching and campus life.

As a sophomore from the Math Department, I am quite satisfied with the present condition of my university, but I餯 like to say that there is still some room for improvement.

First, I believe that more attention should be paid to the guidance of our study methods. To some extent, university students are capable of studying by themselves, but more often than never, we find ourselves at a loss as to choose good books to read and appropriate topics for our research. It is clear that we need some advice from our teachers. If our teachers can lecture more on how to learn by yourself for us, especially for the freshmen, our skills will be further improved.

Second, more activities should be conducted to make our campus life more colorful. I餸 sorry to say that the present life on campus is quite boring. Every day we have classes, read in the library, or stay in the dormitory. Life here is routine. We need more meaningful activities organized to enrich our college life and enable us to study more efficiently.


I am the minister of students‘ life in the Student Union. On behalf of all the students, I am writing to you to give our opinions about the canteen.

Our canteen has something satisfactory and something unsatisfactory as well. To our satisfaction, many kinds of the food are supplied to us. Besides this, the food is cheap and tastes good. We all enjoy the food. And the surroundings in the canteen have also been improved. But the quantity of a helping they give is not enough. The seats are not enough as well.Some students have no seats when eating.

Finally we advise them to improve the quality of the food and their service. We will feel very happy if these problems can be solved.







 尊敬您的 XXX


Dear Mr. President,

My name is Li Ming, a sophomore majoring in International Trade. Having learned and lived on campus for nearly two years, I have found university life most exciting and instructive.

What happens around me every day has left a deep impression on me, but what strikes me most is the canteen service on campus, so that for some time I have had the keen desire to write to you, sharing with you my positive comments on and negative feelings about it. On the one hand, we are happy to see that the canteen staff has been sparing no efforts to guarantee food quality. As a result, we are relieved from the anxiety that some food might be dirty, stale and inedible. We also feel contented with the service provided by the canteen, enjoying food in a homely atmosphere. On the other hand, improvements should be made for the simple reason that prices for dishes are unreasonably high, and that the canteen is not spacious enough and too noisy at times.

Therefore, to improve the overall service of the canteen the strengths should be encouraged, while the weaknesses ought to be overcome by lowering prices and expanding the canteen if possible.






Dear Jack,

I am sorry to hear in the phone call with your father that you were in hospital for you got the A H1N1 virus which made me feel so tense.

I dont know how you got it,however,dont be so scared for the A H1N1 virus is medicable duo to the high tech.You just need to be clam and partner the treatment with the dostors.

Besides,I want to give some advice about how to prevent the A H1N1 virus.Firstly,you mustnt go to the places full of people to reduce the probability of getting it.

Secondly,you should wash your hand before the meals and after you go home from outside.Only do this can you precent yourself from getting it again.

I am looking forward to hearing from you and wish you recover.




Dear Mike,

You asked me about the present situation of the public transportation in Wuhan in the last letter.

Now, I will communicate the action of the government and my opinion with you.

Firstly, the price of the bus has been cut down, which is very important, I think. Encouraging people to take bus can solve the biggest problem--too much people.

Another way is to develop the bike rental. As we know, car is much bigger than the bike obviously. Driving a car takes up much more place than cycling. So, developing the bike rental is an absolutely correct way to prove traffic circumstances.

Besides, government also builds 4 subway lines under the central of the city and increases the number of the taxis.

In my opinion, all the action above is useful. When the actions above are all finished, the city will be more perfect.


Li hua


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