

首页写人更新时间:2022-10-03 15:56:26


Dear MS Hu,

It's my honor to get the chance to write to you. Nowadays, people seldom write letters, instead, they make a call or send a SMS. However, in some circumstance, writing letters is indispensable.

In the class, you know well how to keep the class active. You've got such an open mind that you can keep leading us to talk about the topic during the whole class. I learned not only the listening and writing skills but also the presentation skills as well as the knowledge of the concerned areas.

In addition, It seems that although I have been studying English during the last many years, I can’t speaking English fluently and precisely like the local people. Would you like to give me some suggestions on how to pronounce English like local people?

Yours sincerely,

Xia Wenjie


Dear Mr Guan,

How time flies. In the blink of an eye,the semester has been on for almost three months ,and you also teach our English for almost three months.Maybe you can’t call my name ,but you have a deep impression on me.

It's my honour to get the chance to write to you. "Approachable and amiable " is my first impression to you, because you always keeps smiling. You always arrive at the classroom early, from which we could imply that you are a diligent man with regular habit. In general, when we are professional courses, the atmosphere of the class have a

little bit nervous, boring.But in your class,we feel very relaxed. And if we knew the answers to the questions,we can enthusiastically answer,without worrying about making mistakes.When learning a new unit,you will let us to prepare for a ppt or a direct speaking which we can express our own ideas and interact with other students more frequently.At first,we feel embarrassed ang don’t have enough courage.But under the teacher's encouragement step by step,we make enough preparations to have positive statements.

I remember that you have said one thing that a lovelorn senior in department of history talked with you and you encouraged him to be a doctor for further education.I don’t know wether the senior will be a doctor or not,but I must study hard and deep to be a doctor. I was always worrying about that my boyfriend will break up with me before.Through this,I know that as long as you ability is strong,there is no necessary to worry about it. We appreciate you for not only improving the ability of our English ,but also teaching us some truths with your personal experience. Nous vous remercions enseignants.

Life's a journey, you shine our light of hope, enrich our minds, adding to our intelligence. At last, I hope everything goes well with you. Please give my best regards to your family.

Sincerely yours,



dear teacher:

this is a special day, we have presented a bouquet of flowers, gifts to the world of your peaches and plums, spectrum a ode to joy, for your eyes flicker disperse tired, for you loosen the amount of wrinkled patterns.

the singing is a blessing: teacher, happy holidays! insatiable in learning, be tireless in teaching, peaches and plums fragrance, their music is happy and harmonious. i wish you a happy holiday! not only in the teachers day today, there is a tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, tai houtian, i wish your life every day, every minutes, every second, the surface is always the same smile.

the singing is concerned about: the teacher, you worked hard! your use of sweat, nurturing the tender shoots of spring have just ground-breaking. your care is like the genial spring, warm our hearts and minds. let us protect your healthy growth, formed in the autumn fruit.

lifes journey, you shine our light of hope, eich our minds, adding to our intelligence.

thank you, teacher! i wish you healthy forever! happy! happiness!



过了一会儿,校长走了过来,见我们这么专心,就对我们说:“你们今天可真乖。”我们见到了校长,眼睛一亮,都对校长说:“校长,今天王老师没来,我们只好自己学习啦!”校长说:“不如我达个电话给她。”校长正准备掏出手机。这时,王老师赶来了,王老师对宵长和我们说:“实在是很抱歉。今天早上我的女儿发高烧了,我带她去医院看病,但医院里的人很多,等了半个小时才轮到。后来我准备去学校,我的女儿硬要我陪她,我对她说我是一名老师,不能不守信用。我的女儿这才答, 我来给你们上课。”老师说完,我们都哭了,因为王老师的女儿今年才6岁。



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