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Some movies do not need stars, do not need the effect, do not need 3D. But it is the most perfect.

Today, I saw a movie. Originally I hesitated, I planned to see something else, but the name "miracle boy" attracted me deeply. Although the score is not the highest, I also had a slight complaint before watching: why not watch other movies? I began to regret a little.

But, I was wrong, you look at me; mother almost all films this time she is not be sleepy straws, all eyes, looked at, and was touched by the plot line with tears.

Yes, this movie is the best one I've seen from small to large. There are no many special effects. But I think the movie adapted from the novel has sincere feelings and gives people a real feeling.

There are friendships, family ties, and also very warm. It's easy for me to connect my reality: the hero is a seemingly ordinary boy, but why is it a miracle boy? It's puzzled. It turned out that his birth was very special. Because of the genetic relationship, several operations have made him able to breathe and see like a normal person, but his face is very different from ordinary people. But his family never felt this way. Her elder sister had wanted a younger brother. He was very happy ever since he was born, and his father and mother have been around him. They never felt bad about him. His inferiority caused him to put on a space cap. He was taught by his doctor and mother at home from his childhood. He went to school when he was in grade five, so he needed to take off his helmet.

Although we have been down on him, with strange eyes looked at him, but he has talent outstanding performance, or make many good friends, their friendship after many hardships, but eventually the boy still understand him, friendship becomes very tough, when troubles come, big home together spent. When the figures stood by the river, I felt that the power of friendship was great and that everyone understood each other; then, no one would have blamed and dislike who.

In the end, the little boy, who was initially discriminated against, was recognized by all the people and received a prize at the graduation ceremony.

I was moved by this movie. It told me to cherish my friends, learn to understand others, look at everything with a tolerant and loving eye. This reminds me of the story that the teacher told me: a doctor and patient had an appointment operation, but he was late. His family member blamed him. I don't know whether his son was killed in a car accident.

Friends and students should get along well, cherish a few times, there are contradictions and mutual understanding, not to blame each other blindly. The truth that this film teaches me is bound to impress me.


If you stick to it, you may be able to create a miracle.

"The miracle boy" tells a story of the growth of a warm and ten million family. The 10 year old ogi born deformities had been at home and mother self-study. When he entered the fifth grade primary school, ogi parents carefully selected for his school. Here, to get along with ogi school principals and teachers and personalities of the students, his unusual appearance makes him become the focus on the students, but also to his campus life has brought a lot of problems. Fortunately, in the growth process, Augie's parents and his sister had been his most strong backing, in their support and love, courage, kindness and wisdom ogi affect their inspired many people around, and gained the friendship, respect and love, and ultimately grow into people's minds the unbelievable "miracle".

Before the view, one of the people thought that the "miracle boy" should be an exciting fantasy. But it is not, even the inside story, ordinary to normal. In spite of this, the film built an extraordinary miracle with these ordinary stories. How hard it is to imagine that a child who is only 10 years old has been ridiculed and satirized by his classmates because of his facial malformation. He has even been subjected to infinite exclusion and betrayal. How can a child bear such a malicious look? He can not the same, he insisted. He has the best family, and he has reaped his friends and won the badge of the college's highest honor. When he stood on the stage to pick up the badge and looked at the people who cheered for him under the stage, I could not help comparing his experience. Those eyes that are full of malice are slowly changing under time, until full of encouragement and praise. Little Augie, created a miracle. With his kindness, simplicity, and justice.

Every child is an angel, without any reason his face, insisting on, may be able to create a miracle.


故事的主角”骗子一号”与”骗子二号”,由初次演戏的李冠毅和潘亲御饰演。他们两个整天腻在一起,联手作弄同学、编造谎言、爱出风头,是老师眼中的问题学 生,每天放学后必须留在图书馆里黏书”就是对这些恶行的惩罚。但这也许是老师这辈子做过最好的决定:他们因此念遍了图书馆里所有的书,一号成了超强的说 书人,二号则是世上最幸福的听众。除了说不完的故事,还有在学校罚站的铜像学长、从夏威夷进口的卡达天王,一起陪伴他们携手航行在各个童话故事的大海里, 远离了真实世界的冷漠与痛苦,追寻共同梦想中的世界。

孤单的孩子,用自己的方法学会了坚强,为了逃离现实前往想象中异次元世界,好奇而充满活力的他们甚至发明了一个游戏:“只要搜集到十台大的电风扇,就可以做一个超大的龙卷风去异次元喔﹗”他们 计画邀请一号暗恋的女生林艾莉一起参加,却不小心揭开了那甜美笑容背后悲伤的秘密…。当一号打开电源,剎那间阁楼里的电风扇纷纷开始转动,羽毛、纸屑齐 飞,他们尖叫、笑闹、互相道别,直到跳电的那一刻。只有暗暗的天光透进阁楼里,艾莉静静的说声拜拜,那是二号最后一次看见她微笑的侧脸。原来,艾莉的妈妈 教她:只要记得微笑,就不会害怕了。

分离不一定要悲伤,看似无忧无虑的他们其实也有烦恼。二号有个迷信而大嗓门的奶奶,还有被叔叔丢过来的妹妹,奶奶老是说他们都是没人要的小孩;一号的父亲患了精神疾病, 虽然以前常常说话不算话,但现在他甚至连一句话都不说…。为了报复喜欢赖皮的`大人,他们让妹妹失踪”了﹗奶奶心急如焚,叔叔和婶婶也一起回来找妹妹。但 是,混在人群里的一号这时才脸色发白的告诉二号:妹妹真的不见了!黑黑暗暗的操场边,二号一再呼喊妹妹的名字,这一家人总算第一次感觉到和妹妹分离的痛 苦,最后妹妹也终于回到了属于自己的家。

长大不等于说再见,听说在那个恐怖的滑道滑一百次,就可以经由滑道飞进异次元世界里!但去了异次元,就可以到大人的世界吗? 他们决定一起省吃俭用存钱到传说中的乐园,并承诺要一起长大,一起到达异次元的彼岸。但玩扭蛋抽卡达天王”的诱惑实在太强烈,二号一念之差背叛了两人共 同的理念,而玩具店老板的蛮不讲理,更引发一号作出愤怒的决定。事件爆发后,社福单位才注意到一号和精神有问题的爸爸居住在一起,于是一号被社工人员带 走,再也没有回来。二号面对必须独自长大的挑战,他下定决心自己寻找那个乐园,挑战恐怖的滑道,在第一百次的时候滑进异次元,也许就可以找回一号,逃离自 己的罪恶感…。


慢一点,让童年的勇气追上你 ,在你的记忆中有没有像一号或二号这样的人? 你是不是也和每个小孩一样,用各种方式尽情挥霍着属于自己的童年? 直到有天忽然间发现真的长大了,这些记忆却也在不知不觉中渐渐消散、褪色…。试着放慢成长的脚步,跟着这两个开心果进入前所未有的“囧”异世界,与童年时 那个勇敢追求梦想的自己再度相遇﹗


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