

首页抒情更新时间:2024-09-29 02:55:29


People point to ReadingGaol, and say “There is where the artistic life leads aman.” Well, it might lead one to worse places. Themore mechanical people, to whom life is a shrewdspeculation dependent on a careful calculation ofways and means, always know where they are going,and go there. They start with the desire of being theParish Beadle, and, in whatever sphere they areplaced, they succeed in being the Parish Beadle andno more. A man whose desire is to be somethingseparate from himself, to be a Member of Parliament,or a successful grocer, or a prominent solicitor, or ajudge, or something equally tedious, invariablysucceeds in being what he wants to be. That is hispunishment. Those who want a mask have to wearit.


作者简介:奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900,英国维多利亚时代著名作家,“唯美主义运动”的领军人物,倡导“为艺术而艺术”(Art for art's sake。他的代表作有戏剧《莎乐美》(Salome《认真的重要性》(The Importance of Being Earnest,童话《快乐王子》(The Happy Prince 《夜莺与玫瑰》(The Nightingale and the Rose,小说《道连·格雷的画像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray,以及书信《自深深处》(De Profundis等。


Many men on their release carry their prisonalong with them into the air, hide it as a secretdisgrace in their hearts, and at length like poorpoisoned things creep into some hole and die. It iswretched that they should have to do so, and it iswrong, terribly wrong, of Society that it shouldforce them to do so. Society takes upon itself theright to inflict appalling punishments on theindividual, but it also has the supreme vice ofshallowness, and fails to realise what it has done.When the man’s punishment is over, it leaves him to himself: that is to say it abandons him at thevery moment when its highest duty towards himbegins. It is really ashamed of its own actions,and shuns those whom it has punished, as peopleshun a creditor whose debt they cannot pay, orone on whom they have inflicted an irreparable,an irredeemable wrong. I claim on my side that if I realise what I have suffered, Society shouldrealise what it has inflicted on me: and that thereshould be no bitterness or hate on either side.


不少人出狱后还带着他们的囚牢踏入外面的天地,当作耻辱秘密地藏在心底,最终就像一头头什么东西中了毒似的,可怜兮兮地爬进哪个洞里死了。他们落到这步田地真是可悲,而社会把他们逼成这样,很不应该,太不应该了。社会自认有权对个人施以令人发指的惩罚,可它也表现了浮浅这一大恶,领悟不到自己干下了什么事。当那个人受过惩罚之后,社会就撇下他不管了,也就是说把他抛弃了,而这时,社会对那个人所负的最责无旁贷的.义务才刚开始呢。社会真的是愧对自己的行为, 避而不敢面对它惩罚过的人,就像有人欠了债还不起就躲起来,或者给人造成了不可挽回、无可补救的损害后就逃之夭夭。我从我这方面要求,如果我领悟了自己所受的苦,那社会也该领悟它对我所施的惩罚,于是双方就不得再胸怀芥蒂、心存仇恨了。


1、at length最终;详尽地;啰嗦地

【举例】At length, we began to understand what he wanted.最终我们总算弄明白了他想要什么。

He talked at length about his family.他详尽地谈了他的家庭。

She spoke at length about nothing at all. 她啰嗦了半天,根本没说出什么名堂。


【举例】The wretched man has lost his left leg in the war.这不幸的人在战争中失去了左腿。

What wretched weather!多么讨厌的天气!

wretched health 极差的健康状况


【举例】He had no idea of the anguish he could inflict with only one sentence.他根本没想到他只消一句话就会给人带来痛苦。

I try hard not to inflict my values on them.我尽量不把自己的价值观强加给他们。


【举例】shun this storm避开这场风暴

shun publicity 避免抛头露面

He was shuned by his former friends.他的老朋友们都躲着他。




我把这支钢笔小心翼翼地放在书桌上,让它能使我对自己充满自信心,完成爸爸妈妈交给我的重要任务!也但愿它能给我带来好运~ ~!




作者简介:奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde, 1854—1900),英国维多利亚时代著名作家,“唯美主义运动”的领军人物,倡导“为艺术而艺术”(Art for art's sake)。他的代表作有戏剧《莎乐美》(Salome)《认真的重要性》(The Importance of Being Earnest),童话《快乐王子》(The Happy Prince) 《夜莺与玫瑰》(The Nightingale and the Rose),小说《道连·格雷的画像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray),以及书信《自深深处》(De Profundis)等。


I did notdesire to be the one to tell you what your own heartshould have told you, what it indeed would have toldyou if you had not let Hate harden it and make itinsensate。 Everything must come to one out of one’sown nature。 There is no use in telling a person athing that they don’t feel and can’t understand。 If Iwrite to you now as I do it is because your ownsilence and conduct during my long imprisonmenthave made it necessary。 Besides, as things had turnedout, the blow had fallen upon me alone。 That was asource of pleasure to me。 I was content for manyreasons to suffer, though there was always to myeyes, as I watched you, something not a littlecontemptible in your complete and wilful blindness。







【举例】the insensate stones顽石

insensate rage失去理性的狂怒

insensate destruction恣意破坏

2、turn out结果,结束;最后成为

【举例】The story turned out happily。这个故事结局圆满。

The weather turned out to be fine。 结果天气很好。

The boy will turn out a marvelous man。这个男孩将会成为一个了不起的人。

3、fall uopn/on ①(事情或物作主语)由……承担

【举例】The expenses of the trip fell on us。 由我们来承担旅行的费用。


【举例】fall on hard times遭逢艰难时世

He fell on the idea while looking through a book。他在翻越一本书时偶然产生了这个想法。

The soldiers fell on the enemy。 士兵袭击了敌军。

4、content a。满意的,甘愿的

【举例】I am content with my life at present。我对目前的生活心满意足。

to one's heart's content尽情地;心满意足地

cry content with对……表示赞成/满意



【举例】a mechanical vioce呆板的嗓音

greet sb. in a mechanical way毫无热情地招呼某人

a mechanical compliment老一套的恭维话


【举例】a shrewd businessman精明的生意人

a shrewd observer 敏锐的观察家

3、speculation n.思考;沉思;推测;投机

【举例】She was much given to speculation.她很喜欢沉思默想。

The presidents's risignation leads to extensive speculation.总统的辞职引起了人们的广泛猜测。

land speculation 地产投机买卖

4、prominent a.杰出的;著名的;突出的;显眼的

【举例】people prominent in science科学界的知名人士

His nose is too prominent.他的鼻子太高了。

promminent markings 显眼的记号


人们指着雷丁监狱说,“艺术生命就把人带到这等地方。” 嗯,还可能带到更糟糕的地方去呢。对头脑较机械的人,生活是精明的算计,靠的是对各种利害得失的.仔细计算,他们总是明白要去的地方,并朝那里走去。要是初衷是当个教区执事,那不管他们处身什么地位,成功当上教区执事就是。如果一个人的意愿是成为一个自己本身以外的什么,比如当个议员、生意发达的杂货商、出名的律师、或法官、或者同样无聊乏味的什么,总是能如愿以偿的。这就是他的惩罚。想要假面具的人就得戴上它。


作者简介:奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900,英国维多利亚时代著名作家, “唯美主义运动”的领军人物,倡导“为艺术而艺术”(Art for art's sake。他的代表作有 戏剧《莎乐美》(Salome《认真的重要性》(The Importance of Being Earnest,童话《快乐王子》(The Happy Prince 《夜莺与玫瑰》(The Nightingale and the Rose,小说《道连·格雷的画像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray, 以及书信《自深深处》(De Profundis等。


The trivial in thought and action ischarming. I had made it the keystone of a verybrilliantphilosophy expressed in plays andparadoxes. But the froth and folly of our lifegrew often very wearisome to me: it was only in themire that we met: and fascinating, terriblyfascinating though the one topic round whichyour talk invariably centred was, still at the end itbecame quite monotonous to me. I was oftenbored to death by it, and accepted it as I acceptedyour passion for going to music-halls, or yourmania for absurd extravagances in eating anddrinking, or any other of your to me less attractivecharacteristics, as a thing, that is to say, that one simply had to put up with, a part of the high price onepaid for knowing you.




思想和行为上的琐屑讨人喜欢。我曾用这一点来作为一个非常睿智的人生哲学的基石, 在剧本和悖语中加以表达。但是我们生活中的蠢话傻事却常常变得令人烦不胜烦:我们只是在泥淖中相遇。你谈话时总是围绕着的那个话题虽然引人入胜,引人入胜得不得了,但到头来我还是觉得腻味。我常常被它烦得要死, 但却接受了它, 就像接受了你要去杂耍剧场的狂热, 接受了你荒唐地大吃大喝的癖好,以及别的在我看来不那么有趣的脾气;也就是说,我干脆当它为一个不得不忍受的东西,当它为同你认识所要付出的高昂代价的一部分。


1、trivial 琐碎的,无关紧要的`,微不足道的;(人浅薄的,轻浮的

【举例】trivial matters 琐事

trivial formalities 繁文缛节

Don't marry that trivial young man, please. 千万别嫁给那个浅薄轻浮的人。

2、某些形容词,在前面加上定冠词the,可以变成指代一类人或事物的名词性词组,比如trivial(琐碎的/the trivial(琐事,poor(贫穷的/the poor(穷人,dead(死亡的/the dead(死人,等等。

3、borev.使厌烦,使厌倦 n.令人讨厌的人或事

【举例】bore sb. to death使某人厌烦得要死

He has bored himself with bridge. 他玩桥牌玩腻了。

Stop being a bore. 别再烦人了。

4、extravagance 奢侈,铺张浪费;过度,无节制

【举例】extravagance with money挥霍无度

love one's children with extravagance溺爱孩子

5、pay for为……付出代价,因……接受惩罚

【举例】He paid dearly for his mistake.他为自己所犯的错误付出了高昂的代价。


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