

首页抒情更新时间:2024-01-01 00:08:16


The hare was once boasting of his speed before the other animals. "I have never been beaten," he said, "when I run at full speed, no one is faster than me."

The tortoise said quietly, "I will race with you." "That is a good joke," said the hare. "I could dance around you the whole way."

The race started. The hare darted almost out of sight at once. He soon stopped and lay down to have a nap.

The tortoise plodded on and on. When the hare awoke from his nap, he saw the tortoise was near the finish line, and that he had lost the race.






寓意: 骄兵必败;只有持之以恒,才能实现目标。


有一次,很多老百姓聚集着,在一个悬崖上面,要架一条独木桥到对岸的悬崖上去;因为那两个悬崖之间是一道很深很深的、水又流得很急的河沟。大家运来了一 条又大又坚固的梁木,于是,他们用很粗的绳索捆住梁木的两端,拉着一端的绳索把梁木放下到河沟里去,让一部分人攀着岩石爬下河沟,以便涉水过去,再爬上那 边的悬崖,然后两边的人同时拉着绳索,把梁木拉上去,就可以把桥架好了。

但是,那河沟里的水实在太急了,那些涉水的人有好几个被水冲走了, 有一两个就在仓猝之间殉了难,其余的人都退缩了回来,再也不敢向前,而那梁木也快要被冲走了。看起来,这独木桥一时是架不起来了。可是,在这些老百姓当中 却有一个人,胆子和气力都比别人大,他在危急之中特别奋力,在急流中挣扎,拉住梁木,而且终于渡过对面,爬上悬崖,把桥架起来了。

这样,这 个人的功劳特别大;他的同伴们都很感激,把他尊崇为英雄。他们拿大坛的酒和整个的羊来公宴他,还叫石匠来把他的名字刻在河沟旁边的石壁上。大家做这些事 情,都是实心实意的,因为他们诚心感激他、尊敬他,而且热爱他。不料,这个人竟因此逐渐变得万分地傲慢,俨然以一个酋长自居了,终于在村庄中横行霸道起 来。大家最初还忍耐着,但有一天,他竟当众宣言道:“没有我,你们连一条独木桥都架不起来!现在,你们看,我就把它丢进河里去,看你们怎么办!”大家还以 为他在开玩笑呢,而他却真地提起桥木的一端,嘭地一下丢进河沟里去了。老百姓们真地不能再忍耐了,一齐跑了过去,也提起了他的两脚,把他一摔,就摔进河沟 里去了。老百姓还当天就把石壁上的他的名字也刨掉,而且很快就重新架好了独木桥。



A jackdaw, as vain and conceited as jackdaw could be, picked up the feathers which some peacocks had shed, stuck them amongst his own, and despising his old companions, introduced himself with the greatest assurance into a flock of those beautiful birds .They, instantly detecting the intruder, stripped him of his borrowed plumes, and falling upon him with their beaks sent him about his business .The unlucky jackdaw, sorely punished and deeply sorrowing, betook himself to his former companions, and would have flocked with them again as if nothing had happened .But they, recollecting what airs he had given himself, drummed him out of their society, while one of those whom he had so lately despised, read him this lecture :"Had you been contented with what nature made you, you would have escaped the chastisement of you r betters and also the contempt of you r equals。”


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