

首页抒情更新时间:2024-11-13 04:24:09


The story is rearranged by a real story. Hatchi is an unusual dog which belongs to akita. The real Hatchi, the dog in this story, was born in Odatr Japan in 1923. As soon as his master Dr. Eisabour Uero, a professor at Tokyo University, died in May 1925. Hatchi returned to the Shibuya train station the next day after professor died and for the next nine years to wait, until Hatchi himself died.

In the movie Hatchi crossed an ocean and thousands of miles of transportation by train, and then he met Parker (the main actor in a snowy day. Because it was snowing and the dog, Hatchi, was lost. Parker took Hatchi back to his home, and then kept it. Parker treated it very well and so did Hatchi. When Hatchi had grown up, he fetched parker to work everyday.

All these years they played together, bathed together, slept together and Parker gave Hatchi full-body massage everyday. They just look like a couple. Parker looks happy because Hatchi is happy, and Hatchi’s happy due to Parker being happy. But Hatchi never fetched ball for anyone even Parker, so he went to his Japanese friend, Ken, for help. Ken told Parker that the akita will never get the ball unless there are some special reasons. However, Parker didn’t notice what Ken told him. In the morning of last day of Parker’s life, Hatchi felt that something bad would happen to Parker, and it tried his best to stop Parker going to work, and Hatchi fetched ball for Parker to tell him to stop. But it was pity that Parker only paid all his attention to Hatchi’s first fetching and ignored the special reasons of fetching. He said “Come on boy, I have to go to work or I’ll be late. See you at 5. Stay! Go home! Go on.” Finally, the old professor, Parker, hadn’t come back as he said, and he will never come back. He broke the engagement he made with Hatchi. He left everybody on the earth up to heaven. As the old professor’s friends and relatives nobody could accepted the fact that Parker has dead. As the result, professor’s wife, Kate, escaped all the staff which will let she recall the memories about Parker, so she sold the house where they used to live and was away from the small town. Meanwhile she sent Hatchi to her daughter, but Hatchi always ran out of her house, and try its best to back to station, because Hatchi and professor had a deal to meet each other. He’s so firmly persisted on the engagement that Parker’s daughter, Andy, had to gave up and let it go. While, have you ever noticed the detail that how unwilling Hatchi was when it left professor, because Hatchi can’t apart with Andy, too. But he missed Parker too much, he had to Andy and his warm home.

Then Hatchi spent ten years waiting for his master, his only friend coming back. Ten years time, maybe it is just one-tenth of a human life, but for a dog that means its whole life. During those years Hatchi hadn’t exact place to live, just come and go to the train station everyday at the same place and time.

Have you even considered why Hatchi spent all his life just for waiting? After a long time consideration, I find the answer in the end. The only reason is that Hatchi have nothing but his master. The happiest time of Hatchi is the time with Parker; the most enjoyable time of Hatchi is the time fetching Parker to work.

Just one year after Parker’s death, Ken came to the station and had a look at Hatchi. He felt as sorrow as Hatchi. He tried his best to persuade Hatchi to leave because Parker’s never coming back. But he didn’t succeed, and said “If Hatchiko wants to wait, then Hatchiko should wait. You want to wait for him, didn’t you? Then, you most have a long life.”

Then ten years past, Hatchi became a dirty and rather old guy. Over these years, everything had changed but Hatchi’s endless waiting and loyalty had never changed. One day Parker’s wife backed to the small town and saw Hatchi was still stand there waiting. She cried and said “You, old thing, you are still waiting, let me wait for the next train together with you please.” Hearing these tough words and seeing the loyal dog I cried sadly.

This is Hatchi’s whole life. He almost spent all his life only doing one thing—waiting for its only friend Parker, waiting to complete the uncompleted engagement.

Hatchi’s story showed how great the power of loyalty and love is with all his life. He tell us what the real loyalty and true love is. Because of the real loyalty and true love Hatchi spent all his life waiting; because of the real loyalty and true love Hatchi sacrisficed all his youth just for waiting; because of the real loyalty and true love Hatchi abandon the warm house of Parker’s daughter. I think that is the real loyalty, the ture love. However, in our human life, how many of us can be as loyalty as an animal; how many person can be loyal to another one for even ten years? I think nobody can.

In the end of the film Parker’s grandson asked Kate “Where did grandpa found Hatchi?” She answered “I suppose that Hatchi happened to found your grandpa.” I believe that as soon as Parker and Hatchi happened to meet, Hatchi had already found its own destination, and then the loyalty and love was built.

Loyalty isn’t mean to be that I love you and it won’t change in the next ten thousand years; loyalty isn’t mean to be that I will wait for you for the rest of my life; loyalty isn’t mean to be that I love you beyond myself. However, loyalty is a sense of responsibility; loyalty is a sense of selfness, loyalty is a sense of concern.

The word “loyalty” is consisting of 7 letters, and I think each letter stand for different meanings:

L —— Life

O —— Obligation

Y —— Yes

A —— Attention

L —— Love

T —— Total

Y —— You

Actually, to be loyal to someone is easy is easy to say, but hard to do. To be loyal, you should never forget anyone that you loved.







今天, 我们来到了美丽的温州洞头, 一到这儿, 我这只“小猫咪”就闻到了沿海地区特有的鱼腥味儿。“好好闻的鱼腥味啊!”我兴奋的脱口而出。

上午, 我们来到了洞头的“仙叠岩”和“大沙岙”景区。 仙叠岩是以奇石吸引着广大游客, 如:观音驯狮、人面狮身、金鹰迎客、狮子变乌龟等。 狮子变乌龟是因为这块石头一眼望去,先是看到了一只狮子, 等你慢慢走过去的时候,却好象变成了一只乌龟, 你说神不神奇?在大沙岙景区, 我第一眼看到的是虎屿岛, 妈妈告诉我:因为在阳光下, 虎屿岛好像一只老虎伏在海面上, 所以成了这儿的标志性风景。 而西边, 是不能进去的, 因为那里有许多美丽而珍贵的受保护的贝壳。

下午, 我们准备出海捕鱼, 到时捕到的海鲜全部归我们的, 我好期待呀! 刚坐上船的时候, 大海呼啸着, 一浪接一浪的翻滚着向前奔去。 随后有位阿姨让我当船老大, 可不一会儿, 我就晕乎乎的想睡觉了,只好心不甘情不愿地下楼去船舱里睡觉了。突然, 我迷迷糊糊中被爸爸推醒了,“三三, 快起来, 要收网了!”爸爸边推边喊着。于是我急忙摇摇晃晃的两步并作一步地跑到船尾。“哇! 这么多!”我掩饰不住喜悦的心情, 大声叫妈妈快过来看。 有豆腐鱼、海鳗鱼、黄鱼,最多的是沙子蟹, 还有好多我叫不上名字的。这时同行的阿姨说:“如果我们的船老大不睡觉的话, 就可以收获更多的海鲜了!” “哈哈哈……”大家在一片笑声中结束了这次的捕鱼旅程。

今天的收获真多, 我虽然晕船了, 但我仍过得非常高兴!


This is a story between a dog and his host. The dog called Hachi moved me to tears. This film changed my mind to dog from fear to love and appreciate.

This film tell the story in a simple, without big billows, but it touch people heat and soul. The college professor Parker Wilson find a lost puppy at a train station and take it home, which take much annoyance to his wife Cate. However, parker and the dog develop such a remarkable bond that Cate is forced to relent and Hachi becomes a devoted member of the family.

After several months, Parker and Hachi get along very well, they become partners. Every morning, Hachi accompanies Parker to the train station and waits patiently for his return, becoming a regular fixture of Hachi’s life.

However, Every day is not Sunday. One day, Hachi become abnormal, he barked fiercely and didn’t want to see his host off. At last, Hachi come to the station to see Parker off with a ball between Hachi’s tips, which cost Parker mach time to train him but was failed. Parker was so excited to see this, but this is his last to see Hachi. He was dead because heart disease.

However, Hachi persist in waiting for his host, day after day and year by year. Hachi came to the station to wait his host in the day time and sleep under a discarded train at night. The dog’s discarded moved the people in the train and the people all over the world.

This story present a animal’s morality that human beings are ill needed. The dog give us a vividly lesson that we all have to loyal to our boss, loyal to our wife or husband, loyal to our family, loyal to our country.

























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