

首页日记更新时间:2024-10-15 09:13:20


Today, as people live a better life, they chase for more enjoyment.

We can see from the news that when the holiday comes, there are so many people gather in the scenery site. People like to travel today, they can take a plane, take the bus or even take a bike. On my opinion, the best way to travel is by train.

First, it is very cheap. Compare with other ways, such as plane and bus, train is less expensive, people can save a lot of money.

Besides, taking the train is much safer.

People don’t have to worry about crush, which is more happen in the plane or bus. Second, we can enjoy the scenery in the train.

Though the train is very slow, we can have a good sight of the beautiful scenery, when we go to Tibet, we can see different colors and different mountains during the trip. Taking the train is the best way to travel.



This may day Dad took me to climb Huashan, where all the plants and trees were unforgettable.

I have been to Jincheng Mountain in Yilong, where fruit trees are everywhere and green grass is everywhere. But I can't compare to the beauty of Huashan; I have been to the east mountain of Deyang, where the mountains are green and green, but they are still not as strange as Huashan; I have also been to the Zhongjing Pingshan, where there are many places of interest, but not in Huashan.

As soon as I set foot on the Huashan Road, I saw a mountain peak rising from the ground, and a dark green light on the mountain. I looked at it. Dad said, "Hey, go." I went up and said, "Daddy, look, what a beautiful view!"

As I walked, I saw that the mountain peak was bare and grotesque. Under such conditions, trees were still growing. There is a mountain with these one or two trees long, far from seeing, the mountain is different, the mountain is like the tota Li, the tree is the tower, how angry! We see a national protection tree - the Sophora japonica, more than 500 years history. The tree is thick and oval - dense and oval, and the more I climb, the more scared it is, but the joy is my motivation, and my family and I continue to climb and climb higher. I saw Xifeng. It was the place where incense sticks to save the mountain. I jumped up with joy. Then I walked a long way, and I saw the long sky plank road, which was connected by a plank on the edge of the mountain. Look at that 1000 foot building, straight up 87 degrees slope, straight into the sky.

The listens say: the sunrise in Huashan and the sea of clouds are also beautiful. The sun just rose from the horizon, the first to show a lovely smiling face...... Hey, down the mountain, ride the cable car, so high! On the cable car to see this side of the mountain is different. How fast can I believe that every passing pile on the cable car is very fast, and when it reaches the foot of the hill?

Time is too fast, or I'll conquer it again.


Dear English teacher,

I went on a trip to Hainan today with my family .We went there by plane. After we got off the plane, we went to the beach to see the beautiful sand and swim there. There were other people there too. Some people were surfing and some people were diving in the deeper part of the sea. Afterwards we had lunch at a seafood restaurant near the beach. We ate seafood like shrimps and craps, and drank some abalone soup.We all didn't want to go home because the scenery was so beautiful, and there were so many other exciting things to try,but sadly it was time for us to go. It was definitely an exciting trip.If I have a chance to go there again, i will be more than happy to visit the place again.

Best wishes for you!




细细算来,从十岁离开您到现在的十五年,我们在一起的日子不超过半年,最让我内疚的是结婚三年而没归家。我坐在这里,想着自己家的样子,好像有点陌生了,想来真是可怕,这些年的日子一直是被惯性推动着,很少计划什么,也很少想什么,就被忙不完的事情,解不开的情绪,像鞭子一样赶着向前——————所以,这次的回来,让我有一个最深的感触:应该是我创造生活,而不是生活来淹没我。 纷纷杂杂,有很多感受,夹杂着陌生与熟悉的感觉,很多人很多事,在时光流走后,变得面目全非,可我想是我变得太多,才会有如此的感受。我可以确定的是,我在一天一天长大,却永远长不到尽头。而我长大的代价却是您老了。




感谢赵姨对您的呵护与慰藉(我1988年离异,赵姨是丫米的继母。)虽然这样说是不公平的,因为到现在你们已经是相濡以沫了,但看到您安静而满足的`生活,我真是很快乐。从前孩子的眼睛看的是生活的细节而不是您心灵的角落,那时候好幼稚啊。  我没有魔力给您一件礼物,让您每每在难过的时候看一眼就满足。可这件礼物您可以给您自己:相伴了大半生的老妈(丫米的祖母,时年98岁,很硬朗。),贴心的老伴,还有两个,是两个走到哪里也扯不断情感的孩子。还有什么比这更珍贵的呢?您都不用老想以后的事情,您怎么可能会有后顾之忧呢?就珍惜您的今天吧!您的鸽子,君子之交的鸽子很早就在阳台上嘀咕您的老妈充满温情地絮叨(慈母在世时,经常扶着门框观看我在阳台养的鸽子,絮絮叨叨,不时还撒点苞米),您的老伴和您偶尔争执的话题,还有·这一屋子您甚至不用去看了的书—————读那么多读书,还不是在为了完善自己,修炼自己?还不是为了快乐?那么您已经快乐了,就睁着眼睛,饶有兴趣地看待一切吧!  爸,上天对您很宽厚了,我相信,您能能活到一百岁,可以看到您的女儿韶华逝去,满头白发,那时还可以依偎在您左右吗?您允许吗?想想这是多好玩的一副景象!  我祈祷着,您别哭,不然我会一直不好过,要是因为想您,离了婚回辽源生活您责任可就大了啊!小心我六十岁的时候还翻小肠:“要不是回来陪您,我能把那么听话的丈夫扔了吗?您赔不起呀。"别的话就不说了,想我的时候打个电话,我长大了,足够承担您的欢乐和悲苦了。





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