

首页日记更新时间:2024-09-21 13:52:56


The previous years summer vacation, the old aunts puppy - tiger child production suitcase puppy, my dogs position. I went to the old aunt to the most beautiful little dog, foster care in the grandmothers home.

I gave the puppy a nice name, called \"Pippi\". Arrived at my house, a see I went to the sofa, do not let me touch it. I asked my grandmother, \"grandmother, Pippi how to see me run away?\" Grandma said: \"Pippi so small, very afraid, it thinks you constitute a threat to it, so see you run.\" Do not believe in evil, since then, every time I eat, I have their own meal to it a little, put it in the mouth, at first it is not grateful, but also barking a few times, as if to catch me like The I had to crept to the side, secretly watching it in the distance to eat. It first probe out of the brain to see, to determine no danger, then quickly ran to the food side, with relish to eat up.

After a few days, Pippi gradually not afraid of me, whenever I give it when feeding, will be kind to run up to eat. I squatting next to see, it is not afraid, after dinner with pink tongue licking my hand, Pippi can finally accept me!

A few weeks later, I should go back to the city. At this time, Pippi has the city of my intimate friends. When I was leaving, Pippi bite my trousers and let me go, with my eyes pray for me: little master, you often e back to see me!

Now, I often go back to my grandmother, Pippi will always e up, around me jump and jump it! I realized a truth: there will be paid to pay, people and animals can also be friends.


When I was young, I had a lovely dog, it has a white hair; a pair of big black eyes seemed especially clever; down from his ears on both sides; the black nose in the white face, very conspicuous; pink small mouth is like a lipstick on the tail; like a flower blooming flowers. A man who walks with a swing like a gentleman with great grace, and I affectionately call him \"Beibei\"\".

\"Beibei\" is a very conscientious security guard in our family\". Dont look at it usually lying on the sofa, lazy, fun, but as long as the door has a ring, it will suddenly raised his head and ears, all eyes staring at the door. If it is a visitor who knows it, he will greet it warmly, his tail wagging; if he has never met a stranger, he will raise his throat and shout at the man, as if to frighten others.

My family lives on the five floor, every time I go home from school, footsteps on the third ring, playing the \"babe\" will stop immediately, ran to the door and waited; when I went to the door, it will be exciting scratching at the door, and will go back to his family to open the door for me; when I entered the house. It will happily came at me and hugged my legs, the affectionate interest dont mention it.

\"Beibei\" is so lovely that he brings laughter and laughter for our family!


在我的老家,有一只我最爱的八哥狗“乐乐”。 乐乐长着一双葡萄般大小的眼睛,忽闪忽闪的。身上灰色的绒毛,使人摸起来十分舒适,安很胖时,在远处看,就如一块正颤动的肥肉。它经常在我吃饭或吃零食时,就会双“手”趴在我的腿上,表现出一副可怜样,口水也一直在流,好象在说:“唔... ....给点好吃的吧!”乐乐什么都好,就是有两点不好:一是十分懒、二是不爱洗澡。 它是怎样懒的呢?下面我来介绍一下吧。 有一次,爷爷、奶奶等人都有事出去了,只留下我一个人在家看电视。不经意间已是12:00了,突然想起乐乐还没吃中饭呢!我大声喊:“乐乐,要吃中饭啦!”一般情况下,它都会飞奔着跑过来,像是赶飞机似的。可今天为什么没来哩?它会不会被饿死啦??我越想越害怕,赶紧三步并二步地跑了过去,可一过去才发现乐乐正坐在那里,张大嘴巴,正等我来喂它呢!这就是如此懒的乐乐! 乐乐还十分不爱洗澡。每当我们喊“洗澡”这两个字时,它就好象过敏了似的,“嗖”的以迅雷不及掩耳之势跑到桌子底下,死活也不肯出来,直到我们吃饭时。有一次,又要洗澡时,我们先不喊那两个字,让我来利用它那贪吃的性格,给它吃一大块牛肉,待到它吃完,吃得饱饱的时候,我们再喊“洗澡。”只见它吓了一大跳,赶紧站起,刚想跑,只听“扑通”一声,它倒在地上,四只又肥又短的小腿在空中乱抓着,由于它太胖,半天都没起来,逗得我们哈哈大笑! 嘻嘻,我家的乐乐可爱吧!







I have a lovely dog. Its name is YoYo.

I like it very much. It has two big ears,two big and bright eyes. Its hair is brown. It has e to my home for a year. It has bee a part of my family. It has its own house,but it likes to sleep under my bed,play in my house. I like talking to it,because its a friend worth of trusting. I would like to share my happy things with it. When I am sad,talking to it makes me feel good.

I am happy to have such a lovely friend.







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