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越调戏曲舞蹈同舞剧中舞蹈的表演一样,为演绎剧情、愉悦观众创造了以歌舞演故事的崭新的舞蹈语汇。在实际的演出中,既有独舞,也有双人舞、三人舞乃至群舞。建国60多年来,作为越调艺术中一个非常重要的表现手法,许许多多的.艺术工作者在不同的历史时期,根据不同的剧目、剧情和人物需要,根据时代和观众的需求,从生活出发,运用虚拟、夸张的艺术方法进行提炼加工,创造出了不少令人赞美的新的程式化舞蹈。上世纪70年代的现代越调《杜鹃山》中赤卫队奔袭敌营时的的群舞“行军舞”,和上世纪60年代现代越调《红大娘》中的带有夸张效果的“追车舞”等等,都是越调新的程式化戏曲舞蹈的杰作,成为越调艺术宝库中的珍宝。 ——舞蹈抒发情感,塑造舞台鲜活人物形象。众所周知,戏曲舞蹈最大的优点之一就是能够通过动作来表现和抒发剧本、音乐所无法表达的情感,可以用强烈的肢体语言来表达欢乐和悲伤,用戏曲舞蹈节奏的变换来展现剧中人内心情绪的起伏。“此时无声胜有声”,在越调上演的近200多部剧目中,戏曲舞蹈和越调音乐紧密联系在一起,二者相互融通,相偎依靠、相得益彰。2002年,越调剧团新创大型新编历史剧《尽瘁祁山》,该剧在演绎诸葛亮六出祁山、终因鞍马劳顿、积劳成疾,不久将辞人世的时候,为完成一统大业,用尽心血祭灯,以求鞠躬尽瘁、死而后已。剧中的“祭灯”一场戏,是该剧的重场戏、高潮戏。诸葛亮要在祭灯时,端坐祭坛完成上百句唱腔,场景固定、人物表演深受局限,怎么刻画此时人物复杂、激烈、时空交错、浮想联翩的心情呢?本剧特邀的著名导演高牧坤从全局的风格、需要出发,从谋划全局之初,就认为只有加入舞蹈,才能完成全剧所刻画的一代名相的呕心沥血、忠心赤胆。为此,他把编舞的任务交给我和一个同事。这个任务既是对我们的信任,又是一个开创性的工作。我们接受任务之后,把压力化作创作的动力,反复阅读剧本和小说《三国演义》,了解人物波澜壮阔的一生,走进人物忧国忧民的博大情怀和爱妻思儿的人之常情,设想了很多方案,敲定在“祭灯”一折中,以灯演心,以灯演情,以灯抒怀,以灯造景,以灯寓志。在这近十分钟的大段唱腔中,十六个飘飘欲仙的女童,手持荷花之灯,时而幻化为清清河川,时而描绘出金戈铁马,时而引来家乡田园,时而若情感的纽带连起千里之遥的两地深情;诸葛亮起伏跌宕的心情有了十六只荷花灯的描绘体现得淋漓尽致,舞蹈曼妙的肢体语言与唱腔艺术的有机结合,强化了人物内心的揭示,伴随着不同的造型、变化的队形,静而尤动,动而不闹,充分地用舞蹈形式展现艺术美感,章显出舞蹈在戏曲艺术中的重要性和必然性,引来观众一阵阵掌声,成为该剧中仅次于越调唱腔的第二大要素,成为最灵动的舞台表现方式。也就在这次大赛中,编舞获得一等奖。



Dear mom:

This is the first time i write a letter to y ou in English,so i think i should say tha nks to you frist. That you give life to me,that you bring me to the world.

Sometimes i may make you angry,because i don`t adjust my fa ult.But i am sure i won`t do that things again,i think i have grown up,i must be able to tell the things true or fault.

My d ear mother ,you are the greatest perso n in the world,you are the most import ant person in my life.the love you give me is the greatst one in the world. My dear mother,i have to stop here,bec ause my vocabulary is very limited ,i wil l write more letters in the future ,at tha t time i can write a much longer one to you.

Thank you again ,my dear mother!

Yours son,



Dear Wang Hua,

How are you going on recently? I’m glad to tell you that I have planned to go to Zunyi Teachers’ College to study Chinese soon.Could you please give me some advice on how to learn Chinese well?

Write back soon.



Dear Frank,

How is everything going? I have been in America for a month as an exchange student. I am now staying at Mrs. White’s. She is said to be in her forties but looks very young and attractive. She is of normal height, with a slender figure, blond hair and big blue eyes.

Mrs. White shows a keen interest in everything about China, especially its culture and places of interest. She has a large collection of items that have to do with China, such as books videos, tea, artworks, and so on. She asks me so many questions about my country that sometimes I have to consult my friends to give satisfactory answers.

Mrs. White is kind and outgoing and she usually wears a smile on her face. We are getting along very well with each other. She takes me out to local places every weekend and if you come here, I will be your guide.

Look forward to your reply.


Li Hua


“You always say that I am naive. In your eyes, I am always the little girl who will never grow up”. This is my favorite song and also the sound from the bottom of my heart. You made me feel so lucky to be your child. But I find our hearts getting further apart as time goes by.

You strictly forbid me to do entertaining activities even if I finished my homework, such as watching TV or playing computer games. Based on this, I couldn’t get any grade less than A. It is said that genius only means hard-working all one’s life. But I think combining exertion is the best way for learning.

The most important thing to me was that I feel frustrated for having few friends to confide in due to your strict rules. I can’t have a play date, participate in a school play or even choose my own extracurricular activities. Who will accept such a boring and troublesome person? I am just an ordinary girl who can’t stand loneliness, so I always feel contradictory.

On the one hand, I’m grateful to have you in my life, to disappoint you was the least I would do. On the other hand, what you asked for me made me felt like a puppet rather than a real person. I appreciated your efforts to pull me away from a self-indulgent life, but your obsessively extravagant strictness has pushed me into an isolated and insensible one. I need a little freedom so that I will concentrate on something I really interested in.

Father and mother, these words were hid in my deep heart for a long time. I love you, and I believe if you change some harsh rules. I will have a wonderful life.

Best wishes.

Yours, daughter


Dearest Mother and Father:

I thank you for all the things you did for me over these years, without you, I would still be a toddler that don't know how to respect my friends. Without you, I would remain a child forever, without you, my homeworks and assignments would forever be "lost" and excused. I remembered, clear as glass, the glorious days we had when I was young, when we went travelling everywhere and our smiles on our pretty faces each and every single second. My heart felt very warm and thankful whenever I thought of you, it's like there's an unknown bond between the three of us, it tied us together, and made us a true family.

Your Love and Star,



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