

首页日记更新时间:2024-09-04 20:35:49





佛来思节夫人来看她了。她们达成了协议,马蒂尔德可以选择接受四万法郎,或者那条项链。另外,佛来思节夫人还会付给马蒂尔德六千法郎精神损失费。她接受了后者。 她戴着项链回家去。路上她心想:"我总算拥有一条自己的项链了。"但是,当她丈夫知道她选择的不是钱,便破口大骂:"你这笨蛋!难道钻石项链能使你填饱肚子?你戴着它活一辈子吧!"说罢,带着六千法郎,摔门而去。马蒂尔德彻底绝望了。但是,她宁可沿街乞讨也不愿卖掉项链,更不愿不择手段地生活下去,这是她一生的信念,她自信这一生并不欠别人什么。









“要不,你的那条项链我还给你,我的丈夫还会给我买条新的,你看怎样?” “不,不用了,就算是老天对我的惩罚好了,再见!”玛蒂尔德漠漠地笑了一下,告别了珍妮,转过身走开了,开始她新的人生。


...... There was a silence of silence.

The awkward atmosphere pervaded the space.

The two women looked at it differently than they could see.

Finally, the boredom was broken.

"Oh dear mathilde, I'm sorry, I know it's useless to say anything right now. I don't know how to say I don't know how to express my feelings now... "

Is silence

"Really believe me." Mrs. Fogs was incoherent.

It was so long that mathilde's spirits wandered back to see her calmly saying:

"Maybe it's god's arrangement. I've already done this. What else do I expect?"

"No!" The lady of Buddha was excited. "listen to me, mathilde. I should give you this string of real necklaces."

"No thank you! I live a very peaceful life and I am more comfortable with my husband than I am. The dull life tells me how terrible my desires are and I know it too late."

And a little of mathilde continued:

"I got into my youth that money can't buy anything."

With that, mathilde walked away, leaving behind a man who stood in the park, murmuring to mathilde's retreating figure.

"Changed her; The world has not changed since she has changed. Ugly and beautiful; Mediocrity; Poor and rich: what are these?"

Suddenly she remembered that there was a book on her bookcase called the eastern religion, which said, "you can live happily because you have nothing to do.

"Perhaps she has reached this state," said Buddha.









"I, I lost the necklace of lady frith."

"What? How could it be so, "said luva, in a frightened straighter.

When the necklace was lost, mathilde seemed to age a lot.

When they were having their lunch, the couvas were very nervous.

"Friend, have you finished with the necklace? I'm going to use it."

"Oh, are you going to use it? Well, that... "

He said, "I'm sorry, madam, but I lost my necklace. "

"That's all right, but it's 500 francs."

"What? 500 francs, it's fake?" "Asked Mrs. Lu.


"Great, I'll pay you 500 francs."

The couple were relieved that the couple were happy.

A month went by, and one day Mrs. Freusi asked her to accompany her to the party, and she said yes, and bought a suit and fine jewelry.

"Beautiful lady, can you dance?" "Asked a handsome man.

"Yes," said Mrs. Rutile, excited.

This once again satisfied the vanity of Mrs. Luwawa.

"Will you marry me? Beautiful lady.

"What, I have a husband!

"It's okay. You can divorce him."

"But...... "

The party was over, and she was so happy that she returned home, and worried that her husband would divorce her. When her husband came back, she insisted that he was divorced and married the man.

Then she found the man very fancy. She was so angry that she had a big fight with him and the man scolded her and let her go. She thought of her husband's thoughtfulness, and when she went to see him, she found that she had left the place.

The thoroughly despairing lady of the road, she threw herself into the river.


When the necklace was returned, mathilde did not go straight home, but to the park by the river.

It was dusk, and a great many white waterbirds flew about on the river, and seemed to have the dance of a waltz on their feet. Twilight sky seem so beautiful, the red corner is scattered on the river, and according to water birds, sprinkled on sitting in the stool quietly watched the river along the river mathilde's face, she looks so beautiful charming, face can not see a trace of bitterness, seemed so easy

Mathilde, watching the waterbirds fly, thought of the dance, how beautiful she was that night, how it was so stunning! Now but she did not feel pain, although in the economy, he faces cruelty of poverty, the bitterness of my flesh, the spirit of torture but today, in the present, she is so easy, even a bit of pleasant sensation, because in spirit, in character, she is still innocent, she is honest, she didn't disappoint friend, no moral bottom line

When she got up to go, her eyes saw her husband's shadow, she rubbed her eyes, thought it was an illusion, opened her eyes and her husband was still there. , at this moment, mathilde eyes moist, for her, she knew that he was sorry too deep, there are too many words want to speak to him, how to also can not open the mouth, but only just big tears fall down the cheek and her husband said nothing, only his wife mathilde in the bosom.






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