Children's finally here, it is our holiday, but imagine the children also accompanied by together, everybody is more excited.
Children on this day, white clouds float over the blue sky, the children also have made a hot air balloon, they sit together on yourself a hot-air balloon, extremely happy! Balloon flying high, and finally flew to the sky, the children are in the sky holiday, the children sit on clouds, umpa jump, like a frisky little monkey.
Playing children, suddenly to rain cats and dogs, the children of the balloon has stalled, baiyun sister swept away by the wind, the children fell into despair. Is a time of crisis, a group of dragonflies sister and sister flew caught the children, and the safety of the children to the ground.
On the ground, only butterflies woven into a rainbow "lei", the children wear a wreath, some like a fairy, some like a warrior.
Play tired, the children fell asleep between full of fragrance of flowers.
Children's good play my imagination, to one day be able to live in such a children's day.
What our life will be like in the future?When I was a little boy,I always asked myself this question.At that time,I had no idea what Internet was.But now,we use it every day.We can't live without it.Internet is become so popular and so convenient.
Just forget it.What our life will be like in the future?For example,in ten years.I think that in ten years our life will be much more colorful,our computer will be much powerful,and we can do almost everything on the internet including seeing a doctor.What about your future life ?Will you share with me?
今天又是无聊的一天啊,我躺在床上,无所事事的。心想:唉!如果有点有意义的事做该多好啊!突然,一个念头在我心中蠢蠢欲动,那就是帮妈妈做家务。 首先,我帮妈妈扫地。我拿起扫把,把一楼扫一遍,再拿起拖把,把一楼拖一遍。这两件简单的事就花我半天功夫,让我满头大汗。
可是我刚要收拾的时候,又把水桶踢翻,地上满是脏水。我拿起拖把,慢慢地吸光所有的脏水,可是我又不小心踩到拖把,把一半的脏水挤出来。没办法,只好重新再吸一遍。 接下来,我就帮妈妈擦玻璃。我拿起抹布,花九牛二虎之力,才擦好一面玻璃。可是一块地方怎么也擦不掉,仔细的看一下,原来是水泥,我用尽全力,才擦掉这一小片水泥。突然,脚下一打滑,我从椅子上摔下来,可真够疼的!等我擦好所有玻璃,都已经中午。
顺利的\'一项。我把被子甩平,再把被子的两角对折,把对折的两角跟另外一边的两角对折。然后再把被子对折一次,就完成。 这个忙碌的上午使我懂得:妈妈日日都是很辛苦的。我暗暗发誓,以后一定要多孝顺妈妈。
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