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The movie《The Pursuit of Happiness》is a story about that a father never give up and succeed in the end.

In the movie the father told his son that if you have a dream you should protect it and never give it up. It impressed me a lot. No matter how hard the life was, the father never leave his son, his family or his brief behind. Even they had to spend the night by living in the park or a public toilet.

The movie taught me a lot about the sprit of never give up and insist. After watching it,I learned that catch every chance what I meet and be active to the life. And I also learn that one has to strongly believe in himself, no matter how difficult the situation is, but of course, hard-working is indispensable. “Think, tough life experiences, always make a great person!”


Being a monitor is my dream, because I think it is so cool and I will have the power. So when I go into the middle school, I make my effort to be a monitor, luckily, all of my classmates trust me and elect me as their monitor. I am so happy, my little dream has come true, but I never expect that the monitor’s duty is so heavy. I can’t do what I want, every decision I make needs to consider so many things, if I go the wrong way, my classmates will have loss. As the saying that the more power, the more responsibility, I have pressure, but I learn many things, I become mature and can deal things well.



星期一早上7点整我跟楼下的阿姨跟弟弟一起驱车驶往东和乡敬老院在那儿我们碰到了一米阳光爱心社的叔叔阿姨,他们大包小包的带了很多东西,我一看有芹菜、 饺子皮、五花肉、酱油……原来叔叔阿姨是要包饺子啊!可是我不会包啊,怎么办呢?阿姨好像看出了我的难题过来对我说:“小朋友,没关系,阿姨等一下会教你 的'!”我心里的一块大石头就放下了!

这时,我看到了一位姐姐在拿热水壶,我便走过去问她:“姐姐你要去干吗?”那位姐姐对我说:“我要去给爷爷奶奶洗脚,要不你跟我一起吧!”我说:“好 啊!”姐姐要我去拿一个盆子接点凉水,我便拿到卫生间去接凉水,没想到见到一位奶奶上厕所差点摔跤,我立马去把他扶起来。那位奶奶拍拍我的手说:“小朋 友,你真好,比我亲孙女都好!”我说:“怎么可能呢,奶奶那是您孙女啊,来奶奶我们去洗脚吧!”“小朋友,谢谢你啊,真不知道该怎样谢你!”“奶奶,不用 谢,我们过会还给你们包饺子呢!”“谢谢你们”奶奶对我说。


后来,我们一起为爷爷奶奶包了饺子,连不会包饺子的我都学了好多包饺子的方法呢!我可开心了呢,最后我问爷爷奶奶们,你们过年在哪儿过呢?爷爷奶奶说在这 儿过。我说:“那你们那些儿女呢?”“我们的儿女都不比这儿的阿姨好,等会搞半天还得把我们给送回来,还不如不去呢!”我的心突然凉了半截好像突然凉了半 截。既然有子女怎么就不把自己家老人领回家呢!自己家父母生你养你到他们这个年纪就把他们给丢在这儿……



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