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我刚跑到客厅,只见爷爷正在家里的门窗上插“五端”,也就是菖蒲、艾草、石榴花、蒜头、龙船花。我充满好奇地问:“为什么要插这些?”爷爷笑呵呵地说:“***这些就能驱邪避魔了。”我说:“这是迷信!”“小孩子别瞎说。”爷爷刚刚的一脸笑容被我这一句话扫得一丝不剩,我见爷爷生气了,心中也害怕了,连忙趁爷爷不注意的时候跑到厨房,找妈妈说话去了。 我和妈妈正谈着,妈妈又说:“端午节有‘八说 ’呢。第一说是认为纪念楚国大诗人屈原;第二个是庆祝唐玄宗的生日的;第三个是……正说着,突然妈妈说了一声“不好了,我的黄鱼!”她赶到时,黄鱼已经被煮焦了。我叹了一口气,“哎,家里没一个可以陪我静心玩的!”于是我唱着妈妈教我的儿歌,出去找小伙伴玩了。



今天早晨,我起床以后,妈妈就问我:“今天又是端午节了,你还要不要吃蛇肉啊?”“当然要吃!”我响亮地回答。“那我们现在就去菜市场买蛇肉去。”“好呀!快走吧!”于是,我就跟着妈妈去菜市场了。 来到菜市场,我们没有看到蛇肉。于是,妈妈就带我在里面走了一圈。好不容易我们才找到了一处卖蛇肉的地方。摊主问:“你们是不是买蛇肉啊?”我抢在妈妈前说:“是的!”那个人就让我们自己挑选。我看到那几条蛇在笼子里面游来游去。它们还不时把头抬起。我不禁有些心惊肉跳了。妈妈却不怕,指着一条中等大小的蛇说:“就要这一条!”“好!” 说着卖蛇的人捉起那条蛇。他用手捏住蛇的'头,用脚踩住蛇的尾,再用空着的手拿了一把刀,灵活地把蛇头给宰了下来,然后立刻把蛇皮剥去。接着,他拿刀把雪白略带粉红色的蛇身切成一段一段的放在一只塑料袋里。妈妈付了钱,接过装着蛇肉的袋子就和我一起回家去了。









In August 1st, we took a spring and autumn flight to the coveted coastal city of Qingdao. It is a beautiful mountain, where there are endless beach, a beautiful scenery of Laoshan, there are exquisite red trees, really is a good place for summer vacation.

We first come to the famous "famous mountain" in Laoshan. We were driving in the Laoshan mountain road, mountain peaks standing outside the window, the sky; at the foot of the mountain waves blowing and billowing waves. I felt like I was in the fairyland of the world, and I was delightful.

Mountaineering, we climbed up the mountain road. Soon, a row falls suddenly appeared in front of the waterfall like dragon soar, of great momentum. This is the famous "Longtan waterfall", the magnificent momentum really wonders, like "waterfalls three thousand feet" magnificent.

On the second day, we came to the beach and surf. The sea of Qingdao very beautiful: the sky is a turquoise sea, is a piece of jade, Yuanwang spectacular water. We stepped in the soft beach, toward the long sea.

The sea rolled up a layer of beautiful waves and whistled to the beach. In the blink of an eye it fled back like a naughty child. At this time, a one meter high waves hold up, I quickly put the body back in the past, a wave of the past, I will walk a few steps forward. In a few moments, another row of waves rushed, and I ran back... We in the sound of the waves in the sea waves play each other furiously, leaving our laughter, the feeling is very good.

The trip to Qingdao left a deep impression on me. To start school, I wish I could have a new start like going to travel.


Last year, I went to Guang Zhou in the summer vacation. I felt so excited, it took me about four hours to get there. In the daytime, the air was so stuffy and the sun was so hot, so my friends and I decided to take a rest in the hotel. When the sun almost got down, we started to go on the street, the first thing was to find something to eat. There were so many delicious snacks, we had no idea which to eat, so we planed to eat as much as we could. I found myself couldn’t stop eating, the food was tasted. After we finishing eating, we started to go shopping.Guang Zhou is famous for the foreign trade, its clothes are fashionable and cheap. We went to the shopping street, trying on all kinds of clothes, at last, we bought many clothes. This trip is so unforgettable to me.去年暑假,我去广州旅游。我感到很兴奋,我花了大约四个小时到那里。白天,空气很闷,太阳很大,所以我的朋友和我决定去旅馆休息。当太阳将要下山了,我们开始逛街,第一件事就是找东西吃。街上有很多美味的小吃,我们不知道吃什么好,因此我们计划尽可能多吃。我无法停止下来,食物太美味了。吃完以后,我们开始购物,广州的外贸很出名,衣服时尚,价格便宜。我们去了购物街,试了各种各样的衣服,最后,我们买了很多衣服。这趟旅程对我来说是很难忘的。


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