This holiday is very interesting. When walking on the street, the advertisements are full of walls. People walking across the street must stop to see the noticeable advertisements, and the funny words cant help laughing.
First look at the first advertisement on the side of the east wall. "Why not slow" brand cough cough syrup for children, look, what, this advertisement some taste it to see this, advertisers, who do not want to buy a bottle. Now the business can really do, using the homonym of idioms to do advertising, really one stone, one word, a word, cattle.
And then look at the southeastern ad. "Haste is not", look, do you know what it means? Is to say, the shower time is too short, can not achieve a certain purpose. Haha, shower or shower to shower the knowledge, a long time, that cant be soaked through. Hey, this ad is a bit of a taste.
And then look at the advertisement on the north side. "Chicken can not lose, the flavor of the Roast Chicken, high quality and inexpensive, wow, this advertisement is too tempting. Here, who dont go and buy only Roast Chicken to snack. Really, "chicken [machine] cant be lost, lost again."
Finally, look at the street east the hotel in front of the advertisement, "Qing Ling Hotel", do not look at these words, a look, a few words that glittering under the sign of "the food package you high quality and inexpensive, eat whole foods [ten] [ten] beauty", eat also want to eat". Why, this advertisement is pretty good. The boss of this shop is really smart. He must be a knowledgeable person. If not, how can I think of using homophonic idioms to advertise? I believe the business of this shop must be very hot.
The present society is very diverse and colorful. With the progress of the times and the development of science and technology, the intelligence quotient of people is also getting higher and higher. Look, how beautiful the world is, how interesting it is.
This holiday is really full and interesting.
Today my mother and I go to shopping. We went to a big shop. There are many things. Something about playing, some about diet and some about work.
I like the book is very small, so I have to go to the bookstore. Oh, there are a lot of books. I like it very much. So I ask a mother: "I can chice my favorite book?" My mother said: "good!" "Good! Thank you, mum!" Im happy to buy some books!
今天,我终于看见了盼望已久的雪花,整个长兴像被笼罩在雪白的帐子里。房子上、树木上、都穿上了雪白的新衣裳。一朵朵的雪花纷纷扬扬地从天上飘落下来,好像一群群少女在翩翩起舞,“好大的雪啊!”我欢呼着,兴高采烈地和妈妈往楼下跑,我说:“我们一起堆雪人吧!”先揉一个小小的雪球滚几下,它就变成了一个大大的雪球。我们又开始做身子。身子终于做好了,我们又把刚才做好的雪人头放在身子上,用纸片做眼睛和嘴巴,再把小雪球放到雪人头上当鼻子,一个活生生的小雪人做成了。它像一个小卫士守在我们家门前,帮我们站岗。“铃铃铃,铃铃铃”妈妈的手机响了起来,原来局里的人叫妈妈1时30分到龙山大道扫雪,我正玩得起劲,便不让妈妈走,妈妈说:“如果不去扫雪,地上的雪就会冻住,连走路都会摔倒的。”晚上,我看新闻联播里,有的地方路上结冰,造成交通不便,警察叔叔冒着雪维持交通秩序。有的地方下的雪冻住了电线,使得那里好几天停电,工人叔叔正在抢修,结果牺牲了三位…… “啊!真可怕!”我惊叫起来。”妈妈说:“民间有‘瑞雪兆丰年’的说法,虽然下雪给我们带来了生活和交通不便,但是会给农作物盖上厚厚的‘棉被’到了地二年农作物就会获得丰收。”
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