五年级英语作文 描写一个人性格(英语描写人物小作文五年级)

五年级英语作文 描写一个人性格(英语描写人物小作文五年级)

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五年级英语作文 描写一个人性格(英语描写人物小作文五年级)

五年级英语作文 描写一个人性格【一】








五年级英语作文 描写一个人性格【二】






五年级英语作文 描写一个人性格【三】

性格刚强的腊梅因为挑战冬天,为人所称赞。而小程刚强的性格也将成为他走向成功的一颗铺路石。 在我的朋友中,有着许多不同性格的人:内向、开朗、乐观……但我最欣赏的还是那种刚强的个性。 阿程就是这样的一个人,小到写字,大到学习,从来都是不服输的,并且永不放弃。和他做朋友这几年以来,从来就没有见过他掉眼泪,从他身上,我学到了什么叫做刚强。 阿程,一个黑黑瘦瘦的男生,浓眉大眼,他忽闪忽闪的大眼睛中,透露着一股永不屈服的劲儿。就是这样一个男生,告诉我什么叫做“铮铮铁汉”。

上一次的校运会上,他报了1800米来挑战自己。一声令下,选手们就像一只只离弦之箭。飞奔而去,可还没有跑几圈,他就已经累的不行了,大口大口的.喘着粗气,大家都劝他:“不要再跑了,你会倒下的!”但是他执意要跑下去,直到后来,他终于“噗”的一声倒下去了。虽然这次比赛他失败了,但他却向我们诠释了坚强不屈的真正含义。 课下,因为不小心头在桌角上撞了一下。鼓起了一个大包,却没有听见喊过一个“疼”字。 数学课上,老师布置了一道难题让我们自己解答,直到下课,也没有人能做出来,许多人都选择了放弃,只有他还在坚持着。你瞧他,一只手托着腮邦,另一只手中的笔在草稿纸上不停的演算,眉头紧皱着,嘴里还在不停的嘟哝着,一副“不破此题誓不罢休的样子”,直到放学,他还在研究。

同学们都在嘲笑他,他全然不顾。第二天早上,出乎意料他真的求出了正确答案。 他可以为编中国结而把自己关在房间里两个多小时,他可以为了学扫地而而每天早上六点来学校…… 如果说困难是一条河,那么他刚强的性格就是一条船,载着他漂洋过海;如果说困难是一棵树,那么他刚强的性格就是一把刀,为他劈荆斩棘;如果说困难是一座山,那么他刚强的性格就是一柄斧,助他翻山越岭。 性格刚强的腊梅因为挑战冬天,为人所称赞。而小程刚强的性格也将成为他走向成功的一颗铺路石。

五年级英语作文 描写一个人性格【四】








五年级英语作文 描写一个人性格【五】

我的爸爸长得高大英俊。他棱角分明的五官,乌黑的头发,看起来一点也不像我的爸爸,倒像我的哥哥。说他像我的哥哥一点也没错 ,因为他像我一样很贪吃零食,还经常跟我抢零食吃。


我爸爸虽然很贪吃零食,但绝对是一个负责任的好爸爸,每天不论刮风下雨他都准时接送我上学、放学。而且对我要求很严格,无论是在生活习惯上还是在学习上。记得有一次,去参加姐姐的生日晚会, 很晚才回家,感觉又累又困,便倒在床上正想呼呼大睡。可爸爸一把把我拽起来说:“快去刷牙。”我说:“我很困,我明天补刷两次行吗?”爸爸坚决地说:“不行,快去!”我只好执行命令。还有一次,我的数学作业因为我的粗心大意得了50分,他就把我的作业撕掉,说:“把题目抄下来,重新做一次!”我恳求说:“我会做了,不用重新做了吧?”可爸爸还是很坚决地说:“no!”我又乖乖地重做了一次。


五年级英语作文 描写一个人性格【六】

Computer is a very useful machine. Some of them are big, but some of them are very small .Many people like playing computer. Computer has many functions, so that people can do a lot of things by computer, like watching movies, listening to the music or playing games. It can make our lives very colorful and convenient. Various people can make good use of computer. Children can use computer to learn and play games. Parents can use computers to work. I think computer is a kind of wonderful and interesting machine, so I like computer very much.


五年级英语作文 描写一个人性格【七】


As is shown above, a leader father is sitting in the chair with a seal grasping in the hand, and a lot of money beside him. He seriously said to his son that there is more to life than just money -it is power. Simple as the picture is, but a profound truth is reveled in the picture.

I surely disagree with father ’s philosophy. As a leader, he shouldn ’t use his power to make money. It is his duty to serve people wholeheartedly, just one person said “with great power comes great responsibility ”. If he stick to his philosophy. I believe that he will spend the rest of his life in prison. What’s worse, he could affect his son ’s philosophy, guiding him in the opposite direction , nothing can be done to reverse the trend itself. The only solution is to change father ’s philosophy. Because of many greedy officials in China, it is time to reverse the trend itself by establishing new policy. As Chinese always has been our confidence that we can change for the better and better.

In my opinion, there is more to to life than just money -it is happiness, nothing is important than happiness. We can live a colorful life in our spare time.


As is shown above, a leader father is sitting in the chair with a seal grasping in the hand, and a lot of money beside him. He seriously said to his son that there is more to life than just money it is power. Simple as the picture is, but a profound truth is reveled in the picture.

I surely disagree with father ’s philosophy. As a leader, he shouldn ’t use his power to make money. It is his duty to serve people wholeheartedly, just one person said “with great power comes great responsibility ”. If he stick to his philosophy. I believe that he will spend the rest of his life in prison. What’s worse, he could affect his son ’s philosophy, guiding him in the opposite direction , nothing can be done to reverse the trend itself. The only solution is to change father ’s philosophy. Because of many greedy officials in China, it is time to reverse the trend itself by establishing new policy. As Chinese always has been our confidence that we can change for the better and better.

In my opinion, there is more to life than just money it is happiness, nothing is important than happiness. We can live a colorful life in our spare time.



As is shown above, a leader father is sitting in the chair with a seal grasping in the hand, and a lot of money beside him. He seriously said to his son that there is more to life than just money it is power. Simple as the picture is, but a profound truth is reveled in the picture.

I surely disagree with father ’s philosophy. As a leader, he shouldn ’t use his power to make money. It is his duty to serve people wholeheartedly, just one person said “with great power comes great responsibility ”. If he stick to his philosophy. I believe that he will spend the rest of his life in prison. What’s worse, he could affect his son ’s philosophy, guiding him in the opposite direction , nothing can be done to reverse the trend itself. The only solution is to change father ’s philosophy. Because of many greedy officials in China, it is time to reverse the trend itself by establishing new policy. As Chinese always has been our confidence that we can change for the better and better.

In my opinion, there is more to life than just money -it is happiness, nothing is important than happiness. We can live a colorful life in our spare time.



As is shown above, a leader father is sitting in the chair with a seal grasping in the hand, and a lot of money beside him. He seriously said to his son that there is more to life than just money it is power. Simple as the picture is, but a profound truth is reveled in the picture.

I surely disagree with father ’s philosophy. As a leader, he shouldn ’t use his power to make money. It is his duty to serve people wholeheartedly, just one person said “with great power comes great responsibility ”. If he stick to his philosophy. I believe that he will spend the rest of his life in prison. What’s worse, he could affect his son ’s philosophy, guiding him in the opposite direction , nothing can be done to reverse the trend itself. The only solution is to change father ’s philosophy. Because of many greedy officials in China, it is time to reverse the trend itself by establishing new policy. As Chinese always has been our confidence that we can change for the better and better.

In my opinion, there is more to life than just money -it is happiness, nothing is important than happiness. We can live a colorful life in our spare time.



As is shown above, a leader father is sitting in the chair with a seal grasping in the hand, and a lot of money beside him. He seriously said to his son that there is more to life than just money it is power. Simple as the picture is, but a profound truth is reveled in the picture.

I surely disagree with father ’s philosophy. As a leader, he shouldn ’t use his power to make money. It is his duty to serve people wholeheartedly, just one person said “with great power comes great responsibility ”. If he stick to his philosophy. I believe that he will spend the rest of his life in prison. What’s worse, he could affect his son ’s philosophy, guiding him in the opposite direction , nothing can be done to reverse the trend itself. The only solution is to change father ’s philosophy. Because of many greedy officials in China, it is time to reverse the trend itself by establishing new policy. As Chinese always has been our confidence that we can change for the better and better.

In my opinion, there is more to life than just money -it is happiness, nothing is important than happiness. We can live a colorful life in our spare time.



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