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summer can be very hot in southern taiwan where the temperature usually goes up to 32"c or more. because of the heat it is a trying experience to go to school or do anything else in a place that is not air-conditioned. also because of this i stay at home most of the time during the summer vacation and only occasionally go to the beach to plunge myself into the cool water as a way to keep my body less sticky.

actually i like swimming and think nothing is more refreshing than a swim. in the summer vacation that has just ended i went swimming many times with my classmates and we all had a good time. this summer vacation, however, was not spent entirely in seeking fun. as a second-year senior student i had to prepare myself for the college entrance examinations that were only a year away. in other words, i must find time to study, too.

so i divided my time between work and play during the summer vacation and derived much benefit from this arrangement.


终于迎来了愉快的周末。它唤醒了学习劳累的孩子,打动了工作繁忙的工人……人们都开始进入愉快的周末。 一大早,我向邻居奶奶学包饺子,瞧我可来劲了!



我和奶奶有个约定:每个周末一起包饺子呢! 一个饺子,包含着我的劳动成果;一个饺子,洋溢着那坚持到底的精神;一个饺子,更是蕴藏着邻居之间的和谐……


January 15th,Sunny

As the winter vacation is drawing near, I have a plan about my vacation. I'm going to do what I want to do. I'm going to study harder in order to get good grades in the following term. After finishing all my homework, I'm going to enjoy myself in the sea of knowledge. Reading must be a good idea. I'm going to keep fit at the same time. I'll get up eary in the morning everyday and play sports. I really love sports. Besides that, Eating a balanced diet is also good for my health. I'm going to help my mom and dad with the housework as well in the vacation.I'll learn to cook. As for travelling, I'm planning to go to Hainan. But whether going there or not will be decided on the weather.During the vacation,I'm going to learn more about history,as I'm really poor on it.

So you see, I'll have a terrific vacation!


i read the book written by luxun .it is called zhaohuaxishi. it includes 10 short articles about the writers stories .they are based on his own experience , when i read this book ,i feel very happy to see luxuns childhood. it was diffrent from ours,so we may find it intersting and exciting. luxuns langange is very great but maybe difficult to understand . but through his words ,we can find his happiness in his heart .


The winter vacation is not so far from us.there are lots of thing I have done while this vacation.For one thing ,I have my lessons reviewed ,in order to improve the qulity of study.For the other thing,I wish I would be betterafter hard working with my course.at first, I must correct all my final examination paper. Secondly,I insist on reading English books and newspapers every day.I also keep on oral pratice.

In my spare time,I will take an active part in activitise.I can gain the first hand imformations through the activitise which can help me to extend my knowlege.

I'm sure this vacation will be the best one for me.Let me try!


I read the book of Robinson Crusoe, their captors.

Article describes multiple sailing in the whole island, Crusoe masters of extraordinary survival 28 years experience, strive for survival, show the ingenuity and a man with indomitable perseverance in the face of hardship persistent existence desire, the lonely and eager to rescue the mood. In a lonely island overcome Robinson was done with fear, a savage and said he was "on Friday, they get along with each other, then built on Friday, Crusoe one kind of warm friendship." I also enjoy the disclosure of the business concept: Crusoe each sailing and adventure has clear commercial purpose, with his own property and calculating profit, he will also oneself life the island is his territory, in addition to reveal its economic thought, I admire John Robinson's rich, more learning his strong initiative and spirit of adventure, early efforts, hard work, and perfect kindness thought!





没过多久,小记者的选拔就开始了。一共50名考生,我是第30名。于是我不停地对自己说道:“加油,加油,你是最棒的!”可是心里还是有几分紧张。我顺利的通过了笔试,接下来就是口试了。我大方地站在舞台上,准备自我介绍时,突然脑子像进了一块石头似的,什么都忘了。正当我急得快要哭出来时,是妈妈在后排用一个无声的手势提醒了我,使我流利地用英语说出:“Hello, everybody.My name……”。最后成绩出来时令人惊讶:才只有可怜的71分。那么低,都快没脸见人了,会不会是把我的和别人的搞混了搞错了?我心想。不过这都是早有准备的事,妈妈说只是出来见见世面,至于分数和结果的不是很重要。不过我还是有点受打击的。而妈妈便说"你现在知道你自己的水平有多差了把!不要整天骄傲自满,要善于发现并弥补自己的弱点!









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