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My mother

My mother is very kind and beautiful although she is not tall.She is 42 years old this year.She is a nurse,so she is always very busy day and night.But she loves her job,and she often takes care of her patients.Of course,she also likes singing,dancing,cooking and shopping,but she almost no time to do them.

Oh,I love my mother.



Country Garden and Me

On the way from Panyu City to Shunde City and approaching the conjunction point of both cities, a big advertisement board of the infamous Country Garden will catch your eyes. And on the board, a lovely girl gently holds a little white pigeon.

She looks at everybody with a sweet smile. Who is this girl? Let me tell you later. Country Garden is located at the Beijao town, Shunde City of Guangdong Province. Ten years ago when my Dad and Mom took me as a baby to Guangzhou, it was a wasteland here. But what does this piece of wasteland look like nowadays? Country Garden has been developed and enlarged rapidly on the ground of this land, and a great number of high-quality houses and apartments have been built up within the garden. Over the past decade, other nine country gardens with various unique designs have been erasing around the great city of Guangzhou. The construction and management of several gardens have engaged the devoted contributions from my Dad and Mom.

Country Garden has grown up together with me, and I am one of the witnesses of its growth and development.


A letter to my mother

Oct. 17th

Dear mother,

I have been good at school. I often think of you when I go to bed because we always go for a walk before go to bed at home. So I miss you everyday. Do you miss me? Why don’t you call me? I’ve got a lot of things to tell you. One of the things is about foreign teacher’s daughter. Her name’s Skyler. She lives in Canada. She comes to our class to learn Chinese and English with me in my class. This afternoon, when it was art and craft class, our class were cleaning the gymnasium. And she did it with us too. So I usually talk to her when she doesn’t know what to do? But when the class is over, I always haven’t got enough time to talk to her. And I usually can’t find her. So we don’t have time to introduce to each other. But it is the first time that I have a foreign student. So I’m very happy! Mum, you often tell me, “If you are happy, I’ll be happy, too.” So you have to be happy, because I’m happy! I like you when you are happy!

In the end I wish you everything is just fine!





《牛津小学英语》教材的编写采用循环式编排方式。以时间表达的句型为例,这套教材在3B、4A、5B的教材中先后三次在相关单元安排了时间表达的不同句型,体现了“循序渐进、逐步扩展、综合复现”的原则。有一位教师在教学5B第七单元“A busy day时安排了4个教学步骤:1 教师出示教具钟。T:What’s the time?(旧知S1:It’s three o’clock,(旧知2 教师将时间拨到3:30。T:What time is it?(新知S2:It’s three thirty,(旧知3 学习新句型后,教师让学生向教师提问。S3:What time is it?(刚学的新知T:n’s halfpast three,(新知4 教师出示新旧句型,让学生读一读,比一比,想一想,说一说。





在小学英语教学中,教师要充分挖掘教材,把学生原有的知识、经验作为获取新知识的基础,通过提示新、旧句型之间的联系,帮助学生建构当前所学句型的意义。例如,在教学《牛津小学英语2B》(译林版,下同第三单元“What can you see?”时,有一位教师首先与学生进行已经学过的“Can you…?”会话,然后通过多媒体出示一个停车场的夜景图。随着一束模拟探照灯的光束移向不同的车辆,教师逐个说:A car.I can see a car.A bus.Ican see a bus.A jeep.I can see…然后,将光束聚焦在一辆小汽车上,问学生:What can you see?引导学生答:Ican see a car.这种从旧知引人人手,通过铺垫性操练,引导学生自然地感知并理解新句型,学生会学得轻松、活泼。


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