Life has its ups and downs, and only true friends always stay around. Like anyone else, I have got many friends. They often help me when I’m in trouble. Especially, when I fail in an examination, they always care for me and encourage me to study harder. Last year, when I was hurt in a basketball game, my friends took me to the nearby hospital at once and look after me by turns. In my eyes, friends are the most precious wealth that one should treasure all his life.
Dear Family,
You must be greatly surprised when you get this letter, not from anyone else but from your dearest son, since I have never written a letter for ages in such a traditional way. The purpose of my writing is not so much to express my gratitude for bringing me up, as it is to tell you something about my college life.
It has been more than two years since I started my college life and I have adapted myself to the new environment here, even though at the very beginning, I was not quite used to it. My classmates are pretty friendly and they offer to help me whenever need be, which is really precious for me. My teachers tell me the differences between college life and high school life and give me some necessary advice on how to learn in college. Because of their kind-hearted help, I learn to know the importance of cooperation and communications between each other, especially when in Group work.
In the past several months, I have been busy preparing for TEM 4.Therefore, most of the time, I stayed at school and seldom kept in touch with you; I should have been ashamed of this. But now it is completely finished, and I will never do that again. In my spare time, I usually go to play basketball to keep fit since you always ask me to practice more to keep healthy. What is more, I like to go to the English Corner to practice my spoken English in order to improve my oral English level, which is of importance as English major.
Finally, I would like to specially thank you for providing me the best education and experience. Without your support and understanding, it wouldn't be the same. In regard to the future, I will make every effort to study for my degree and make the dreams I had envisioned come true.
Take good care of yourselves as you have asked me to.
Best regards,
我的妈妈 是非常善良的妈妈,我小的那个时候家里非常的困难。我有一个舅舅是哑巴,他长的很瘦小,智力也弱。他是我爸爸前妻的弟弟,我爸爸前妻去世了。我的哑巴舅舅在他的哥哥家呆着,冬天很冷,很冷了,我的哑巴舅舅也穿不上棉衣,冷的实在受不了,是大队照顾做了一套棉衣。到春暖花开的时候,我的哑巴舅舅也换不下这套棉衣,到了五月节了大队又照顾了一套单衣。才算换下这棉花露在外面的棉衣,那个时候粮食也缺。我的哑巴舅舅常常做错事情被哥哥嫂嫂子骂,我的哑巴舅舅没有地方去,只能常常到我家里来,到天冷的时候,妈妈就找家里的厚一点的衣服或是棉衣给他穿,记得有一次,妈妈把我的一个花色很好看的马甲给了哑巴舅舅穿了,我放学回来,看见了,就生气在地上蹦,和妈妈闹,“那是我的衣服,我可喜欢了,给他我穿什么呀!”妈妈就哄着我说:“你舅舅太冷了,妈妈明年给你做好的、做新的。”
妈妈 不知道是从哪天开始,妈妈的腰就弯下了,个子也变矮了。妈妈弯着腰,照样做原来的那些活计。
上中学的时候,有一天,我放学没有回家,妈妈惦记着,就去邻居的同学家问 :“知道不知道我家的芳怎么没有回来呀?”同学说:“你家芳没有交学费被老师留下了。”妈妈听了,急忙出去借了学费。我回来,妈妈说:“学校交学费就和妈妈说呗!没有钱就出去借呗!不要自己扛。”
那年我生了一场大病,妈妈 哭了一夜,眼睛都哭肿了。我看看妈妈弯了快有九十度的腰,看看妈妈憔悴的容颜,我心里有说出的酸楚,说不出的对妈妈的感激。
昔日奔波母挂心, 勺磕门框唤儿身, 桩桩件件总劳神。
欲孝如今亲不在, 悔过当时粗心人, 幽幽梦境伴儿频。
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