I attended Jack's birthday party tonight. After dinner, Jack gave cigarets to our boy students present.
At the important moment, I stop them and told them the bad effects of smoking: firstly Smoking is a waste of money and it's greatly harmful to our health. And it can lead to fires easily. So we should not smoke at all.
But it seemed helpless and they wouldn't listen to me. Somebody even said that body and health belonged to themselves and it's up to them to decide whether to smoke or not. I told him calmly, "Even if you have the right to harm your own body, but it doesn't mean that you have the same right to harm others'."
At last, they agreed with me, and some students said that they would never smoke any longer.
For the next one hour, we danced and sang happily, and nobody did smoke again.I felt very happy that my classmate all understood the harmness of smoking.
Today smoking is a widespread habit ali over the world. Not only the old, the youth, but also middle school students have been engaged in smoking. Many of them think that smoking is a smart symbol.
However, smoking is harmful to one's health. It contributes a lot of lung cancer, from which many people have died in the past years. It can also cause many other diseases. In a word, if you smoke, you do have a much greater chance of losing your health. Furthermore, scientific research shows that smoking is not only harmful to smokers themselves, but also a threat to public health, especially to women and children. Therefore, many countries have made laws forbidding smokers to smoke m public places such as cinemas, stations, hospitals, and so on Giveup smoking! If you don't smoke, don't start. Give upsmoking for the sake of your health, for the sake of your family, and for the sake of the whole world.
老师是我们平时接触最多的人,老师的一言一行都会给学生产生很大的影响,在学生的头脑中烙下深深的印迹。我们要从老师平时教学,关心、教育学生,教书育人等平凡、细小的事中选材,以小见大,以一点见光辉,突出老师的可敬、难忘。例一位学生写《迎接洪水中的老师》这是一篇“以小见大”的文章,小作者选取了闽北遭受百年不遇特大洪涝灾害中的一个小故事,集中表现了“洪水无情人有情”这一大主题。当五位老师被洪水围困,汽车不能过桥回校时,“我”和阿姨一起把老师迎接到家中,热情招待老师,还举办联欢会。文章情节生动感人,体现家长、学生尊师重教,关心爱戴老师的可贵品质。这样写“以小见大”, 突出尊师重教的新风尚。
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