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建构主义学习理论认为,理想的学习环境应当包括情境、协作、交流和意义建构四个部分。其中,协作应该贯穿于整个学习活动过程中。在这个过程中。每个学习者的想法都为整个学习群体所共享。交流是协作过程中最基本的方式,而真实交流的活动又是学习环境的重要的特征。有一位教师在教学5b第五单元时,在句型教学的最后环节设计了认识新朋友的任务。教师出示朋友tom的照片,要求学生分组讨论如何利用所学的新句型does he 来了解tom的情况,并把问题记录下来,派代表向老师提问,以获取tom的相关信息。





This book was written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry . at the beginning of story . this story present his friend—— Leon Werth when he was a little boy .at the same time,He said ’ All grown-ups were once children-- although few of them remember it’

This sentence make me puzzled, when I was reading those words’ It has done me good, because of the color of the wheat fields. Go and look again at the roses. You will understand now that yours is unique in all the world.’I wondered whether we always miss someone who should be valued or not. In our real life, we are too busy to pay more attention to something detail.

I can still remember that moment in the TV drama, the actress’face was full of tears, and I can feel, at that time ,the sadness creep into her mind intantly. her struggle to break up with her husband and she said ‘the detail break the love’.

after reading 《the little prince》 ,I believe something we gain when we grow up, it must have something we lose. If we were a kid, we would never been interrupted by it ,for the kid always focus on something the grown-ups never regard it important in this society ,but they are blinded because it is important to the mind ,maybe growing is a process to the death of mind.


Hello,everyone.I am so glad to stand here.First of all,I will introduce myself.My name is...,I am...years old this year.I have many hobbies,such as:reading.dancing.writing and so on.Also I like English very much.I think English is very useful for us,because many many people in the world can speak English,if I learn it well,I can talk with them and make friends with them.Besides these,I also like doing some exercises.Doing exercises can make us healthier.Health is so important for us,we can not doing anything without a good health.

So,we can do exercises togher in the future.I also like help others,when you are in trouble,I will do anything that I can.Of course,I hope you my classmates can help me too.At the last,I wish we can become good friends and everybody can get a good result at the end !


1. …要求通过虚构的故事来表达一种哲理

2. 本文很好体现了…的特点深刻的主题与新颖的构思相得益彰

3. 巧用伏笔是文章的一大特点文章第一段就为全篇故事的发展做了极好的铺垫这种构思非常巧妙可以借鉴

4. 这是一篇很有新意的…文章构思巧妙语言朴实自然

5. 作品的构思是巧妙的文笔也是简洁流畅想象大胆富有创造力文章读起来新颖奇特极具吸引力

6. 想象力较丰富极具新意开头自我介绍引入下文另外文章语言简明扼要风格幽默误诙谐

7. 文章不长但过程叙述得很清楚人物的活动描述得也具体真实可信生动有趣全文结构紧凑完整文笔也较流畅

8. 情节生动有趣叙述清楚完整也表现出作者的聪明机智充满了家庭生活情趣文笔流利活泼

9. 你很善于抓住事物的特点进行具体描绘展示了…文笔间渗透了情感

10. 文章很有说服力也发人深思从写作上来说情节生动文章有波澜读起来深受教益

11. 主题凝炼集中议论深刻有力震撼人心

12. 本文用词准确严密语言平实自然而比喻拟人等修辞的运用更使文章锦上添花

13. 这篇作文的主要特色是叙述具体细节真实描写生动有真情实感并运用了比喻拟人等修辞手法把…写得非常传神同时表达了…对…的喜爱

14. 文章语言通俗易懂贴近生活实际读来令人倍感亲切

15. 文章开头新颖具有先声夺人之效使读者一见面就能对人物产生…的印象文章前后连贯形成完整的形象

16. 文章能过清新有趣的语言描写了…的事字里行间充满童年真童趣欢声笑语不绝于耳不失为一篇佳作详略得当虚实相生是本文的两大特色……内容更丰富更生动

17. 充分运用动静结合的写法并辅以比喻拟人等手法通过生动形象的语言的描绘使读者仿佛置身于梦境一般结尾处对人物的赞美情真意切感人至深

18. 注意观察具体事物并展开合适的想象这是本文的成功之处文章融情于景边绘景边抒情善于运用打比方的手法使文章生动具体让人爱莫能助释手卷

19. 文章含蓄的结尾既点题又耐人寻味文章开头引人入胜吸引读者…点面结合使文章生动具体详略得当

20. 对于景色的描写语言简练而准确联想则为触景生情情景自然融合全文清新秀逸亲切委婉朴素而不落俗淘值得借鉴


Maybe you have seen the novel before -The Little Prince, or not. Tonight, I’m so happy to share with you about my feeling after I have seen it. Actually, I’m deeply attracted, touched by the protagonist of the story: the pure & innocent little prince.

After leaving his home planet and his beloved rose, the little prince journeys around the universe, ending up on earth. Before the prince lands on earth, the prince hops from one neighbouring planet to another. On each planet, the prince meets a different type of adult and reveals frivolities and weakness.(other than the fifth figure ,I think ,it seems the lamplighter’s selfless devotion to his orders earns him the little prince’s admiration.Once on earth, however, the little prince becomes a student as well as a teacher .From his friend “the fox”, the little prince learns three important lessons: Only the heart can see correctly; The prince’s time away from his planet has made him appreciate his rose more; Love entails-responsibility . And in turn, he passed on those lessons to the narrators before.

At last, there is a screen depict the novel. It’s when the railway switchman works for enormous trains that rush back and forth. Everybody has an experience of a journey, but the rushed voyages never result in happiness because as the switchman informs the princes, people are never happy where they are. Also the train trains rush at each other from opposite direction, suggesting the efforts grown-ups make are contradictory and purposeless. As for the children, they see that the journey is more important than the destination and press their faces the window on their journey, taking in the scenery. So sometimes the efforts we did make our lot better is futile.

Two funny picture, let’s your imagination wander in your mind, and share with me your thought, thank you.






This winter vacation,I read agreat book《Bookworm》.In gread 1,I appreciate the beauty of the moon,and,I know Mary,queen of Soctss story……In a word,Ibenefited a lot of in it.I really like this book.

Among them,my favourite book is《Love or money》.It tells a rich women death without.Everyone is suspect,and they greeted her moneys mouth water.Her little daughter threatens her,to obtain money;on the surface seems to love her big daughter to reasons but hater mother;her son to a piece of land and mother fell out……

Results a murderer is her big daughter!Reason have

To her the person I love !

I was very sad.A girl,actually killed her mother,is really too not filial piety.I know people for a variety of reasons will kill your most close.So,we should control oneself,avoid incentive,not reckless things……

The《Book worm》 has taught me a lot.


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