

首页看图更新时间:2024-09-24 16:19:05


Dear boss,

I am a new arrival of the company. I really

appreciate that you give me the chance to work here, and I will try my

best to finish all my jobs. Besides I have some small requests. First, I hope you can increase my salary if I make a great contribution to the company. Second, I hope the company can give us more chance to improme ourselve, such as professional training and going abroad for further study. Last but not least, I have a family, so I don\'t want to work overtime or be on a business trip frequently.

I wish a happy work here.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Tom,

How time flies ! You havebeen studying in Beijingfor nearly a month, during which youmust have achieved a lot. Well, how\'s everything going? It is reported that theweather there is very hot and dry these days, which is very different from thatof your country. Have you adapted to it?In addition, you once complained that the food served there was not to yourtaste. I hope that should have been improved.

I am glad to tell you that Iwill go to Beijingto take part in an English speech contest in July, which is not only an honor,but also a great opportunity for me to improve myself. And now I try my best tomake preparations for it. However, Ihave some trouble in collecting relevant materials and using the language. I will appreciate it if you give me a hand tosolve the problems.

After the contest, I am todrop in at your school to visit you. Please wait for my phone.

Yours ,

Li Hua


只见这位胖阿姨左手的胳膊上挎着一个竹篮,看样子是要到农贸市场买菜的;右手提着一个塑料袋,里面装着几个又胖又大的香蕉。她一边走,一边剥,一边剥,一边吃,随着那几个大大的香蕉一个接一个地被她消灭,金黄的香蕉皮被她无情的扔在了身后的马路上。 这时,有两个小男孩走了过来,很有礼貌的对胖阿姨说:“阿姨,你应该把香蕉皮扔到路旁的垃圾箱里!”不料,这位胖阿姨不但没有认识自己的错误,却气急败坏的对着两个小朋友发起火来:“臭小子!你们管什么闲事?老娘过的桥比你们走的路还多,怎么也轮不上你们来指教我。快滚,不然我就揍扁了你们!”说着,她就抡起那肥大的拳头,在两个小朋友的面前摇晃了几下。

两个小朋友吓得转身就跑。胖阿姨得意地笑了笑,转过身,扭着那又肥又大的屁股,一摆一摆的.向农贸市场走去。 不到10分钟的功夫,胖阿姨从农贸市场走了出来。她的竹篮里,装了满满的一篮子鸡蛋;手里提着的几个塑料袋里,有鱼、有肉,还有水果和蔬菜。她大摇大摆的走着,嘴里哼着小曲,脸上流露出一种无比幸福的神情。这时,一辆垃圾车鸣着喇叭从身后开了过来,她急忙躲闪,由于躲得太急,脚下一滑,她被结结实实的摔了个四脚朝天。

手里的篮子摔翻了,鸡蛋全部打碎,蛋清、蛋黄流了一地,阿姨的身上、手上到处沾满了蛋清和蛋黄;水果、蔬菜骨碌碌的滚到了马路上,就连那条刚刚买来的活鱼,也在阿姨的身旁使劲的蹦跶着…… 人们向阿姨围拢过去,有的在帮她捡着满地的水果和蔬菜。我和几个同学也跑了过去,帮她捡起那条还在垂死挣扎的鱼。阿姨不好意思地站起来,谁知又被脚下的香蕉皮又滑了一跤。顿时,她破口大骂起来:“那个缺德的东西,把香蕉皮扔在这里,害得老娘如此下场。真他ma的不是个东西!” 这时,一个小女孩从妈妈卖菜的小地摊上走了过来,说:“阿姨,那香蕉皮是您刚才扔的呀!你还骂跑了两个小哥哥。”

听了小女孩的话,胖阿姨的脸“唰”的一下红了起来,她好像无地自容似的,急急忙忙的捡起掉在地上的水果和蔬菜,提起摔坏了的竹篮,急匆匆地离开了。 她的身后,留下了人们的一片嬉笑声。


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