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I went to Hong Kong Disney Land with my mum, my brother and my grandma in July。 Mad Hat Cup in Disney Land is my favorite game。 We sat in a cup; it is green with a lot of waves pattern on it。 The cups have different colors and patterns。 When the game started, the cup turned and turned and turned around。 It went faster and faster gradually。 When it's time up it stopped slowly。 When I was in the cup I didn't feel dizzy, when I got out of the cup I felt very dizzy。 But I wanted to try it again!





有许多人,出现在我们的生命里,总是流连了一段时间之后便消失不见,再无迹可寻。我时常在想,我们成长的过程,是否就是边拣拾边遗失的过程呢?在这一段路上,我们拾得一份友情,或者爱情,走过这段路,我们便将其遗失了,然后又在另一段路上寻寻觅觅新的友情和爱情,乐此不疲。昨晚和一个也是很久不见但是一直保持着通讯联系的朋友聊天,聊到青春和成长的问题,感慨颇多。越长大越孤单,因为我们在成长的过程中,不仅遗失了一些情感,更是将自己年少的轻狂及勇气也一并丢失了。许久不曾联系的朋友,突然去联系却发现已经不知道彼此的生活境况如何,不知道还可以说些什么话题,陌生至极;曾经彼此相爱的恋人,时隔多久之后,彼此却连问候一句都显得那般苍白无力。想关心他是否过得好,想问候在冬日记得多加衣,却怎么也开不了口,曾经肆意妄为的习惯,居然那么迅速的就被抹去,无声无息,仿佛世界被颠覆其实并不是一件多么困难的事情。我一直标榜自己是个敢想敢做无所顾忌的人,我承认,曾经我确实做了很久这样的角色,可是后来,勇气逐渐消失。直到现在变成这样,签名栏挂着Comment allez-vous?的法语问候,却是不敢把中文释义打上去。你过得还好吗?如此简单的一句话,不知何时变得那么难以说出口。越不说,时间就越不给机会,就越没有勇气了。于是曾经亲密也好,无话不谈也罢,交集过后彼此偏离轨道,渐行渐远。




I Like Disneyland

I get to know Disneyland a year ago,at the time,my mother took me to Hong Kong,I

was so happy,we went to Disneyland,I saw many lovely cartoon characters。I saw them

when I was watching TV,I felt so happy,I told my mother I wanted to come to here

again soon。I like Disneyland so much,I want to live in theDisneylandworld。


When we got there, it was lunch time. Baiyun Mountain looked very beautiful. Everywhere was clean and tidy. We could see green plants and colorful flowers here and there. Red lanterns were hanging on both sides of the road. But it was very crowded on that day. So after lunch, we decided to go up by acable car.

Baiyun Cableway is the first cable cars for sightseeing in our country. There are 80 cable cars, each can sit 6 people. The lower station is set up east of Yuntai Garden and the upper station at the Peak Park. The cars passed by such scenic spots as 'Pu Valley', ‘barbecue zone’, 'Nengren Temple' and so on. When gazing into the distance, the scenery of the City is right before our eyes.

In the afternoon we were at the Peak Park. We felt very relaxed and happy. I ate and drank and played bubble-blowing with my cousin. Baiyun Mountain is a good place to play too.

Going straight ahead, we came to Mount Davis. It is the highest peak of Baiyun Mountain. We climbed the summit of Mount Davis, overlooking the whole city.

In the evening, we walked down the mountain and saw the moon in the sky. We ate mooncakes, fruits and snacks in a restaurant.

My family and I were very happy because we had a special Mid-Autumn Day.


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