Dear Miss Wang:
I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for your help in my study. Without your help , my study would not be the top three in my class. It was you who always standed by me when I am fall. You pointed my mistakes and told me how to make them right. You always worked tirelessly to train my patience.Your continuous encouragement is my greatest motivation.
I sincerely hope that you can have a good health and stay happy. In addition, I wonder if you can pay a lot of attention to your health, get more rest.
Again, I sincerely thank you for your help!
Dear Mom and Dad,
Although we can only keep in touch with each other by the telephone or the Internet, I wish I could let you know how much I love you and how much I’ve appreciated the things you’ve done for me. It is never too much to say thank you to you, my dear parents.
First and the most important is that thank you for bringing me to this world. During the 20 years, you have done a lot for me, but I haven’t realized how much I love you until I left home to the university. I understand how much effort you have cost to bring me up. Now, I have grown up, I can look after you.
Second, I want to thank you that you give me a good environment to grow up. There is an old saying “Parents are the first teacher to their children”. In my life, you are the typical ones. Because of your good examples I formed the good habit of learning at an early age which benefits my life.
At last, I want to say “thank you” is that you always support my choice. You never forced me to do anything I was not interested in. You told me to pursuit my own dreams without hesitation and you would support me forever. You also told me to how to be a human. Now I become an optimistic and cheerful girl and I feel happy every day.
I really miss you when I am writing this thank you letter. I can’t wait to go home to share more time together with you.You are my most important people in the world and I will love you forever.
《新三字经》里有一句:能温席,小黄香,爱父母,意深长。其中提到的小黄香是汉代湖北省一位孝敬长辈而名流千古的好儿童。他九岁时,不幸丧母,小小年纪便懂得孝敬父亲。每当夏天炎热时,他就把父亲睡的'枕席扇凉,赶走蚊子,放好帐子,让父亲能睡的舒服:在寒冷的冬天,床席冰冷如铁,他就先睡在父亲的床席上,用自己的体温把被子暖热,再请父亲睡到温暖的床上。小黄香不仅以孝心闻名,而且刻苦勤奋,博学多才,有 天下无双,江夏黄童 的赞誉。 在人的一生中,父母的关心和爱护是最真挚最无私的,父母的养育之恩是永远也诉说不完的:吮着母亲的乳汁离开襁褓;揪着父母的心迈开人生的第一步;在甜甜的儿歌声中入睡,在无微不至的关怀中成长;灾灾病病使父母熬过多少个不眠之夜;读书升学费去父母多少心血;立业成家铺垫着父母多少艰辛。可以说,父母为养育自己的儿女付出了毕生的心血。这种恩情比天高,比地厚,是人世间最伟大的力量。
如果人类应该有爱,那么首先爱自己的父母,其次才能谈到爱他人,爱集体,爱社会,爱祖国 孝敬父母,不但要很好地承担对父母应尽的赡养义务,而且要尽心尽力满足父母在精神生活,感情方面的需求。特别对年迈的父母,更要精心照顾,耐心安慰。就说现在城市里的大多数老人,虽然儿孙满堂,在生活上不愁吃穿,不缺钱花,但是孩子以为工作的缘故几乎都不在身边,平时恐怕很少见面,所以,在他们的感情上最渴望的是能与所有的亲人团聚。不是有首歌中唱道: 常回家看看,回家看看,哪怕帮妈妈捶捶后背,揉揉肩,老人不求子女为家做多大贡献,只求个平平安安,团团圆圆 。所以将来不管我们走到哪里,都要记着爸爸、妈妈;而且更要趁现在在他们身边的时候,多孝敬他们。
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