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我是一棵小草,生活在婀娜多姿的花群里,它们笑我太平凡、太单调。每天早上早早起来把自己浓妆艳抹的打扮一番,又高傲的走到我的旁边炫耀着讽刺着,呛人的`花粉,让我连打了好几个喷嚏!我身上虽然没有堂皇的帽子也没有花花绿绿的衣裳,更没有精心打扮自己的心思,为什么那么注重外表呢? 突然,雷阵雨来了,同时还带来了狂烈的风。润雨拍打着我的身体,狂风摇摆着我身躯,而我却没有一丝想抱怨的意思,就任凭它这样打这样摆。反倒是花朵们在哪里抱怨不停,哎呀!这讨厌的风,都把我要吹到了!""这臭雨!把我的妆都弄花了!你叫我以后还怎样见人啊!你不要老是挤来挤去,压着我了!啊!!!你烦不烦啊!我很享受这一切,张开双臂迎接他,一点也不管花儿们的声音。 暴风雨终于停了,花儿们正在照着镜子看自己的容貌是不是被破坏了。而我正在给躺在我身上的露珠讲故事呢! 有一天,有个清俊的小男孩走到我的身旁,静静的看着我,转身对后面那个人说:爸爸,你都没有帽子,所以你的皮肤才会那么黑的!让我来给你做个草帽吧!小男孩露出纯真的笑容,爸爸用他那长满茧子的手轻轻的抚摸着小男孩的头,说道:那就谢谢你喽!乖儿子!说完他把我轻轻地摘下来放进筐子里...... 我是一棵平凡的小草,但是我很为自己骄傲!牺牲了自己,却给别人带来好处!


采摘“红娃娃” 今天,我和妈妈去乡下奶奶家。


我,妈妈和奶奶来到了大棚里,我小心翼翼的在一排排红彤彤的草莓面前停下了,我轻轻的抚摸着这一颗颗草莓,这些草莓全身很饱满,小小的身子上面还有一个个白色的小点点,有些草莓还有新鲜的水珠呢!这些草莓好像一个个含羞的小姑娘,脸蛋红红的,头发黑黑的,好可爱呀! 我把手放在草莓的枝叶的下方,轻轻一掐,一个又红又大的草莓就败在我手下了,我一连摘了好多颗,篮子里早已硕果累累。妈妈和奶奶也摘了不少。

一个上午,我们就提着丰收的篮子回家喽! 这次我们去摘草莓,我的收获很多,既大饱了眼福,又增长了见识。妈妈说:“以后放假常到乡间去走一走,会有意想不到的收获和惊喜。”


Dear Family,

You must be greatly surprised when you get this letter, not from anyone else but from your dearest son, since I have never written a letter for ages in such a traditional way. The purpose of my writing is not so much to express my gratitude for bringing me up, as it is to tell you something about my college life.

It has been more than two years since I started my college life and I have adapted myself to the new environment here, even though at the very beginning, I was not quite used to it. My classmates are pretty friendly and they offer to help me whenever need be, which is really precious for me. My teachers tell me the differences between college life and high school life and give me some necessary advice on how to learn in college. Because of their kind-hearted help, I learn to know the importance of cooperation and communications between each other, especially when in Group work.

In the past several months, I have been busy preparing for TEM 4.Therefore, most of the time, I stayed at school and seldom kept in touch with you; I should have been ashamed of this. But now it is completely finished, and I will never do that again. In my spare time, I usually go to play basketball to keep fit since you always ask me to practice more to keep healthy. What is more, I like to go to the English Corner to practice my spoken English in order to improve my oral English level, which is of importance as English major.

Finally, I would like to specially thank you for providing me the best education and experience. Without your support and understanding, it wouldn't be the same. In regard to the future, I will make every effort to study for my degree and make the dreams I had envisioned come true.

Take good care of yourselves as you have asked me to.

Best regards,




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