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Do you ever watch movies from other countries? Whenever I do, I think about how similar people really are all around the world. Even though the cultures and languages in those movies are different from mine, people all around the world are alike in their goals and emotions.

One time, I saw a movie made in china that showed parents helping their children with their homework. . My parents helped me the same way. Another time I saw a movie from Argentina. It showed school children playing hide and seek, which is a game I used to play with my friends during recess. Seeing these films demonstrated to me that education is a common goal in every country. Parents want their children to learn so their lives will improve. It also showed me that children in schools everywhere wants to play with their friends. Sometimes the games are similar to ours and sometimes they’re different. Still, they all have the common purpose of fun and learning to work together.

Earning a living is another common goal. I’ve often seen that in movies about other countries. In some countries, people choose their careers from what they like and are good at. In other countries, careers are chosen for them following the traditions of their families. But in every country it seems that people care a great deal about earning a living, and working hard is respected.

Showing people having fun together is always an important part of any movies, no matter what country it comes from. People everywhere want to be entertained, and want to spend time with their families and friends. Different cultures sometimes enjoy different activities, but all cultures enjoy some form of sports, music and dancing.

The movies I’ve seen make it clear to me that no matter the cultural differences between countries, people everywhere have the same basic needs and goals.



记得从前,我是绿树成荫,鸟语花香,到处一片欣欣向荣,百家争鸣的景象。可惜,好景不长,我的儿女们在爱护我的同时,却一而再,再而三地伤害我。现在的我,可谓是遍体鳞伤,千疮百孔!你们只顾自己,不注重可持续发展,滥砍树木,使水土大量流失,滥捕***动物,破坏生态平衡。你们大肆砍伐森林,使得我逐渐沙暴化,70%的地盘被沙漠所吞,毫无节制地开采地下能源,特别是水资源不可思议地浪费水源及排放废水,使得海洋逐渐变成蓝黑色。我的气候变暖,飓风、暴雨等灾害性天气频繁出现,非典、禽流感等传染性疾病时有发生,给人类的生活和工作带来严重威胁和许多不便。同时你们还不断地互相残***进行战争,甚至爆发了几次大战,我变成了伤痕累累的大战场,你们还因战争需要研制了大量武器,污染严重威胁着我,也同样威胁着你们的生命,不是吗?美国与伊拉克的战争,长久不能平息,硝烟弥漫震的我胸口直疼,你们也有无数生命被战争吞噬 35sk.com 。





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