Recently, there is a popular saying: the world is so large that I want to have a look! As more and more people travel around during their holidays, tourists have brought large sum of money to the local people.
However, too many tourists also bring some problems to the local life. The most serious problem is the pollution caused by the uncivilized tourists. It’s reported that there were thousands of tons of rubbish left after the flag-raising ceremony on Oct. 1st. The uncivilized tourists left their rubbish wherever they go, polluting the local environment. Another problem is the traffic jam caused by so many tourists.
Tourist can promote the economic development of the local areas, but the pollution caused by those uncivilized tourists has brought severe problems. The local tourist authority should set up relative laws to protect the environment of the local areas, and every tourist obey the laws and help to make the places of tourist more beautiful!
有一次,我在写一篇作叫:墙角的.最后一支花时,我的脑子很乱,于是,我翻开了我的宝书:女生日记。我突然眼睛一亮,我有灵感了,因为我看到了读书破万卷,下笔如有神这句话,我开始从我丰富的大脑里搜索丰富的资料,来完成我这篇,当我拿起笔时,啊!神灵把优美的语言一句句的告诉了我,我不到30分钟,一篇长达500字的作文出来了,我仔细的阅读,发现没有什么不好的地方,于是我把它发到了我的QQ空间里,好友们都说我写的好,我告诉他们,是有神灵在帮助我,他们不相信,我便告诉他们:读书破万卷,下笔如有神。 从这句话中,我写出了不少好作文,这句我一生受用。
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