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Suppose you have found something wrong with the electronic dictionary that you bought from an online store the other day. Write an email to the customer service center to

1 make a complaint, and

2 demand a prompt solution.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I bought/ordered an electronic dictionary from your online shop on January 1st, but I found it has some problems after using it for a short period of time.

To begin with, the battery needs recharging after a mere 2 hours of use. This means that I need to carry my charger with me when I go out for a day. In addition, the buttons on the electronic dictionary are so small that it is nearly impossible to type anything with them. Personally, I found this to be completely unacceptable.

Therefore, I would like either to change for another model that works well or a full refund. I am looking forward to your prompt reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Study the picture above carefully and write an essay entitled “The Adaptation of the Classical Literature”. In the essay, you should (1 describe the picture (2 interpret its meaning (3 give your opinion about the phenomenon. You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points?

The picture gives us a view of a popular phenomenon: the adaptation of the classics. Some classical literary works, such as our four great classics i.e. A Dream of Red Mansions, Journey to the West, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Heroes of the Marshes, are all adapted to cater to some readers’ tastes. The traditional characters become so strange and the plots are totally different. It is so ridiculous that the precious literary treasures are allowed to be ruined so much.

As we all know, the classical literature is the representation of the outstanding art of our nation. Some familiar characters such as Monkey King express the good wishes of our common people. From them, we learn many good virtues such as honesty, bravery, justice etc. However, in those adapted works named “Bantering***”or “Reboiling***”, all plots are changed and all characters become somewhat watered clown. Some readers interested in reading burlesque works have high praise for them. But they never think of the negative effects of such adaptations on the average reader, especially to children. Children are the future of the nation. They always believe that what is in the books is the truth. Those adapted works will affect their outlook on life.

Therefore, some measures should be taken to restrict these adaptations. The real classics should be presented on the bookshelves to lead people to appreciate the real art.



本科到第四年,无论出国读研、还是国内奋斗,成绩出色的同学往往都不肯弃学就业。佼佼者必然目标直指哈佛、耶鲁、清华、复旦,职场打拼几年的有志之士,在残酷的职场竞争中更加清楚充电的必要,其中辞职读研和读MBA的更是逐年递增。欲做大事者,必先经过痛苦的积累。学无止境,大才和高能必然要经过比别人更多的苦读和积累,获得知识,修炼内涵,就像练武一样,花拳秀腿好学,而真功夫却要久练才成。本科阶段专业只学到了皮毛,各种诱惑让人缺乏定力,而读研才能专注地修炼出深厚的专业知识。比尔盖茨是个特例,非常人所能模仿,但未来的中国商业精英一定是张朝阳、李彦宏等众多的高学历人才。而未来的学术之星也必然是经过多年寒窗磨砺的才子。很多研究生表面上学术味浓,似乎不及本科生处世灵活,但高手往往后发制人,厚积薄发的底蕴会慢慢展示出来,在各单位和各行业大显身手,成为专家级人物和业务骨干。大学四年,我们尽管学会了为人处世,学会了独立思考,但我们也在茫然中消耗了不少的光阴。我们的知识积累确实还很单薄,刚明白专业的重要性时,不知不觉已然大四。走向社会,可以经过培训成为一名技术熟练的普通员工,而高难度专业技术工作和管理工作,复杂并有深度,是不易胜任的。读完英语本科,我可以做一名口译译员,处理简单的`口译工作,也可以去一些部委公司做一名与外语有关或无关的小职员。环顾四周,令你恐慌的是,这种外语还算可以的同事无处不在,你又能胜出多少?一两年之内就会发现自己发展的瓶颈。那时再来读研或读MBA, 恐怕时间、精力不足,更丧失了持续学习的耐心和习惯。一旦结婚生子,踏上考研之路更是责任难推、苦不堪言。





Some international students are coming to your university. Write them an email in the name of the Students’ union to

1 extend your welcome and

2 provide some suggestions for their campus life here.

Dear Friends,

On behalf of the Students’ Union of Beijing Foreign Studies University, I would like to extend our heartfelt welcome to all of the overseas students from all over the world to study in our university.

It is my great pleasure to propose several practical suggestions to you. In the first place, life in this prestigious university perhaps is not as satisfactory as what you expected. You may be tightly bound by continual classes, excessive homework and exams. In the second place, in spite of all these adversities, you will still enjoy your life in this esteemed institution. All types of extracurricular activities such as sports meets, speech contests, different social gatherings and dancing parties provide ample opportunities to make friends.

All in all, although there are a host of pressure, life in our campus is a worthwhile period in your whole lifetime. Wish you enjoy your life here!

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Study the two pictures above carefully and write an essay entitled “On the Relationship between Environment and Economy” In the essay, you should (1 describe the pictures and interpret their meaning (2 give your opinion with some proof (3 give your conclusion.You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points

[参考范文]On the Relationship between Environment and Economy

The two pictures above are both about the relationship between the environment and the economic development. In the first picture, GDP is on the rise while the environment is drastically polluted. In the second picture, economic efficiency progresses with environmental protection. It’s easy to get the conclusion that development according to the second picture is more reasonable than that in the first one.

In the early development of socialism, our country didn’t pay much attention to the issue of environmental protection and savored the bitterness. Now, the government has taken many measures and is implementing the strategy of “sustainable development”. One aspect of the strategy is to develop the economy and take measures to protect the environment at the same time. In this way, we can develop our country in a sustainable manner and our offspring can have enough resources to develop society. If we don’t put much emphasis on the environment issue and excavate the natural resources blindly, our country will become a barren land sooner or later.

In a word, sustainable development is a reasonable strategy which should be implemented for a long time. The nature is providing us with plentiful resources generously, but it may punish us severely if we don’t care her.


To Whom It May Concern,

I am a student in this university who regularly comes to the library to spend my spare time. Generally speaking, the services you offer here is quite good; however, I have some suggestions for you to adopt.

To begin with, will you please prolong the time for reading? In the daytime, most of the students are having class, so they can’t come to the library. Moreover, some of the books on shelves are out of date. If you are so kind as to provide us some books such as the latest magazines, we will be greatly honored.

I really wish to have a more comfortable library. I would like to extend my greatest appreciation if you are so kind to take my suggestions into consideration. /Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming


Study the two pictures above carefully and write an essay entitled “On Education of China” In the essay, you should (1 describe the pictures (2 interpret their meaning (3 give your opinion about the phenomenon .You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points


The two pictures look so similar at one glance, but they are totally different. In the first picture, a peasant boy, carrying a heavy bundle of rice straw is out of breath under the great pressure. His hope is to have a school to attend. In the second picture, a student is on his way home from school, a heavy bag of books on his back. What he wishes is that he didn’t have to go to school any more. How can the two boys at the same age have such different ideas about attending school?

The two pictures show some problems in the present education system in China. In the poor countryside, especially in some western parts of China, the education is also poor. There are no buildings for classrooms, let alone good teachers. Children there cannot have regular education. They are sometimes forced to leave their studies because their families cannot afford the necessary fees. However, the situation is totally different in the cities. Almost all the children in the cities can have regular education. They can enjoy the bright classrooms and adequate facilities. But they have their own problems. What they face is the endless homework, which puts so much pressure on them that some students don’t want to continue their studies.

Given the problems above, our government has taken some measures. “The Hope Project” has been in operation to ensure that children in the poor areas can achieve education. Some strategies have also been put into force to reduce the pressure on the students. Teachers are asked not to give too much homework. Emphasis should be put on the improvement of the quality of the students. However, there is a long way to go in the improvement of our education conditions. The whole society should be mobilized to make some contributions to our education.


Study the picture above carefully and write an essay entitled “After Graduation” In the essay, you should (1describe the picture (2interpret its meaning (3give your opinion about the phenomenon. You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET2. (20 points


Graduation is an important event for all of us. It is the divide between school and a full-time working life. After graduation, we are no longer students protected by parents and teachers, but a member of the real society. Let’s look at the picture first. A graduate is told by his teacher, “You must depend on yourself during your life journey after graduation…” He finds that some former graduates fly high into the sky while some experience a drastic fall.

The picture tells us a principle. Graduation is not the end of your education, but the beginning of your real journey. At school, we may find we are no different from our classmates. However, there will be a great gap between us after graduation. Some may try their best to improve themselves and become the mainstay of our ear era? While some are indulged in creature comforts and give up their initial ideals.

Therefore, we should remember that graduation is the beginning of our real life journey. If you want to be a person useful to society, you should make all efforts to learn as much as possible from others and improve yourself. In this way, you may fly high in the sky.


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