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nowadays, we can see some boys and girls who live in a small world of their own. they bury themselves among books and are proud of themselves. they think that it will make them lose their face if they do housework for they often think themselves very noble.

these young people are wrong. in my opinion every student should have a knowledge of housework. after all, they will have a family of their own, and they should do their part in keeping a good home. boys should also learn to do housework, for what will they do if they remain single? though not all boys remain single,yet they will be very helpful in the family if they know some housework. anyhow they will not lose anything, but, on the contrary, they will gain something useful.

for what i said above, we can find some eamples of our fellow-students studying abroad. all young men do housework as girls do. someone would argue that we can employ servants. this is true.however, what shall we do if the servant leaves us and all things are left to ourselves? we just cannot leave our clothes as they are and let worms and ants eat them up. and what can we do it we go and study in a foreign country where servants are out our means to employ? we must work for ourselves. why not start to learn to do housework now or else it will be too late? everyone should learn to do housework. what do you think about my idea, boys and girls?


渴了就喝水, 困了就去睡。 孤单无聊时 ,音乐是安慰 。快乐就会笑 ,伤心就流泪 。很少谈妄想 ,很少谈后悔 。真心爱过谁, 不需要感谢 。真的要告别, 就别太纠结 。听风听雨声, 看海看流星 。换过了心境 ,更容易感动。 做一个简单的人 ,哪怕太天真。 不想对明天总是有太多的疑问。 一个人看电影慢跑 ,一个人听着歌睡着 。用一个孩子的本能, 听你说着愿望可能 。做一个简单的人, 不需要天分。 不过是自己找到快乐的过程。 虽然总是太多烦恼, 但是梦中全部忘掉。 轻轻地风依然美好, 唤醒我最当初的心跳 。



做一个简单的人。抛开世俗的烦恼,在心里给自己留一席空白之地,做自己喜欢做的事情。渴了喝水,困了就睡,不必强求,顺其自然。很多事情是无法改变的,也不需要去改变。孤单无聊时 ,音乐是安慰。累的时候就听听音乐,赶走寂寞与孤单。音乐,是心灵的安慰。深夜,带上耳机,享受一个人的世界,陶醉在这份快乐之中。再提笔写下一段心情文字,记录下生活的美好点滴。生活,就是这么简单。

做一个简单的人。闲品五味人生,笑看花开花落。快乐就会笑 ,伤心就流泪 。不要去逼迫自己做不喜欢的事情。很少谈妄想 ,很少谈后悔 。昨天的昨天,都只是回忆,不要有太多后悔。明天的明天,是无法预料的,不要有太多妄想。真心爱过谁, 不需要感谢 。真的要告别, 就别太纠结 。亲人,朋友,爱人,都会有分开的时刻。乐于帮助别人,感谢帮助我们的人。生活不要有太多的繁杂。

做一个简单的人,哪怕太天真。在这现实的社会中,想要简简单单,感觉就是妄想。像是一个孩子天真幼稚的梦想,难以实现。但有时候,我们更希望自己像孩子一样,永远也不要长大。不懂得生活的烦恼,对明天也没有太多的疑问。在孩子的梦里,明天是一个美丽的梦。虽然我们无法回到童年,但我们可以改变自己的心境。一个人看电影慢跑 ,一个人听着歌睡着 。用一个孩子的本能,说着愿望的.可能 。一个人感动在自己独立的生活里,用沉默的方式。而沉默并不是逃避,而是一种态度。

做一个简单的人,不需要天分。在每天不断地奔跑中,常常会觉得自己很累。盛夏的风轻轻掠过额头,伴随着稀稀疏疏的蝉鸣,这世界依然美好。夜晚,繁星点点。太多烦恼总是在梦中忘掉。一觉醒来,又会是一个新开始。奔跑,停息,继续前行。一切都不过是自己找到快乐的过程。听风听雨声, 看海看流星 。用沉睡的记忆,唤醒最初的心跳。相信自己,你便是快乐的。


站在这城市的寂静处 ,让一切喧嚣走远 。生活,是简单的。生活,是快乐的。做一个简单的人,简单些,简单些,再简单些 …


i think students should share some housework with their parents. the reasons are as follows. first, doing some housework can enable the students to have some sense of responsibility. there is a lot of housework in each family. as a member of the family, each one should do his or her share. since a student is a member of the family, undoubtedly, he is of no eception. in the second place, doing some housework can give the student opportunities to get to know his parents better. by doing housework, a student will know how hard it is for his parents to go to work everyday while raising a

family. he will make even greater efforts in his study later on. finally, doing some housework can give the student a chance to do some physicaleercises. since the student has to sit studying most of the time, this is certainly beneficial to his health.in light of the above, i strongly recommend that those who are not in the habit of doing housework start doing some right now. your parents will be pleased and you will learn something from it.


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