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dear vvx,

my name is vvx.i'm writing to you to introduce my family to you.there are four people in my family.they are my father, my mother, my sister and i. my father is a worker in a factory. my mother is a teacher in a middle school. my sister is a primary school student and she is 8 years old. i’m a middle school student and i’m 14 years old.

look forward to hear from you soon.




Dear mom:

This is the first time i write a letter to y ou in English,so i think i should say tha nks to you frist. That you give life to me,that you bring me to the world.

Sometimes i may make you angry,because i don`t adjust my fa ult.But i am sure i won`t do that things again,i think i have grown up,i must be able to tell the things true or fault.

My d ear mother ,you are the greatest perso n in the world,you are the most import ant person in my life.the love you give me is the greatst one in the world. My dear mother,i have to stop here,bec ause my vocabulary is very limited ,i wil l write more letters in the future ,at tha t time i can write a much longer one to you.

Thank you again ,my dear mother!

Yours son,



Such is sons’ nature; I really do not know how to express my thanks to you. However, I can imagine, on the day 18 years ago, when you gave birth to me, what a complex feeling you had. In the past few years, every day you struggle me up in the morning and prepare breakfast for me, then in the afternoon, you always welcome your only son with delicious foods after a day‘s hard work. Now your son has been 18 and will go to university soon, like a bird is leaving its parents. Nevertheless, your footprints on my heart will never ever fade and I love you mum!

your son


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li hua



有些人,有些事,我们可能偏偏放不下,但是,你会一直颓废下去吗?不,以前我彻夜苦思,对她始终放不下。就在这几天,终于想到了一个办法,我来做个实验吧! 你拿着一个茶杯,然后往里面倒水,一直倒到水溢出来,你感觉烫到手的时候会马上松手吗?知道我想说什么了吗?这个世界上没有什么事是放不下的,痛了自然就会放下。 你,忘了吧,所有值得你留恋的,回忆的你拥有过的,那都已经过去,都将成为你最美好的回忆,缺失并不可怕,可怕的是你无法面对。

你已经无法忘记过去,是因为曾经 你真心喜欢过,付出过,付出了,付出了它就会像种子一样扎根在心。不要刻意去逃避,刻意去忘记,那只会让你更加痛苦,更加伤心。就好似在伤口上撒了一把盐,抛开这个种子,好好学吧。那样下去你真的会一无所有,那里有你的梦想,你,开始新的生活吧!






你,是个男人就别哭,那不值得的,真的不值得,她不值得你流泪,值得你流泪的她是舍不得你流泪的,把过去忘记吧,别委屈,别不甘心,别不接受,以前的你太傻太傻,别再傻下去了。好好学习吧,只有通过学习,你才能实现你的价值,才不会辜负他们对你的期望,为了别老是让他们为你担心,就好好的度过在校这几年吧。也许你说每天太无聊,太单调,但是你拍拍自己的胸堂说,你真正用来学习的有几天。吃饭,睡觉,上网,玩手机,你跟着他们走,行吗?你跟他们无法相比,因为你跟他们比不起。为了自己的以后活的更加精彩,从现在开始吧,毕竟你才大一,一切都还来得及。开始另一种生活,去寻找新的风景,新的迹遇吧。都说就业难,就业难,但是机会总是留给有准备的人,做你该做的事吧。有很多事你还没有做呢,都等待着你去做呢? 送给与我有类似情况的同胞们 看看吧,也送给我的她,但愿她能够看到,别怪我,我只想告诉你一句话:从那时到现在,我没有一刻不喜欢你,从来都没有间断过对你的思念,我在远方祝你天天开心,日日快乐的……

与我有同感的兄弟姐妹姐妹们看看吧,这是为我沉睡的'过去的自己写的,写此日志来警告自己以后不能那样了,是自己的永远是自己的,不是自己的强求也无济于事 ,只能是增加痛苦而已。 希望以后不论遇到什么事,都要学会坚强,学会冷静,学会要独立生活,现在的任务是学好自己该学的,抓好自己该抓的,一心一意的拼搏吧,相信自己,你是最棒的,失败并不可怕,可怕的是失败后不能够面对以后的生活,堕落下去,沉睡下去,大学是人生的第二大舞台,扮演好属于你自己的角色吧,只要是一件平凡的事只要你做好了,那就是一件不平凡的事,加油吧,你就是最棒的。


“You always say that I am naive. In your eyes, I am always the little girl who will never grow up”. This is my favorite song and also the sound from the bottom of my heart. You made me feel so lucky to be your child. But I find our hearts getting further apart as time goes by.

You strictly forbid me to do entertaining activities even if I finished my homework, such as watching TV or playing computer games. Based on this, I couldn’t get any grade less than A. It is said that genius only means hard-working all one’s life. But I think combining exertion is the best way for learning.

The most important thing to me was that I feel frustrated for having few friends to confide in due to your strict rules. I can’t have a play date, participate in a school play or even choose my own extracurricular activities. Who will accept such a boring and troublesome person? I am just an ordinary girl who can’t stand loneliness, so I always feel contradictory.

On the one hand, I’m grateful to have you in my life, to disappoint you was the least I would do. On the other hand, what you asked for me made me felt like a puppet rather than a real person. I appreciated your efforts to pull me away from a self-indulgent life, but your obsessively extravagant strictness has pushed me into an isolated and insensible one. I need a little freedom so that I will concentrate on something I really interested in.

Father and mother, these words were hid in my deep heart for a long time. I love you, and I believe if you change some harsh rules. I will have a wonderful life.

Best wishes.

Yours, daughter


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