

首页看图更新时间:2023-03-21 16:09:19








My Winter Holiday` Plans Well, winter holiday is coming. So whatI am going to do? I am going to read English books,surf the Internet,play badmintoon every day。And first I am going to finish my homework 。In addition, I am going to leave Shantou for Xiamen with my family and we are going to stay there for ten days。And after we are getting there, we are going to eat delicious food,climb the mountains in the Jin Bang Park。That must be a lot more fun and we will very excited。How about you?What are you going to do when the Winter Holiday is coming?


How time flies(时间过得真快,unconsciously(不知不觉地 the next winter vacation (寒假will soon come.In order to improve(提高 myself as well as enjoy a happy holiday,I made the winter vacation plan.

Firstly i want to continue with my study,i think study is a life process,so no matter what the situation I am in,i will look for chances to continue it.I have bought several new books ,including those books on my major(专业and some novels ,I will try to finish reading them in the holiday and write notes.

Secondly,since it is the holiday,I will share it with my family and friends .You know the spring festival will soon come, I believe I would chatting and play games with my friends and family .I think I will enjoy the vacation.






the winter holidaicoming.thiwinter inot too cold and i like winter with white snow.so i have a new plan.i am going to visit beijing with mparentbtrain next week.first i am going to visit the great wall.then i am going to visit beihai park.i like boating vermuch,so i will boat there.and the main thing i want to do ito visit tian’anmen square.

i must watch china’flag rising in the morning.during mtravel,i will take lotof wonderful pictures.i am surei will have a good time in beijing.and after i come back from there,i will tell about it and show the pictureto all mfriends.


It is obvious to everybody that the only way to achieve one's goal is to work hard. Just as the old saying goes "no mill, no meal". Have you ever seen a man who succeeds just by idling about? Of course, the answer is "No". So we know if you want to gain something, you will have pains.

The farmers harvest by a year of arduous work; the scientists gain achievements by years of devoted researches; students get good marks by working hard; even the little ants have their food by working hard day and night. 1 know there are always some people who wait for the opportunities falling on them. They may attribute their failures to lack of good chances. Therefore, there are so many people gaining nothing at last. Clever men know that the more effort they make, the bigger chance they will have to be successful.

So, when others achieve their aspirations and you still gain nothing, don't complain about the unfair fate and don't give up, either. Remember: no pains, no gains.




“叮叮叮”,上课铃响了,我深吸一口气,走上讲台,对同学们说:Hello, Nice to meet yo.” “Nice ti meet yo to.”同学们不约而同地回答.我向同学们介绍了自己,同学们马上送给我热烈的掌声。随后,便开始在掌声中上课了,同学们,跟我读单词” “Yes,teacher.” “cover,cover, go” “cover, cover” “sell” “sell, sell.” “ok, agoin.” 接着,同学们又响亮的.读了起来。“好,现在我们每组同学充当一个角色,第一组彼得,第二组安妮,go。”我一声令下,充当角色的游戏马上就要开演了。“I like drawing, Let is draw,图片。”顿时,全班大笑,有的笑弯了腰,有的捂着肚子笑。“安静。”我拿着棍子喊道。这时,第二组的唐敏说“你们笑什么笑,没文化,不知道,中外结合吗?一看都不懂。”“哎,还中外结合,我看你是狗加唐敏相结合。”刘兵说。顿时,唐敏无话可说了,用书遮住脸,真想找个地缝钻下去。我说“笑什么,你们不知道鼓励他,反而在这里冷嘲热讽。唐敏,相信我,你会读懂的,加油。”听了我的鼓励,同学们和我一起为第二组的同学加油。第二组的同学昂起头,用洪亮的声音读出了安妮说的话:“I like drawing,Let is draw pictures。”刚说完,教室里便响起雷鸣般的掌声,第二组成功了。我对他们投去赞扬的眼光,他们也自豪的坐了下去。“唐敏,你刚才怎么不钻入地缝里去呀?”“哎呀,地缝里的大王不让我抢他地盘。”说着,大家都笑了起来。




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