商务英语书信(Business or Commercial English Correspondence)是指交易时所使用的通信,英语书信格式与称谓的差异。在美国,常用Business writing,它包括书信、电报、电话、电传、报告书、明信片等。英语和美语在书信体例方面存在着一定的差异,比如信头和称呼、书信格式、遣词、结尾客套语等均有所不同。
英国书信较为保守,许多英国人喜欢用老式书信体,用词较为正式刻板,而美国书信语言非常生气、有活力,格式也较为简便。因此当我们写信的对象是英国或其旧殖民地国家时,要使用标准式英语Queens English;如果写信的对象是美国或美国势力范围的地区时,就要用美国英语。当然,英国式的语言文化近年来也有变化,但总体来说,两者间的差异是很明显的。
16 Fuxing Street
Haidian District
Post Code: 100035
People’s Republic of China
Tel: 63211234
Aug. 20, 2004
如果使用标点符号,则在每行末尾加逗号,最后一行的末尾加句号。但当前的信件中行末大都不加标点符号,但在每行之内该用标点符号的地方,仍要用标点。特别要注意的是,门牌号码和街名之间要加逗号。月份和日期之间不可用逗号。在西方国家,城市名称之后往往写有字母或数字(如 New York, 103),表示城市的邮政编码。
③月份名称多用公认的缩写式。但 May, June, July, 因为较短,不可缩写。
④写日期时,可用基数词1,2,3,4,5,……28,29,30,31等,也可用序数词 lst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, ……28th, 29th, 30th, 31lst等。但最好用基数词,简单明了。
① Oct. 20, 2004
② 10 May., 2004
③ 3rd June, 2004
④ Sept. 16th, 2004
2、商务信函信内地址(Inside Address, Introductory Address)
Ms. Joanna Kerry
Peking University
Haidian District, 100871
Ms. Joanna Kerry
Peking University
Haidian District,100871
对收信人的称呼应自成一行,写在低于信内地址一二行的地方,从信纸的左边顶格开始写,每个词的开头字母要大写,至于末尾处的符号,英国人用逗号,但美国和加拿大 英语 则多用冒号。称呼用语可视写信人与收信人的关系而定。给外国人写英文信时,称呼用语要注意以下几点:
①对没有头衔的男性一般称呼 Mr. 。Mr. 用在姓氏之前或姓氏和名字之前,不可只用在名字之前,例如对的称呼,应该是:Mr. 或 Mr. White, 不可是:Mr. Phil。若称呼多个男性,则在姓名前用 Mr. 的复数形式 Messrs. 。对一般以人名为名称的公司和企业常用这种称呼,例如:Messrs. Black and Brothers 布莱克兄弟公司。
②对女性一般称呼 Mrs., Madam 或 Miss。Mrs.用在已婚女子的丈夫的姓氏之前,或姓氏和名字之前,一般不用在名字前 Madame 此词可以单独使用或加在丈夫的`姓名之前 Mrs. 没有复数形式。若称呼多个女性,则在姓名前用 Mme. 的复数形式 Mmes. 而对以女子名字为名称的公司、企业可用 Mesdames 称呼。 Miss 多用于未婚女子,此词可缩写为 Ms ,用于姓氏之前或姓氏和名字之前,一般不用于名字之前。
③对收信人的称呼,也可用头衔或职位的名称,不分性别。例如 Professor (缩写为Prof.),Doctor (缩写为 Dr.), General (缩写为 Gen. 。这些称呼都放在姓氏之前或姓氏和名字之前,如 Prof. (Phil)White等。
④对外公函中对收信人的称呼,可用 Gentlemen (而不是 Gentleman),Dear Sir (s和 My dear Sir(s等。Gentlemen 之前不能加 Dear, 后面也不能带姓名。用 Sirs 时,前面常用 Dear 一词,但也可单独用 Sir。若收信人是妇女,则无论已婚或未婚,都可单独使用Madam 或其复数 Mesdames。
⑤对外国高级官员的称呼,如国家元首、政府首脑、部长、大使、公使和特使等,可用(Dear)Sir, (Dear)Mr. Chairman,(Dear)Mr. Premier, (My dear)Mr. Ambassador,Your Excellency (复数为 Excellencies)。
⑥对君主制国家的国王和皇帝等男性君主,可以 Sir 称呼,对女王、女皇和皇后等女性君主,可用 Madam 称呼。有时也用 Your Majesty 称呼以表示。客气和尊敬Your Majesty 可兼指男性和女性,其复数为 Your Majesties。
⑦对王室成员,如太子、王子、亲王和公主等,一般可用(Dear)Sir 或(Dear)Madam 但在正式尊称时,一般用 Your Highness (复数为 Highnesses。
夫妇俩人Mr.and Mrs.
医学博士Medical Doctor(M.D.
副主席或副董事长Vice Chairman
副总统或副校长Vice President
首相Prime Minister
秘书长Secretary General
一秘First Secretary
二秘Second Secretary
副院长Vice Director
馆长Chief Librarian,Curator
4.商务信函信的正文(Body of the Letter)
信的正文每段第一行应往右缩进约四五个字母。在写事务性信件时,正文一般开门见山,内容简单明了,条理清楚。在写私人信件时,信写好之后若有什么遗漏,可用 P. S.表示补叙。
5.商务信函结束语(Complimentary Close)
Yours (very truly, Yours (very faithfully,Yours (very sincerely, 等等。
Yours (very respectfully, Yours (very obediently, Yours gratefully, Yours appreciatively, Your obedient servant, 等等。
Fraternally yours, Comradely yours,等等。
Yours, Ever yours, Yours affectionately, As ever, Yours sincerely Yours devotedly, (Most Fondly yours, Yours excitedly, Intimately yours,等等。
Yours, Ever yours, Yours as ever, As ever, Yours affectionately, Lovingly yours, (Much Love, With Love,Lovingly, Your loving son, Your most affectionate, Your devoted friend, Devotedly, 等等,意即:“您的”、“永远是您的”、“您的亲爱的”、“您的爱子(孩子、姐妹、侄、侄女、祖母)” 、“您的挚友”等。
Yours hurriedly, Yours hastily, Yours in haste, 等等。
Contritely yours, Regretfully yours, Yours in (with regret, Yours in (with deep remorse 等。
在欧洲一些国家里,多把Yours 放在 sincerely等词的前面。在美国和加拿大等国,则多用,把 yours 放在 Sincerely 等词之后。Yours 一词有时也可省略。
信末的签名一般低于结束语一二行,从信纸中间偏右的地方开始写。若写信人是女性,与收信人又不相识,则一般在署名前用括号注上 Miss, Mrs.或 Ms.,以便对方回信时知道如何称呼。有的还有署名后写上自己的职称、职务或头衔
信件若有附件,应在左下角注明 Encl. 或 Enc.。若附件不止一个,则应写出2(或3,4,5等)Encls.,例如:
Enc: Resume
Encls:Grade Certificate
8.再启(Postscript, 缩写为 P. S.)
1)Thank you for your letter dated Dec.22,1969.
2Many thanks for your letter of Sept.5,1997.
3A thousand thanks for your kind letter of June 5,1997.
4Your kind letter of November 22th arrived this morning.
5Your letter which arrived this morning gave me great comfort.
6In reply to your letter dated 4th July,I want to say…
7Thank you very much for your letter of August 2 and the gift you sent me on Christmas Eve.
8What a treat to receive your kind letter of May 5th!
9It is always a thrill to see your nice handwriting.
10First of all I must thank you for your kind assistance and high attention to me .
11With great delight I learn from your letter of this Sunday that …
12I wish to apply for teaching position you are offering.
13I am too excited and delighted at your good news.
14I am very obliged to you for your warm congratulations.…
15I am very much pleased to inform you that my visit to your country has been approved.
1)Awaiting your good news,
2Looking forward to your early reply,
3Hoping to hear from you soon,
4We await your good news.
5I hope to hear from you very soon.
6We look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.
7I look forward to our next meeting there in Los Angeles.
8Your early reply will be highly appreciated.
9Any other particulars wanted we shall be pleased to send you.
10The help you give me is sincerely valued.
11I hope everything will be well with you .
12Please let us know if you want more information.
13I hope you always enjoy yourself.
14I wish you very success in the coming year.
15Please remember me to your family.
16With best regards to your family.
17All the best.
18With love and good wishes.
Dear my friend,
I am here writing to your to express my gratitude to you for congratulation.
You mentioned how to improve the translation ability. Now I would like to offer you some suggestions.
The most important factor to be considered is that you must grasp a large.bank of vocabulary, which is the foundation for translation. Secondly, you can try to practice translation everyday. After your translation, you can compare your translation with the given answer. Last but not the least, you must pay very close attention to the difference between the two languages. Differences between laguges must be considered when you are translating.
I am looking forward to meeting you in the near future. Then, we can have a talk face to face. I sincerely hope that my suggestions can be constructive to you.
Truly yours
Beloved father and mother:
How do you do!
If you are the water, then I am the small fish in the water; if you are the blue sky, I am the little bird flying in the sky; if you are the sea, I am the coral reef in the sea.
It is very early to tell you what I have said in my heart. I have never had a chance to tell you about it in the middle of the exam.
When I was born, you were afraid of money and sent me to the countrys aunts house. An aunt to me very well, when I get married daughter, I live very happily. At the age of nine, you sent me to the home of the great man in the city, where I had been suffering for three years because they did not see me as a man. Three years later, back to you, I think I will be very happy and happy, but you...
Because Im not growing up with you, you dont trust me, you know how I want your understanding and trust!
Remember that year, one night, you know that I called the countrys aunt, you gave me a meal, looked at the body of blood, I couldnt help crying, but you are screwing my ears, my heart is very painful, more painful. And let me kneel on the floor brick for two or three hours. You too did not understand me, they bear bitter hardships to bring me up, shouldnt I call them?
You know, how I hope to get your understanding!
On that day, the teacher asked to pay the book for twenty yuan. When I speak to you, your great response, Dad shouted to me: "tomorrow let your teacher to write a check up, is not really to pay!" your mother is saying: "I ask tomorrow!" you know, you hurt her pure heart ah! The second day, the teacher call you, after confirming you dont apologize to me, but that day for money!
You know how I want to get your trust!
Its the wind! You blow a little faster and wake up your mom and dads brain! Let them wake up!
Small fish also need freedom, birds need to understand, and coral reefs need trust, isnt it?
Mom and Dad, just ask the wind to tell you what I think!
Your daughter: X
* * * * year * day
商业英文书信,一般都要求用打字机或电脑整齐地打印,左边各行开头垂直的,称为垂直式或齐头式(Block style),美国常用这种格式;每段的`第一个词缩进去,称为缩进式或锯齿式(indented style),英国常用此格式。垂直式的职务及签名都在左边的边栏界线,这种格式,在极度尊重工作效率的美国公司,已普遍采用,其它英语写作《英语书信格式与称谓的差异》。正式的商业英语书信要在称呼的上方写上收信公司名称和地址或收信人的名字全称、的职务及地址,称为信内地址(Inside address)。信内地址的写法也有垂直式和缩进式之分,垂直式和称美国式将各行并列,缩进式或称英国式将各行依次退缩。
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